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Everything posted by MetallicAguy

  1. Well dude, your acting all nice guy. Your even telling me yourself: The main thing that tells me your a nice guy in there is the part where it says "her bf treats her like crap". I'm sorry but you have to get over it, the only guys women will be attracted to (preps, hot chicks lol) will be jerks (guys who treat their women like ****) and guys that "get it", and get it as in knowing how to push women's buttons. Read this article it tells you HOW to push women's buttons and to get it. Article: link removed . Use this everytime your around her I'm 100% sure she'll get attracted to you. The only way to tell is if her behavior around you changes from "friend" to "Intimate". Now from my expierience it's pretty normal for a girl to have feelings for you and be in a relationship, or have two guys she likes. So basically, don't hang around her too much, like do it once a week, call her once a week unless SHE calls, but then just play hard to get and miss her phone calls, hehe. It's not a bad thing though, this is what women play on us all the time and being the wimps we are before reading the article we'd just call her and hang out all the time. Any questions or anything or any problems later on PM me about it.
  2. Well dude, if you ignored my article that's probably what you got from acting like a nice guy. Hey, it's not my fault. Yeah like what suprema said, look back and see and try to figure out the reasons why she broke up with you. Well, if she asked you NEVER to put your arm around her again then 1. that tells me you put some pressure on her right then n' there and probably in the past when you first started dating her. She is probably two-faced if she all the sudden is like this and is a freakin *****. You can tell if all the sudden she acts like this, and before she was all nice. Obviously from what I think, you did something to or make her pissed off.
  3. Well maybe because you went from that "spark of attraction" you gave her when she met you, then it growed and I'm assuming went good then it went to **** because you acted like a nice guy. Like do you use push/pull? That's probably what you need to do to save yourself. Read this article and integrate it into your behavior with women you want to get intimate with: link removed . Any questions on it PM me.
  4. Hey man, did she EVER bring it up about being together in the future? This is your chance to fix it, she's just saying this because your missing a certain quality probably why she wanted to stay "just friends" for now. Well if she doesn't want to do it, she's probably just attracted to another guy I'm thinking. If so, you can probably watch this guy and his actions to adapt some of his qualities, but if you do post his on here so you don't make a fool out of yourself. Well it seems like she still has feelings for you and obviously you still do for her, I guess it's fine if you 2 both have physical interactions IF she's cool with it. I was talking to one of my friends (girl) and she said to respect women, otherwise if she's a ***** she'll go out and tell all of her friends about how your an ***-****.
  5. It's either her way of impressing you. Or it could be her way of subliminally trying to get you to do these things with her. Don't play it back it'll only make you seem like an idiot. You could ask her what is she trying to get out of you by doing this?
  6. These guys are freaks and people you should avoid at all costs or get hurt in the end by it! I'm predicting (lol) that if you stay in this relationship you'll either end up getting raped or pregnant from this low-life loser. And negative people is really bad, I hate them too. "Bad company ruins good character" - The Bible, so thereforeeee reading that, don't see this guy ever again. If he trys to contact you, you can call the cops on him and say he's harassing you or whatever. And other than that he sounds like that insane, coocoo in the head guy who killed dimebag darrell. So basically stay away from this guy, it's bad for your health!
  7. Well she definitely needs to tell someone that can actually do something about it (Parents, Cops). She obviously must be good-looking if some 18 year old pervert molester gets on top of her, so she should be carrying pepper spray and that goes for all other girls in there teens 14+. I'd recommend calling the cops, though I don't know what the police in the UK will do about it. And it's only attempted rape if he puts his y'know what in her, or is trying to have intercourse with her or whatever against her will. Well calm her down, play some calming music. Make sure she doesn't go grab a coke or a beer/anything with alcohol in it, that'll just make it worse. And make sure she tells parents, cops and that guy's parents. Then he'll ready get screwed over hehe, IN JAIL!! lol.
