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Everything posted by Jimbo10

  1. The only way you can get over theses ex's is by continuing on, and getting new gfs. Otherwise, you will just sit and dwell on the past for months longer! Just ask her out! It's the only way you can forget! PS: I noticed your name is Fallen Angel, you a fan of that Walter Dean Myers book? It's ausome! Or maybe it's just a coincidence haha Welcome to eNotalone Good luck Jimbo
  2. well, that could well be true, but here is what I think She still loves you, she just isn't IN love with you anymore. She misses you because your friends as well as ex-lovers. It'll take time, maybe you could try the friendship thing! Good luck
  3. I'm having a crappy few weeks myself. Bad stuff is happening in my life. You just really need to look ahead (TGIF) Jimbo
  4. There is always a chance someone has falsly reported abuse. I hope that is the case, and nothing is up with your sister you don't know. IF that is the case, there will be a serious follow-up investigation as to whome did this to your sister. If they are found guilty, they will be in a butt load of trouble! I reaaally hope all goes well. Try and remain calme, have a glass of wine Good luck Jimbo
  5. Well, if she says no, (i really hope she won't) concider going for her friend. She might be a better person than you originally thought!
  6. Hey pal. I've been regected with excuses before, and they hurt, but to be honest, I don't think you actually got the long winded NO that your think you did! You took it too harshly in my opinion. I really can't say that for sure, and other might think it really was a NO, as well, I don't know you or her, but heres what I think. She gave you a NO for now...meaning you play your cards right, I think you can make her fall for you! Be a flirt, hang out with her as much as you can, be yourself...all that cleche stuff that'll give you a shot at her. If you just give up, that'll be your moto in life. If you fail once, try and try again. I don't want to sound corny, (it's probably too late 8) but PLEASE don't give up now man! You said it's cause your short, well what I think is that a lot of the time, your physical appearance is one of the main factors in judging at first site, so what you need to do is to show her who you are as a person. IMPORTANT: Trust me, when you know someone, how they appear to you can completely change. The most attractive girl can look kinda gross if they are a bad person, and vice versa!! Good luck, and keep your stick on the ice!
  7. I always try and be as calme as possible. I always keep my conposure, and don't loose my cool, but it's become very hard these last few weeks As you've read, my life has been really sad resently. My best friends mom has cancer, and my counsilor told me she didn't think I could accomplish my life long goal of being a doctor! But today takes the cake. One of my firends house's burn't to the ground! Her pets died, everything is gone! I want to help so bad, but don't know how to! I feel like someone is after my life. Why is everything wrong going on at once? I think I am going nuts, I really can't wait to leave the continent to Europe in 3 weeks, but I really don't know how I am supposed to cope like this until then! I just need advise on handling this new situation, and my life in general! Someone stop me if I am being a boob!
  8. I tried once, it was basically the burn that kept on burning, i think trimming is a much better idea!!!
  9. Linkin Park! The Swingset Champions -(actually punk rock, just doesn't sound like it haha) Blink 182 POD
  10. It sounds like because your wondering how long it's going to take you, your really actually over it. A week or two really isn't long, but it's when you feel like it, there isn't a set time Good luck!
  11. I think in this case, you gotta play a little hard to get. When he calls last miniute, say you can't, you made plans Xdays ahead of time. If he is interested, he'll figure it out quickly he can't just use you as a last miniute date, it isn't fair to you, and he can't go on thinking that way. He'll learn, I betcha he picks up quickly too!
  12. How 'bout Sum 41? Metalica is pretty good Modest Mouse--check them out, not my fav. lol-I looked on my iPod to see what was under the Punk and Punk Rock genre, and to my surprise, a lot of Green Day was there too..i donno if it is or isn't really, but some of their songs kinda are.
  13. I understood the post Girl, you need to get your butt off drugs and in school. Otherwise...your life IS going to be sad, and full of more disapointment. School isn't just about education, you also get so many skills for life
  14. That's messed up! What a pig eh? Don't waste anouther single miniute with that desparate pervert! He has problems you shouldn't bother trying to fix. And i'm sure that what he's shown you isn't the last of it, he's probably got more sick tricks up his sleave too! Get out!
  15. Haha, your right man! That guys a joke, and i'd rather be overwieght than a scary looking dude like he is any day of the year!
  16. Just to get this straight, are you saying he is a good friend who is married, or are you saying he is a good friend who is maried too, like yourself??? But either way, maried people should be steared clear of. Messed up things can happen! You don't want to be a house breaker, and in worse case senario, let's look at the case of Lacy Peterson, and the girl Scott (guilty) Peterson was dating... (i know, that's far-fetched but it happened once....) I'd just basically forget this one, it's not worth doing this to his family!
  17. I tried to find the first post, but I forgot what I titled it A little while ago, I posted I was troubled because my best friends mom has breast cancer, and either he didn't know, or wasn't talking. Just now, on MSN he told me. I really want to say something without sounding corny, and I don't want to even mention how serious it is, it's really aukward!! What should I say, how should I take this. I really want to be there for him, I feel SICK to my stomach!!! Now I'm stressing about this, I think I'm going to throw up. News like this is just like getting kicked between the legs. It seems like so many people I know have these run-ins with cancer!!?!! What would be a good thing to say to cheer him up, or show my feelings without being...corny or sounding forced. I'm not great at communicating the sympathy emotion with other guys (actually i'm just terrible! ), maybe some of the girls can gimme a hand? .....ug i'm sooo sick of all this crap going on everywhere I turn! nothing positive has happened to me for a good 3 months
  18. As far as I hear, many women can not reach orgasam and climax through intercourse. Some can't initially and later do, some just never can. Hint: If you really can't orgasm through intercouse.... whisper* maybe fake it...*whisper
  19. lol BMI Like Arnold Swartisnawefja;lrkgjarl;g ----you know the Terminator with the hard to spell last name.... He said if BMI's were correct he'd be clinically obese hahaha!
  20. I don't think that's right What would really be wrong would be to fake a relationship. Don't do that! If you don't enjoy your relationship, why would you stay and break someones heart even worse, and waste even more time??? Don't do that! I think if things arn't going right, end it sooner than later, otherwise someone is going to end up a lot more hurt than is necsisary! Just my 2 cents Jimbo
  21. Usually just talking about your day can occupy a ton of time. Talking about other people (gossip is bad..but what the hey) can go on and on! Talk about school, or work, people you know, what your doing , what you want to do on the weekend, the latest gossip, good books, music, dream about the future, talk reality about the future, listen to her talk about her day/school/work ect.
  22. I had a dream one time I was a king, and I could have any woman in the world..... I was so bumbed when I woke up!!!!
  23. I think it is deeper than that, but nice try What the crash did was scare the living crap out of you, for lack of a better term.... You have a new fear of crahsing, and it's outcomes, which is completely understandable. For instance, I once saw a lady on TV who couldn't make left turns since her car crash while making one..... i'll come back to her in a sec You, on the other hand, have taken this scare, this near death experience differently. Your fears come out in your nightmares (much more common than an inabillity to complete the same task that was happening when the accident happened!). Like the lady who became incapable of making a left turn, you really have little choice than to talk about your fears with a proffesional. You don't want these nightmares haunting you any longer, and it is most likly a phycyatrist could help you overcome your fear. I'm sure this is just one option, but I hope you chose what works best with your personallity. Good luck Jimbo.
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