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Everything posted by MetallicAguy

  1. Yeah so anyway besides the mild flame wars lol, I think you should listen to muneca, she knows what she's talking about (not saying that as an insult I just think she's right in this situation.
  2. I wasn't saying ALL guys who went to bars are people you should avoid. I was just saying MOST of them.
  3. This guy definitely has issues and is a total idiot. He's another perverted sick **** wanting to lure in girls for sex and other sexual things. Definitely ditch him, or report him to the police.
  4. Meet them through a sport or some horseback riding race competition thing, whatever their called. Just save yourself from getting hurt and don't meet them through the bar or club. Those guys are just in it for the sex. .
  5. Well, (don't want to piss you off you already are from what I can tell) but I think you caused this on yourself. You can't do everything for women, just stating but this drives them away. That's why she was cheating because "you did everything for her" it bored her with the relationship and she went "Well, Screw this" and cheated on you. You shouldn't be mad at women, especially don't be mad at her you could hurt some girl in the future who turns out to be good to you from this. So just be pissed off at the guy she's currently dating. Oh yeah and I have to agree that you did the right thing to call her and she didn't pick up. I read that and thought to myself "What a *****!". Just my advice, avoid those high-maintenance women at all costs next time you get into a relationship. Dont worry, God will get her back
  6. And ask them to hang out if you want to. It's not clingy, you just don't feel like it because your self-image sucks. . They probably are ok with hanging out, people just don't like being around insecure people I guess , that's why you have to hang with people who don't care if you are because most insecure people have a good sense of humor.
  7. Yeah, I agree with Fender Bender. Anyway, I have the EXACT same problem. It's due to insecurities. I can't get over mine so I just live with it. Maybe you come off as annoying because you talk too much, that's what I do and have lost some friends because of it, but so what their jerks anyway.
  8. Umm, I don't think you should and I agree with Belinda's advice. It seems like she just wants to be friends, because you act to "nice guy". I could tell because you held back on telling her. Which isn't bad(because in this situation it was the right thing to do) but you've probably done this on previous encounters in the past.
  9. You have everything to live for, do you have good health? Are you sick right now, when was the last time you were? Do you put a smile on someone's face? You might not know it but someone who probably has a hidden crush on you would be devastated if you died. Think of all the rest of your family you like at least, they'd be crushed as well if you died. Have you ever seen the movie What A Wonderful Life? That is what I recommend you watch for people thinking about suicide. SUICIDE IS NEVER THE ANSWER. It's pretty fogged up right now for you, but you have SO MUCH to live for. If you died people that probably didn't know you or if they were in one of your classes would be sad if you died and wish they knew why you did and would of helped. No one wants a dead friend.
  10. I don't know why this is but girls until there at least 25-30 years old realize that shy guys are the way to go. . And what is so bad about them? They have fear of rejection so what, it doesn't mean that their a bad guy.
  11. The worst thing to do is to talk while her friends are around because they'll be like all Valley girl on you "Like OMG what is HE doing here?!?!" lol. I don't know but they hate that, from what I know it's just bad. Like for example, if you ask out a girl while she's around her friends she will definitely say No (unless you come off as the sexiest guy EVER to her lol which is that little .1% out of 99.9%). And if you pull her away from her friends by asking if you can talk to her for a second, then there is that 50/50 chance instead of that 100% No chance. I guess you could pull her away for a sec, if she says No then she says No. DO NOT try to get back together with her, like buying her things and being a wuss. My friend is a wreck because he does this, and he looks like a total idiot in the process. So my advice is when she's talking ask if you can talk to her for a second, ask her out, if she says Yes go out with her on a date (try to make it casual not the movies dude even though there might not be an idea the movies suck and unless it's a weeper or something like Hitch then it's definitely going to suck, oh yeah and if it's a horror that's fine to, chick's feel like they want to hold their bf when there scared in movies so yeah lol.) If she says No, then move on, it's not like she's perfect in every way, everyone has their flaws.
  12. And it's been a year and first impressions probably have faded. So you could make up some lame excuse like Belinda said and say like "I was just talking to [friend at picnic] and I was laughing then I thought of you so yeah". I guess that works.
  13. Uhh, I think you might have put some pressure on her by IMing her right away or 2 days later (whatever don't know). But she definitely freaked out over it. Should of gave it some more time dude.
  14. You're stressing dude, calm down. Visualize her saying Yes. Then you getting that feeling of joy. Lol, that sounded really stupid but, believe me, I've overcome a lot of things by Vizualizing success. And if you can try to tell yourself she's going to say yes either in your head or out loud. I prefer out loud myself though. This gives you the confidence to not think about your past 2 ex's.
  15. Well ComputerGuy your kinda wrong there, you CAN do something about it. It's called tension. If you haven't already read it in other posts this is how it works: First, you can't attract a girl by doing all these things like talking at the bus stop, doing homework together, and just about everything "friends" do. You can do it though, just it has to be minimal. Why? Because it doesn't attract women. Basically it's the same effect as if you told a really hot chick you had a crush on her for 3 years (LOL) and she has steered clear of your presense. Why this happens? I have no idea, it's just how women are. The way to fix this and to get into a intimate relationship with this girl down your street, is to use push/pull. Very simple, it's just teasing in a playful way. There is 2 ways to use this method. 1. You can compliment her on something, then take it away and make it more of a bad compliment (Ex have the most amazing smile I've seen today!" Girl [blushes]" Guy second thought, you might want to fix that smile, it's kind of like Freddy Krueger combined with Regis Philbin." LOL, it's great fun. Hopefully, you've got some friends with good-looking gf's that could help you out. I bet they do it by instinct and don't even realize this. Any guy can take this simple method that attracts women and integrates it into his own personality. And I mean any guy. Even a guy with an ambition with working at Burger King all of his life flipping Burgers and loves to watch Monday Night Football with his drinking buddies. lol. So I hope you get my point, Good luck man.
  16. Yeah, was she giving you any positive body language? And if you normally do that with women LOL it's bad. Because you gotta to be like "Let's get together sometime" Asking out for a date isn't a question it's a statement demanding an answer. Lol, I don't know if that means a question but, it's only a question when your 13 years old.
  17. Your actually right LOL, he's obsessing over you and your the person with the frisbee and he's the begging dog in this situation. Handle things how you'd like to. lol. He sounds like a mess.
  18. Oh ok I get what your saying then. Ok Riles say what DN wants you to say then.
  19. Idk Riles but if you really want to hook her in tell her that the date was as "magical" as your guys's first.
  20. DN I disagree, though I agree with maintaining cool, knowing the right things to say isn't over-stressing. Good Quote rough is only mental"
  21. I think my idea would be better, though you have the right idea for it. ***Oh yeah and to add to my post (my idea) go with the kiss on the cheek too.
  22. That you had a great time and that it was just as "magical" as your first date. I don't know but that's what I'd say. You'll probably get A LOT of flirting going on between the two of you and her wanting to see you more I'm assuming.
  23. Lol, yeah I was thinking that clothes have something to do with it. And I'm not trying to get drunk sl*ts or club chicks either lol
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