  8. Then you probably have an inner-hate for your family then because they treat you like **** all the time. Ex: the abusive behavior and stealing $$ from you. Like they need it? lol there the ones making the dough so why the **** would they need some from you, that's what a loan's for.
  9. What happens when you get cigarette smoke in your lungs, or second-hand smoke? What symptoms do you get when your around it?
  10. I think it looks really stupid lol, what's it about? If you don't want to say because it'll bring back memories you don't have to.
  11. Like I used to have depression and it would change my behavior and emotions. That could be it?
  12. Well, it could be that your depression has to do with it.
  13. It just sounds like you don't have a great relationship with your family, or you were physically abused or saw some sick **** when you were younger. It's kind of weird to not cry about if someone died or anything. My brother is like that, when my dogs died he didn't cry at all. But since he's really close to my mom if my mom died, he'd cry. I guess that's just how some people are. They are very tolerant about expressing emotions.
  14. Well if you get addicted to Cigarettes, there's always some **** like nicotine gum or something to get you out of it. Sorry, really isn't my strong point subject. . Well hope you get over it.
  15. That's not cheating, that's just caring for someone else at hardship. Cheating is basically pursuing another partner instead of your current one and they don't agree with it. So that's not cheating.
  16. Some people are just like this. It comes in their "pre-hard-wiring". I'm not sure if it's their genetics causing them to be like this or if it's their choice to only be attracted to the physical features. But that is rare, I know everyone likes personality. And like peanut said you love them for inside and out not 1 part.
  17. Wow I wish I had a grandfather like that....and for your friend, why doesn't she believe in God? And she is abusing her body....I guess she will never learn until she gets an STD, unless you can get her some help now. I'd recommend telling a school counselor and remaining anonymous, I'm sure they have a way to get someone who abused their body like hers involved and it'll scare the **** out of her and she'll stop. Well tonight I'll pray that your grandfather is at peace in Heaven.
  18. Everyone thinks about suicide in th teenage years, it's not the answer you will hurt so many people if you do it; it's not the answer. I think you should tell your parents how you feel, like tell them everything. And in the worst case if they don't care which would be really odd, you can talk to your school counselor about how to get your life back on track.
  19. Well if the guy does anything for everyone that kinda seems to make him desperate. That makes him a "nice guy" which from the way I see it, it isn't a good thing. This depression is hammering your self-esteem. If your religious either start being or start developing a good relationship with God and ask him how you can overcome depression. Nearly everyone at your age has depression, so your not alone. So anyway, pray to God about overcoming this apathy, hope you get better .
  20. Well, I guess all you can do right now is comfort, I'd also watch out if he has depression and mood swings....not very good thing to be around .
  21. Approach does matter and you can't tell a girl that you have feelings for her unless she already has the same for you. Otherwise, she is just going to hear it and run away. I recommend reading this article and applying it to any girls (that you want to date) when your out in public. Article: link removed I use it myself and it works excellent. Any questions on it PM me.
  22. Well you pressured her when you asked her out the next day so if she isn't attracted to you, you screwed that up. . Ummm, since you've never had a gf you probably feel awkward around them, correct? And if you know tell me why your ex broke up with you when you were 22. Your probably going to need to know push/pull. I'm too lazy to write it out and explain so here's the article: link removed now just apply this to her and get some confidence, dress good, smell good and I don't see why not she wouldn't be attracted to you.
  23. Seems like he has a crush on you and probably is building up the courage to flirt with you and try to get you to cheat with him. Definitely not a good road to go down (As you probably know). And if he shuts down like that and says "Oh" then he probably does have feelings for you, he might be depressed over that your married, and might be jealous of your husband.
  24. And basically you just have to do things better than them. That's what makes people millionaires, someone doubted they could do something maybe when they were a kid or when they were older then they ended up proving them wrong and being rich
  25. Well start flirting with women more. The more you flirt with them and get to know women and get more friends then what they think of you will definitely be different.
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