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Everything posted by MetallicAguy

  1. Yeah, 1899 is totally right. But I hate settling for unattractive girls But what causes High-maintenance in women? I could never really figure it out.
  2. She's just a miserable person, you want to keep these people out of your life. It'll only make you miserable staying around here. There is definitely people better than her. Stop contacting her and let her be stuck in her ****** mood.
  3. Yeah, no problem that's what I'm here for. Oh yeah if I'm doing a good job with advice PM me or tell me in the forum. I want to become a psychologist so I want to know how I'm doing on here.
  4. I think if your ever in a situation like this, if you fall into thinking of your ex, immediately think of something funny/positive and do this for as long as it takes and your thought of "demons from the past" will slowly fade away. Hope it helps.
  5. Yeah, you could say that. You could say "Could you plz stop coming it hurts way too much to see you, I'm sorry I didn't want to hurt your feelings"
  6. Well my advice to forget about this guy, is to stop keeping in touch. Just stop talking to him, their's always another person out there looking someone like you, it just depends on yours and theres motivation to do so.
  7. Exactly what I was trying to explain she's a loser. Anyone that calls you a loser is just jealous of what's on their plate right now. They carry a lot of baggage because they never really made it through life successfully. I'm surprised that ***** even went to college with what she does (drinking and screwing).
  8. lmao, dude you can insult her on everything, you said she a heavy drinker and has roughly slept with 150 men LOL!!. (Example) text message you could say, "Well actually I have great ambition for my life and your just jealous that I'm more happy with my life. You appear to be all sad, since your a heavy drinker. You also can't find the right **** size, what *****(hint would sleep with 150 men. I think my life is better than that. I guarantee you have an STD." I mean the list can go on, if she ever pisses you off again just insult her on her own problems lol. Though I recommend you don't though, like you said it is childish which is true. You could say "Well, I'm thinking you still have feelings for me because your wondering what I'm up to". Basically next time she sees you out in public or if she's talking to you in person and she disses you or whatever, just smile and say "Thank You" LOL it pisses people off so much when you do this. It's called Reverse Psychology and it can do amazing things. When I was a kid I did this all the time to school bullies and they'd just leave me alone after I did this and they thought there was no way they could ever get revenge on me.
  9. That is just about the worst thing to do. You give off bit by bit by flirting and body language to let her know how you feel, you don't let it all out you release your pressure and you pressure her. It may feel good for you but she just sits there and goes "Uhh idk what to do, I'll run away", I did exactly what you said to do dreynolds when I was really young and the girl just told me "Oh...well I have to go now" then she just left me there sitting there wondering "What in the **** did I do?", it's called releasing the tension; bad thing to do. Clingy wimps do that (no offense), and I used to be like that and I never want to be like that again because I never got any closer to a girl from doing that. Though I think dreynolds is right about this though;
  10. Well yeah, do what you feels best but also use that method. And dreynolds, how did it not work for you in the end or whatever happened? Seems to work for me I've never had anything bad come from it.
  11. Well, I think your doing the right **** your doing the same things I'd do . Except you need to take it down a notch lol. Like don't put too much pressure on her, bad enough she's new to the school. That DOES NOT mean you CAN'T stop asking her questions and such I recommend you keep doing that. Also if you want to spare that life-wasting time trying to get her to fall in love with you, you can do it the fast and easy way. It's called creating sexual tension aka push/pull, simplest way to get women. Ask any guy who gets a lot of women, just watch him. He just does it by instinct and probably doesn't realize he's doing it! So read this article because I'm too lazy to type all of it and I've explained it too many times lol. Article: link removed . Now don't be afraid to use it, it might sound like a bunch of BS at first but I'm telling you this stuff is 100% grade A real. Just take the time to let it settle in your mind and you should be able to get women and attract them to you with ease. Good Luck!
  12. 1. How to gently ask her out: It's very simple man. Heres an example that works, you can use it if you want I do all the time (since your already friends this'll work "Hey let's get together sometime go out for [movie, coffee, restuarant, anything]". You can't say like "You want to" that just sets you up for "No." 2.How to know if she likes me than more than just a friend?: Well there can be lots of things to tell. The easiest way is body language. You'd have to tell me if she was touching you alot and what she does when she's around you I can't tell you be guessing haha. ASKING IS BAD DON'T DO IT. 3. Should I ask her to go out for coffee or a movie? **** yeah you should. Just use my example to ask her out above. (See #1). 4. Should I tell her about my feelings right now or how? NO DON'T, she'll only run away. It's bad to tell a girl these things unless your 100% sure she feels the same way. You can by flirting. Example: If she's talking about a guy or something and how good the guy looks etc. You can say "Well that just makes me more jealous " And while your around her YOU HAVE TO ACT LIKE IT DOESN'T BOTHER YOU. Anyway, you can get her to start liking you by using push/pull. People that are in classes for Drama in High School and College use it all the time in romantic plays/stories, except it's slightly different. I'm too lazy to explain it because on this forum I explain it to everyone with this problem so lol, here's an article on how it works. (WARNING: Use this correctly and a girl will do anything for you lol, and I mean like ANYTHING, you'll be on her mind 24/7) Article: link removed so read that up. After about a week of usage on her, or 3 days is usually when it begins, you will notice some behavior changes in her while she's around you. Now just use this until it integrates into your mind like a deep scar, and still after that keep using it lol. I can't stress on how important this is to getting women. So basically follow the answers to these 4 steps and she's yours dude. Good Luck and have fun teasing around with her haha.
