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the yang to the worlds yin

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Everything posted by the yang to the worlds yin

  1. his friends may want you now, but not for the right reasons. don't do that to yourself
  2. perhaps your just trying to pursue people that you aren't compatible with?
  3. well whatever you do, don't sink to the level of infedility or incest
  4. i've found that if you try and find a hobby to shift your minds focus, that usually helps.
  5. it's because your body's changing. i'm the same way sometimes. don't worry, when the weight came off, i ended up with hips i love. so who knows, maybe you'll get the body you dreamed of, just keep that metabolism up and workout regularly, and you should be fine. by the way, are you on any med's? because when i was your age, a particular medication made me gain quite a bit of weight
  6. yeah it does seem our situations were at one point in time quite similar, but i really do wish you all the best.
  7. when you start to hurt again, re-read the posts in here, stay away from the rest of the forum, trust me... it'll make your mind wander to places you don't want it to. surely made me paramoid before =P and yeah, life has a funny way of working itself out, so don't worry, you'll get through this.
  8. your body may be changing and thats why you've gained the extra weight. every so foten i gain about 5 or 6 pounds and then a few weeks later all the weight just kind of comes off, and i see that my body's matured. so it may just be your body's way of changing during puberty. keep up the healthy eating and excercise though
  9. to be honest, when this happened to me, i couldn't really get agrip so i just kept asking why, well eventually my boyfriend started saying how maybe we'll get back together one day, then later on in the day that led to him asking if i wanted to stay with him. give him some time to realise what he may be losing, and if that doesn't work, then i guess he never knew what he had. it turned out well for me luckily, but i really hope it does for you too. best of luck hun, and don't worry, some things work out for the best even if it doesn't seem so at the time
  10. sorry to say, but it sounds like you've both broken each others trust and really don't know where you stand. if i had been her, and been told the guy i loved slept with another woman i would have been absolutely heart broken, the fact that she took it well, means she's probably just not letting you really into her life anymore
  11. by the way, when it happened to me, we did get back together and we've been doing pretty great for a while now. you may find it'll take some time to rebuild your trust in him, because your afraid of it happening again. but don't worry, that will pass.
  12. it sounds like he may just be scared of his feelings and pretty confused. give it some time, and opefully things will work back out, but my advice to avoid getting your hopes up, don't talk about the future, it sounds great and i know it's gotta bring asmile to your face, but it seems to scare some guys, and so just focus on the present, if he decides to come back. but honey if he's not begging for forgiveness, then think twice about letting him back.
  13. some girls feel the only way to make themselves feel better is to put the rest down. horrible types of people...
  14. and be careful what sort of pills you take, not all of them are safe. is it fda approved?
  15. well it's a very tiny tube, so you don't feel it. i've had like 8 of them put in, lol. and if your ear is giving you a sharp pain, thats apretty good reason to believe you have one
  16. i know my mother does the same, usually i respond by locking the door. but thats not the way to go, just tell her you don't feel like discussing it right now, and if she cares, she'll understand. tell her you'll get over it, it's notihng big, and you'd just like some time to relax
  17. not to mention, you don't really want to force a connection with someone, do you?
  18. don't worry about it, having a companion's a lot of work sometimes, you have to compromise, be considerate of their feelings and just all around be able to work on things. so it's not as easy as it sounds, but definitely worth it. your young, so you've got plenty of time, don't worry, a girlfriend will come
  19. allergic reaction? strep throat? i really am unsure, but i'd definitely suggest getting a docters appointment if it continues to hurt.
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