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Everything posted by Jimbo10

  1. I've got a friend who's asking me and I really havn't the slightest clue Can anyone lend me a few pearls of wisdome? . Thanks Jimbo
  2. very well put. A lot of the time, flirting just kinda works it's way into the conversation.
  3. You know what I think? If you really are head over heals for her, your only option is to start up a conversation ASAP!!! Maybe her car's just broken and she needs to take the train for a few days. Maybe she's quitting her job! If so, you may never see her again, and neither you, nor I want to hear about that. The only choice is that next time you see her you'll say hello, and ask where she's working. I really think that is the only chance you have, especially if she is too shy! Please, just talk to her for your sake and hers! Good luck, and keep your stick on the ice Jimbo
  4. haha it sounds like your feeling like a teen again. Usually can't do it at either's place. How about in cars? I know you can't just do it anywhere, but I think you could manage a car if it's really not enough for ya how much longer is this going to go on? when is your wedding?
  5. First off, good for you!!! That's great. My mom has lost about that much since sept. with wieght watchers. Basically, drink tons of water! For exercise, swimming would be good, but you hafta get your heart rate up and keep it up for at least 15 miniutes! You could try power-walking (if you don't jog, no biggy, power walking can be a great excersise too) Good luck! Jimbo
  6. I like somewhere in the middle. I don't like pasty girls that blind you, but I don't like girls who look totally fake. There is this one girl in a class of mine; she'd be the hotest girl on earth if she didn't have this really ugly looking bronze tan. Most of the time, girls look really good just a little darker than their natural skin tone, just cause; i really can't explain why hehe, just accept that much. But I wouldn't promote girls trying to turn black tanning. It's not healthy, which is obviously the most important factor, and looks bad. Are you thinking about tanning cream or a tanning salon?
  7. thanks guys, I really appreciate all the words of encouragement, truly Jimbo
  8. HAHA that's so gross it's funny june lmao
  9. Thanks all, You know I love ya June4life I really appreciate your comments, and understanding. I'll get through it, just like you all have done at tough times in your life. That's pretty terrible June. I'll think I'll write a song! Expressing myself is a great idea, hazlcha!
  10. When girls at my school started wearing them (it was fairly apparent ) I asked if they were uncomfortable (to one of my friends who is a girl, i'm not a pervert). And, apperantly they are extermly comforable But, just like when we men switch from tighty whities to boxers, it is a little weird at first. My boss was telling me they are actually really really comfortable, they just take some getting used to. If your gf is to scared she'll hate them to buy them herself, get some for her. She'll apreciate it, and you probably will to
  11. As many of you know, recently bad stuff has been going on. You can check my older posts, but i've had a friends house burn down, another friends mom diagnost with cancer, it goes on. And evrey time it's felt like yet another kick between the legs. Today, I found out that not only did my cousins dog die, but much more sadly, a friend of my best friend, I sort of knew died today. There was surgery complications on his shoulder, and he died of a blood clot. I know everyone has down points in their lives, i feel really weaek right now. I'm running on 4 hours sleep, a little food and a lot of bad news. How do you guys go on in times of your lives that feel like your just down and out? I just need more words of encouragment to help me get up in the morning. Jimbo
  12. Nice, then I'm skipping shaving every other day I just do the unshaven look cause I'm sooo lazy about shaving. I think I want to grow a gotee now that you've said you gals like it! Anyone else think mustaches are dead?
  13. I was thinking like goddess too. I got out of the shower the other day and wanted to konw why I'm always attracted to girls I can't have!! double you tee f?
  14. i can't believe this is being debated ](*,) I mean, who wants blood all over them? It soudns nasty, it looks nasty, it'd taste nasty if your into the 69ers and most of all, it'd be a damned mess! It's only a few days, I'll be jerkin my own wernkin then
  15. I agree with DN 100%. Those comments are sexist, but don't jeapordize anything, just bring them to light gently.
  16. hehe. Interesting? no kinda gross, but it's twice in a small perioud of time.....say your trapped in a canyon with your arm crushed against a 2 ton boulder (like the true story of the guy in "Between a rock and a hard place). Then, if you really must drink it to stay alive, you can drink your urine 2 times. If your still without water, I'd say your screwed lol. I didn't mean just 2 times in your whole life, but i would hope you'd never been in a situation where you'd hafta drink your urine for the first time, let alone a second ([-o
  17. hehe, soda'll keep ya going if it's gotta, it's got water (amount other things like SUGAR hehe) People have lived in critical situations by living on their urine. You can drink it 2 times if you hafta before it is toxic. Read "Between A Rock and a Hard Place" PS. That's funny youve been here a month, never saw ya lol.
  18. I don't know who says 11 days haha, it's much more than true!!!! In the medical world, there is what is called "The Rule of Two" It means: You can go about 2 miniutes without air You can go about 2 days without water You can go about 2 weeks without food So, 11 days without water and you'd be a shrivled, dead mess. Trus me, it's true. If you want look it up, but don't try and prove me wrong. 11 days is soooo much longer than how long you can last w/o water. Your body is 80% H2O, you can't live without it long. EDIT: Ok, apperently it's 3-4 days, but they still use the rule of 2 to be general. Take a look link removed So whoever said you can go 11 days was waay off. Anyway, havn't met ya yet, Welcome to eNotalone Jimbo
  19. I often go days without shaving. I like the scruffy look, and I'm too lazy to shave in the morning. I'll try and throw a pic on like somone asked
  20. The key is as follows Keep your cool! If you flip out and go around saying: "Let me go to the dance with Jimmy or I'll kill myself" they'll treat you the age someone who'd say that would be: A little kid If you act more calme, and more mellow, they will treat you the age of someone who'd do that: An adult Listen, my friend is just starting to get over a really bad case of moma's boy/over protection. He is winning an uphill war by being calme. If he is done an injustice, he looks at his mom/dad in the face and says, "that's not right" or "no" The most commonly used frase by teenagers is..geuss what.."that's not fair". Basically, it is usless, about as usless as the words sorry are to a chick who just got cheated on; catch my drift? So don't bother with it. Try saying other stuff in a respectfull manor. Comprimise, and handle everything like an adult. The sooner you act that way, the sooner they will treat you that way. Good luck! Jimbo
  21. Hey, I konw what it's like to loose grandparents!!! A few year back, I lost BOTH my grandfathers, AND my great grandfather within 9 months, all of unrelated issues. I swear I am the luckies guy alive to have known these two. One, a war hero who was still the gentlest person you'd ever met, I have more respect for that man than anyone ever to grace god's good earth; the other, absolutly the brightest person i've met in 17 years, with a huge heart. To this day, there is no 2 people I admire more than my two grandfathers, as well, i really wish I'd know my GreatGrandpa better. I'm actually crying writing this. Grandparents are like parents, who know better! So for that, I am truly sorry. If you need to talk to someone about it, maybe I can help. You already know it, but he is in a better place. And someday, you will go fishing with him again. He is with out father, our saviour, and someday you will be too. Your in my prayers Jimbo
  22. I see that now. My bad, just misread it i guess. Doesn't hurt to say it, it's not that widly known anyway!
  23. If your asking to say that you love her, you need to spend some more time on this. When you are ready to say it, it'll just come. Your heart and mind and soul will all let you konw I hope you are in love! Jimbo
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