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Everything posted by MetallicAguy

  1. Ok, yeah I'm in my softmore year I had good grades for freshman 3.0-3.1 can't remember one of those. Well that's what I mean about science I know that that kind of science is important because it's human science. This crap about mixing this with this comes out with this conclusion is mindless stuff. And then having to write an essay on how it does this including every detail..I think it's junk right now, hopefully as I progress into my Jr. and Sr. year it'll get better.
  2. I can't seem to see the importance of good grades, my GPA right now is a 2.0 which is bad and I can't get into any good colleges with that. I have no motivation to do good in school because I've always sucked at it (part of why I have a mild depression). I'm horrible at math and I don't know any ways that I can get my grade up...I'm failing it right now . I do not want to go to a community college either, I can't get any good jobs with some degree from a community college. I want to become a psychologist, I have no idea what college would be good for that on the west coast/mid-west. But see my passion to become a psychologist isn't very strong, thereforeeee I have no motivation for school. Basically I go there everyday do the work I don't understand ask the teacher questions and I feel like a dumb*** because I do it like 5 times with an example each time and STILL do not get it. And it's really starting to piss me off because my future is basically ruined. And I can't study for math tests because I've never studied for math in my life and I don't know how I'm really bright actually, I'm good at writing I have a B+ in my history/Social Studies my science/chemistry also sucks, again because I never study for science because it doesn't seem important to me at all and there is no reason to use that crock of s*** in the future. Anyone that's been through high school please help me out, I don't want a s***ty job. And another thing, how do people go to school that are confident popular, and have a good life and maintain these really unreal grades of 3.8- 4.0's ?!?!?!?!?!
  3. Dude, the only way you can tell is through the mixed signals, obviously if this happens every time (Ex: one day you get good attention [hot] another day you get ignored[cold] then it's probably likely she has feelings for you).
  4. Well girls can be pretty cruel to us guys this way. They can mess with our heads and think it's funny to lead us on and show positive signs. So it's probably not likely if she's broken up 2 or more times with you.
  5. Well your dwelling on this rejection, it's not all your fault. She could have been really tired, shy, whatever that day. And you need to learn if the chick doesn't like you there's plenty more out there you just need to look.
  6. The key to being funny I think is to watch a lot of TV and to know a lot about things. Which is mostly watching TV because reality TV shows and stupid cartoons and comedy central have what it takes to be funny. So basically a little insecureness pays off with a little bit of studying. Everyone has there own taste so there not going to laugh at every word you say. I recommend for humor just watch Comedy Central all day lol. And watch some lame *** shows like Friends and The simpsons, and most importantly Family Guy. That's pretty much the funniest cartoon ever made lol. Here's a simple formula for humor: Insecuritys + TV + Creativity = Humor. In mathematical form: I + TV² + C = H.
  7. Catholic Priest LOL, wouldn't that be Micheal Jackson's future job when he's 70? Oh nevermind he's not tall enough he'd look like Smeagol with a Goatee lol. Yeah, I'm 16.
  8. Ace Of Spades-Motorhead Lobby Fight Scene- Matrix Soundtrack Fuel-MetallicA I got nothing else other than that.
  9. Yeah man, sounds like your using it pretty well, keep it up. Over this time period while this a*****e is gone find out what your lacking in the relationship. If you've used this for a year on her and you get no "Points"(like her getting really intimate with you, sexual favors, etc.) then she definitely wants this guy for the money or just wants to screw him. Oh yeah, I haven't really used much of the push/pull on many girls since they always have there attention on another guy or their bf, how's it working for ya?
  10. Thanks dude, still it's hard for me to find a girl that is hot in both personality/physical category. And it's like they don't seem attracted to me which is really odd. I mean girls will be attracted to me but they'll just be not my type. Maybe that's something I am projecting through my clothes....and Gauchori lmao, "go to sears and buy some clothes." "wait im ruining it...try e-bay" LOL.
  11. Your more likely to die on anti-depressants and to get s***ty sleep than you are without them. I have the same thing as you, I don't get called alot in fact I hardly do it doesn't bother me. It seems as though no one loves you. I think that's it if I'm correct. Are you religious, you can talk to God, go to church. It's pretty mentally refreshing to go to church it takes you off your worries and everything. Or you can go out and start dating people. You need to realize that this relationship with this guy is over and you only still like him because he was playing hard to get on you and you fell for it and it landed you nowhere (which girls are instinctively attracted to). So your best bet is to go get some faith in God and get a bf.