  13. Ignore your relatives, they don't help. It lets off the stress from this anyway if you ignore them. And tell your relatives he didn't treat you right, and everything. Tell them that "Looks can be deceiving". It also lets off the stress if you talk to someone you trust or God. Well hope you get over this jerk. And they aren't siding with him they just don't know anything about the relationship.
  14. Well since French and Italian are both latin-based languages if I were you I'd find French and Italian easier. Czech is kind of slavic type stuff and it's a bit hard. Plus latin languages are easier anyway. Go with Italian.
  15. Yeah, I don't have the time nor money to go out and buy clothes so yeah. I'm stuck wearing the boring things I've always worn .
  16. I hate these kind of people they absolutely have no life any fun whatsoever! this girl is a total jerk. I mean she could of at least lied, if I were you I'd take that really personally and be really pissed off. I'd dump her. She's the kind of girl that grows old and irritable and miserable with someone else miserable and irritable, and they look back on their lives and think to themselves "Wow I was such an ***#0!*, I'd do anything to be nice to him/her again". So just move on with your life tell her how she pissed you off, pretty bad and dump her. I already have a hate for her and I don't know her lol, it just reminds me of some people I once knew that were exactly like this...
  17. Your stressing out man, it's fine if you miss her just buy her some roses and give her a warm welcome when she gets back! She doesn't think your sad, if she did understand it, then it just means that you just miss her. Does she know you like her, you 2 going out? But I think that away message was more positive then negative so I think your ok. Alright well hope all goes well. Make sure next time you see her you buy her some roses and hug her, it's great for not seeing someone ya like in a long time.
  18. You can't be "nothing but nice", nice is bad! Well, dude you should of used the push/pull I taught ya. And your cutting her out of your life, then why are you wondering why she broke up with you? lol. This "I still have feelings for you so lets be friends" is a bunch of crap, that's a lie it's just her way of saying "Well, it was kind of fun while it lasted but thanks for letting me run that credit card of yours through that ATM machine again and again". If she started dating that fast after she broke up that tells me 3 things; 1. The relationship between you and her was boring the **** out of her. 2. She's a high-maintenance *****. 3. She likes to use guys as her doormat and a person to rely on for paying for her lard *** lol. So in your next relationship, don't give in to her needs, "I want to go out to a fancy dinner tonight" substitute for a decent restaurant. If she wants to be kissed lean in like your going to and pull away, then kiss her later. Make sure your dating someone that's worth it. Keep on dating these high-maintenance but attractive women (Who can blame you, we all fall for it. lol) then you'll get more and more of crappy feelings left over. And don't be a woman's doormat. It's ok to say no, just like that Capital One commercial with David Spade lol. Plus if you want to test out her love for you, DON'T go out on a date, sit at home and watch a movie, that doesn't really cost you much, if she really liked you she wouldn't care! Other than that I think you can recover, just next time meet a nice girl, lol.
  19. Really obvious she likes you. Well, I guess if your interested in her you can start talking to her if you want. If you still aren't sure if she definitely 100% has a crush on you then "read her eyes". The eyes tell everything. But anyway, it's pretty obvious she has a spark of interest. I'm tellin' ya, women can get attracted to anything, whether it be your laugh, sense of humor, basically anything! So she's pulling that push/pull on you by telling you that you WERE flirting with your friend, and of course everyone should know this but if someone starts asking you personal questions and you don't know them very well then they're interested. Anyway, good luck.
  20. Look, when you break up, something went wrong and in this case I think it's his problem, so what I think is avoid these kinds of people #1. 2, there is someone ALWAYS better than your ex, it just depends on how motivated you are to find someone else.
  21. Yeah, she definitely wants to talk to you, well if you like her get her phone number, I'm pretty sure she won't hold back with those signs!
  22. Basically you need to stop being a nice guy and prevent yourself from being supplicated by women (if you aren't good but if you are; change). You don't attract women in that "spark" of a way because you never got the motivation to 1. Ask them out, 2. Create Sexual Tension. Now you probably don't know what sexual tension is, but it's basically a method that can be used 2 ways. 1st way: Compliment a girl on something, then take it back but don't make it cruel or really mean, but don't make it seem nice either. 2nd Way: She says something about how she looks etc. and you say "Well it doesn't look all that bad"...then later on: "Actually that is a horrible haircut, barely a step above a Nazi full shave" LOL. But see it doesn't have to be that mean I just couldn't think of another way to say it. Get what I'm saying? Now go approach women, create some sexual tension and get her number or email!!
  23. But Kitz, color co-ordinating your clothes looks weird. For me it just seems stupid. And I don't have much clothes that "match" anyway.
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