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the yang to the worlds yin

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Everything posted by the yang to the worlds yin

  1. theres so much to cherish about school. i mean if you look at all of these subjects their interweiving in so many possible ways. once you find one thread you like, the rest of the weave falls right into place ; ) p.s. pardon my bad analogy
  2. i think the fact that she's on a pne way train to an eating disorder has been stressed plenty here, so i'll just add in my two cents about her weight. if she continues to starve herself or use improper methods as a way of losing weight, her body will take in everything she eats when she does return to normal. making her gain all of that weight back. if she does it the right ahd healthy way however, steadily she can lose that weight for good. now which sounds better to her?
  3. is this what you've reduced yourself too? a great husband who's about to try and purpousely upset the people that lvoe him so he caqn feel good about his marriage again? you know what will happen.... you'll get your reaction, and you'll realise it's not going to feel as good as your thinking it will. you wanna do something about this, get a DIVORCE.
  4. he's most likely 16 based upon the 89 at the end of his name
  5. one thing i've learned, is just let things flow and enjoy the relationship as it progresses. but if you want to be romantic, you could always order her favorite food or something, have it delivered ( chinese is cheap) and then put it on some pretty plates, and sit accross from each other by a candlelight while having dinner and talking. it may help you both to get to know each other a bit more.
  6. i agree, you did nothing wrong, so i see no harm in asking. just be sure to not come accross accusatory
  7. i'd say sit him down and get his side of the story then explain how it makes you feel when he says things like that. but honestly, i'm interested in hearing what others tell you as well, because i'm not entirely sure my advice woyuld work. sorry...
  8. trust me, i know exactly how you feel. although my companion called me needy and downright annoying. =P
  9. your boyfriends wrong and he's being superficial. i'm sure theres things about him that you look past
  10. i used to have that too, i can't remember why though, i think it was asthma related. honestly, i have never heard of a 17 year old girl with breast cancer, but if your honestly worried about it, i'd go to see your docter. they may not even have to examine your breasts based on the description of what your having.
  11. 1. his usual patience for my often over acting and overly sensitive ways. 2. somehow never calls me beautiful when i want him too, but instead does it at the most random and perfect time, making it incredibly sweet. 3. hehe, lets me pick his meals because he knows i love feeling like i get to baby him sometimes =P
  12. in most cases i wouldn't advise this, but she may not tell your brother.. and she may not be being truthful with herself. he needs to know before he catches it as well
  13. at your age, i wouldn't even begin to consider kidney disease, however i'm sure it's notihng to worry about. so go to your docter, see if he/she can figure it out, and then you'll be for certain what it is, but rest assured, i don't think thats what it is
  14. no, you weren't at all. anyone that respects you, wouldn't have behaved in such a way. if your still with him, i suggest otehrwise, because it's clear where his intentions lie.
  15. perhaps your problem is the mere fact that you refer to these females as " targets." sorry, but no one likes to be objectified.
  16. lol, i know how you feel confessoress, at least with that last part at times, he's worth it, isn't he? thats why you work around these things. just remember why your with him when the small things start to bother you
  17. sounds to me like you just want the attention any way you can get it, and this is your only way of getting it.
  18. of course he knew about it. he just didn't want to upset you most likely, just ask him to not take such pictures or keep them.
  19. if he's never seen it before, how did he know about it? he may genuinly have not cared much about the picture. but just tell him for future reference, that things like that hurt you, and that you don't want him to keep such pictures.
  20. perhaps your not all that interested in him, because you have yet tofully recover from your last break up. my opinion, don't rush into any new relationships or men right now.
  21. aside from that, many times jealous feelings can arise and cause serious rifts between the two people. is it worth risking your marriage?
  22. well you have to understand, i'm a very tiny female, so fighting back isn't exactly going to do much. and probably just to a neighbors.. point is,i wouldn't take the risk of trying to beat him up as well
  23. i'm not big on violence, plus i'm pretty sensitive. so knowing me, i would ball my eyes out and run out of the house as soon as i got the chance.luckily i'm with a guy, who i know for certain would never lay a hand on me.
  24. if the capability is in him when he's drunk, it'll be in him when he's sober.
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