  12. Dude, [sighs] you can't get a girl to like you be "calling and hanging out alot" if you haven't already known this, a girl doesn't want to be called and hanging out alot, once a week for each is fine, and use some push/pull aka making fun of her in a playful way. And you two are going out and she wants to remain loyal to some other guy. What a b****. She is using you while some other guys gone for a year. Pfft, what an idiot. Anyway, plan C will work good BUT while using Push/Pull which is making fun of her in a playful way. It's not hard, go watch a friend of yours who gets all the girls, what he does, is listen to what they have to say and he uses push/pull and maintains good eye contact, doesn't look like a slob. Anyway, she needs to get over this loser gone for a year. If I were him I'd break up with her before I left. And she's not going to stop remaining loyal to him until he gets back so yeah But still if he's on some vacation over in Cancun or whatever, some paradise or another country, state,etc. You know the guy's most likely going to be checking other women out, and maybe flirting with em. See the way to get this girl is to develop some deep sexual tension with her then act like she doesn't mean much to you. Then your playing hard-to-get which women play all the time on us (Example: Guy chasing girl in relationship, which is what I think is going on right now except she's not really she just still has feelings for the guy gone for a year in Candy Land lol). Then from there I think your all set for a good relationship with her. Good Luck!
  13. I saw this thing on the news quite a long time ago on what they do. Though this operation is pretty pricey though . They take what makes the snore (a muscle in your throat that flaps when you breath in and out when sleeping) and they take out this muscle and they insert what looks like a piece of silicon or a soft plastic into what used to be the flap and you stop snoring, I think the operation is around $3,000.
  14. Yeah man, I totally agree with you and I wish women were more real about picking people to go out with. They'll date some total clueless moron with some nice clothes and childish humor. But not me....Hmm..really annoying, most women are superficial I guess or maybe I'm looking at the wrong types of women. I have no idea.
  15. I don't really get them on my neck. Just face and some of lower ears and a bit under the chin. And how much does a aestetician cost?
  16. Thanks annie and Inspiration, Oh and I found out why clothes are important to a girl; it tells you something about your personality, I should of known lol.
  17. Does anyone know what can clear up what I call these "after-life zits" which are inflammatory marks when you used to have them really bad.
  18. Zits are a pain in the ***, they degrade my self-image massively since I've had them soo long. I have these inflammatory marks that will never clear up no matter what I do so it looks like I have a lot of zits but actually I have 5. Oh yeah I typed 34 on the other post I meant 5, don't know how I did that.
  19. 6'0 inbetween compact and medium build, zits are kinda like all over the face i currently have 34 that I have counted lol, I have hair that goes over my forehead and almost in my eyes and a flip in the back, and I have blue eyes and a medium-size head.
  20. Well, I don't have a digital camera so I can explain what I wear, I wear some A&F, Ecko(BLUE JEANS NO GANGSTER STUFF NOT THAT BAGGY, actually kinda tight like those old school skaters), some MetallicA shirts lol, some basketball clothes (T-shirts and shorts, shorts are baggy, T-Shirts aren't). And that's basically it. So basically my clothes suck, what do you girls recommend wearing for a 16 year old?
  21. #1 thing is touching. That's the strongest form of flirting for like the past 10 centuries or whatever lol. So basically he still has feelings for you, but it definitely is the mood on that certain day. Or it isn't the mood on the day and he's just playing back what women do all the time to us. (Hint: Mixed Signals).
  22. Probably like "I know you love me a lot, I do too, seriously I do. But there is no spark in this relationship because you do it way too much, if you can give it off bit by bit, you could give me back my strong feelings for ya." I guess that or something similar to it will work. You just have to show that you REALLY do care for her, or otherwise I think it'll seem as an insult.
  23. what rvr said is basically what I was trying to explain lol.
  24. When he was in the relationship where it had 4 break-ups before you guys started talking on your birthday, he was trapped in this relationship like it was killing him because he didn't know what to do. So that's why he broke up 4 times. That's why he still has feelings for you, I mean if someone had 4 break-ups that wasn't "trapped" then he wouldn't still have feelings for you.
  25. I'm thinking our not feeling this "spark" man, is because she treats you SO well like you said. Same thing goes for women. They don't like to be treated like princesses 100% of the time *cough Paris Hilton. lol. So tell her to stop worshipping you and you'll probably get this spark fulfilled.
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