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the yang to the worlds yin

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Everything posted by the yang to the worlds yin

  1. the having her watch her family as they did it part, is tacky.
  2. it sounds like you came up with an excuse for yourself, so you could allow yourself to back out of it without ever feeling guilty. if your not ready to go for it, then don't. but if you believe in yourself and your confident that she's deserving of you, and you of her, then go for it, and good luck
  3. charlit is right, any guy that would disrespect your feelings and what you are and are not comfortable with, isn't the right guy for you.
  4. i believe some people naturally don't have them or somehow overcome them. i wouldn't worry about it too much, plus it does have it's benefits.
  5. i agree, med's usually aren't the best. and therapy won't work if you don't believe in it. but you don't have to choose just suffering or death. and you don't need to find solitude in hurting yourself. theres so many other things you can do to help yourself feel better. 30 minutes in the sun helps increase endoprhins o believe, same with excercise, that should help try and steady your brains chemicals, or at least add some happiness to them. but the rest is just you believing that your a good person. now tell me, what are some endearing qualities about your personality or the way you treat others?
  6. i know i'm in a situation with an older guy, but still honey, ten years? don't you worry about why someone so dramatically age different then you, is interested in you? well, it's your life and your choice, just be safe. ( and i DO reccomend telling your parents, considering if your living with them and their responsible for you, they have a right to know)
  7. haha.. sounds like something out of the exorcist.
  8. i understand what your saying, and i didn't mean to imply that gives him right too. but surely she shouldn't EXPECT respect when she herself doesn't show herself any.
  9. whether she orgasms or not, that doesn't mean she still didn't have the time of her life. rather than dwelling on that one aspect look for some other signs that she was getitng pleasure, such as moans, obviousely a big smile, heavy breathing, etc.
  10. 1. i stand firm on the fact that if a women can't respect herself enough to not call herself such a thing, then she gives no man any reason to respect her either. 2. they want this guy thats gonna be exciting and adventurous, but don't care or think about the repercussions of it. this apply's only to those with no self esteem. 3. oh i do that( however i do not care if i'm interrupted) i think it's just a nervous habbit
  11. your an adult, it's purely your choice. but no, i don't think it's wrong at all.
  12. some guys just wrap their arms around your waist and kind of lift you gently while kissing you. i'm 5ft, i should know =P
  13. leave him immediately, you don't deserve to be treated like that at all.
  14. umm, honestly i've never heard of that. you could possibly be throwing off your vagina's natural balance by doing so. have you discussed this with a docter or gynocologist? and perhaps at the same time, they could get down to the reason of why you get such recurring yeast infections.
  15. your 16 but in college? sweetie it sounds like you BOTH like each other. why not just talk to him one day after class and ask him if he does? if nothing else, just pretend like he's not doing anytihng, if you don't give him any response or feedback, he'll get quite bored. when i was back in public school i had a guy pester me as well, nothing i did stopped him, and no teacher helped me. i should have taken my own advice back then =P
  16. nobody likes every trait or characteristic about their partner. but they learn to accept that trait as a part of them, and see the whole picture, not just that one thing. so no, you don't have to love everything about them, but you love them as a whole. thats what's important =)
  17. don't worry, i just single handedly manage to screw mine up too. first i got mad because he didn't call me " sweetie" today, then i got EXTREMELY upset when he was talking about moving in together quite a while from now, like it was afor sure thing, and then he said he was joking about the whole moving thing in( no he was not) and then he said he wasn't, but that nothings ever positive. now i was in a bad mood before he did that whole spiel, you can only imagine how i reacted after he said that. don't worry, my hormones got the best of me too tonight. =(
  18. i know i surely compliment my companion too much.. actually i compliment everyone too much. people need to hear whats great about them though, they deserve to hear it from their friends and family, and on a regular basis. true, sometimes it comes out a bit phony sounding, but if thats the price to pay for people knowing their appreciated, then why not?
  19. maybe she's just too nervous that she's going to do a bad job and disappoint you. the longer she holds off on it, the longer it is before she has to face it.( no pun intended) it's an incredibly nerveracking thing, and your soo afraid that your going to hurt them or do something wrong, so it may just be that she's afraid of letting you down. heaven knows that was always my problem with it =P
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