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Everything posted by annie24

  1. Well - he just graduated, and I heard from a mutual friend that he will be moving out of the country in a few weeks, so I wanted to wish him well. I know that he's out of town right now. I e-mailed yesterday, but I haven't gotten a reply yet.
  2. I knew a girl several years back who was stunning. She actually had a side job as a real life Barbie Doll at KayBee toystores during promotional events. But - she was smart too. Graduated in the top 5% of her class in college. Sweet and funny and nice and all that. But, guys rarely asked her out, probably because they assumed she was already taken.
  3. Dreams are just remnants of your thoughts during the day. I wouldn't contact your ex so soon after the breakup. I also have dreams about exes sometimes. Actually - I had one a few days ago, so I sent my ex a short e-mail. (we broke up 6 months ago though....) What is it you'd like to say to your ex?
  4. alrightly - here's what I would do: Call him and ask him to do that group thing with you and your friend. If he says yes, great! If he comes up with an excuse - then, I would just drop it. Chances are, if he doesn't want to go, he won't say he doesn't like you in a romantic way. He'll say he has to work, or he'll be out of town, or something like that. I say, he knows your phone number, he knows you're a nice girl, he can call you the next time he wants to hang out. And, if he doesn't ask you out after that, then it's NEXT!!! Good luck!
  5. Hi and welcome to eNotalone! Where: neck, shoulders, back, belly. Just experiment. See what she likes. Go slow. Good luck!
  6. I strongly agree with what Kungfu and Ilse said. I think that's fine - to decide you don't want to date anyone else until after you've finished high school. But, staying around with him in the meantime... yeah.... it's not about the lockers like ilse said. By avoiding the bf/gf title, he's avoiding responsibility for your feelings. You have to evaluate if you are happy. If you are not - then trust me - your remaining time in high school will be better spent getting over him, so when you get to college, you can be emotionally ready for a new relationship, instead of spending your freshman year mourning the old relationship. Good luck!
  7. Ahhh - I have always fallen in love with scorpios! So passionate! I'm a cancer, perfect match... Uhh... I dunno - why don't you try it and see if it works? Actually .... yeah.... I don't think it would work that well. Just say hi. Or, go to my last post, and click on this link! link removed
  8. Your ex is not a magnolia tree and your dad sounds like he can be a bonehead at times! Nevermind what he said - parents have a knack for sometimes saying the wrong things. My mom bought me a birthday cake for my 20th birthday, but told me I should only have a few bites, because I needed to lose some weight. Thanks for the happy birthday mom! Don't worry - we all say stupid things sometimes. Forget about what your dad said. Just keep working on the healing. Good luck!
  9. So - I was thinking about this. The whole reason us girls get hung up on bad boys early in our dating lives because they are the ones with the confidence/arrogance and they have the guts to walk up to a girl and ask her out. We are drawn to their confident attitude, and we worship them. In the meantime, the "nice guys" are still developing their confidence and maybe haven't worked up the guts to ask the girl they like out. For example, this one guy I was friends with all through high school, finally told me on graduation day that he had feelings for me for the last 4 years. Err.... he could have told me earlier!
  10. Well ... maybe not wrong, but you could find yourself waiting a looooonnggg time for them to break up with their bf or gf. Are you willing to put your life on hold? It's not unheard of - people break up all the time, as you can see on this site here. And, I'm sure that some of these people wind up dating friends they've known for a while. But - how long can you afford to wait?
  11. I know - you've known him for a while - but as you can see - both you and he freaked out because of the whole thing. And it's scary! 13 year olds having to deal with the possibility of being parents. I think it may be better to wait until you can deal with the possible consequences of sex. Yes, if you have sex, you can get pregnant. It's what sex was made for! If you can't drive yourself to the doctor, or pay for your own birth control or pregnancy tests, you shouldn't be having sex. You will not feel bad that you waited.
  12. Ditto to what LD and Avman said - you're probably just nervous. The condom most likely worked, and women don't typically get symptoms like those so early. It may just be nervousness. On another note, the vinegar in a cup of pee thing does not work. Take a home pregnancy test in a few weeks, for piece of mind. Good luck!
  13. Oh god. Swingers. 6 day rule sucks! I've said it over and over. It's lame. It actually decreases my interest, not increases. It makes me think, "this guy got bored, came accross my number, and the girl he really wanted to hang out with this weekend turned him down, so now he's calling me." Or, I think, "he's insecure, he watched swingers, and he thinks 6 days will make him look cool." Call her today or tomorrow - tell her about the party or whatever. The phone call shouldn't be more than 10-15 minutes. Short and sweet. Good luck!
  14. hehehe.... peer pressure! Ah... I don't have an ex I need to do NC on, but if I did, I would join you! 30 days - sounds like a sound plan. Happy No Contact!
  15. Ok - please don't yell at me guys! I just wanted to interject that several dating books (which your lady may have purchased now that she is back in the dating scene) state, "do not take down your online profile until he asks you to be exclusive." *just a possibility* Yes, I understand where the guys here are coming from - she's updating her profile.... when you said that you approached her about being exclusive, how did you do it? Is it possible that she's a little dense and didn't get it? I dunno -- it's a little risky - to ask her again. It is possible that if you go back to the site and start dating other women, this lady may realize that she does want you and she'll start chasing you. But - I do agree overall with KungFu - she's going through a really rough time - probably just needs to get out of the house and watch movies and go to dinner with her dates - I don't know if she's looking to find the love of her life so fast. And if she is, that shows that she's got some emotional issues and can't be alone. Good luck!
  16. hi - yeah - just get yourself out there, like you said. Go to the church groups or clubs or whatever. You sound like a really great girl - I bet that tons of guys would be happy to date you - I really do mean that - it's not just something I'm saying. You just have to make yourself available to them! Good luck!
  17. Yeah.... I had to study my butt off during high school, because I don't have a very good memory. But, I'm in grad school, so I must have done something right along the way. Some people like computerguy catch onto something very quickly. I'm not like that - I have to struggle with it some, but when I get it, it sticks. Metallicaguy - you may be just like me when it comes to studying. Consider hiring a tutor, or signing up for Slyvan learning center or something like that.
  18. People like to say that they don't study - just to look cool. But, obviously, they are doing some amount of studying, otherwise they wouldn't be getting good grades. You need to study harder and smarter. Get a tutor. Have your parents help you with homework. Get a study-buddy. Stay after class to talk to the teacher to have them help you. What helps me is doing the practice problems in the book - I keep doing them until I can do them on my own.
  19. To be fair - men do this too! And not all women have someone new lined up!
  20. I second everything S2S said. I too have met people from the internet, usually after 1-3 weeks of chatting. It is important to see if you have chemistry in real life, so if you don't, you aren't wasting your time anymore. Ask him to coffee or lunch. Good luck!
  21. wow - hold on - so, in the past few weeks, you have decided to call off the wedding because you found that he has been cheating on you!?!? Wow... well - that explains why his ex-wife is still harassing you. It sounds like you have tried to stick around for the STB ex to finish the custody stuff, but it appears to be taking a huge toll on you. I think you should just leave, tell him to figure out his own custody battle stuff. If he really really thought that his ex-wife was that insane, he wouldn't have slept with her. He made his bed, let him lie in it. You just move out. Good luck.
  22. I took several public speaking courses. I feel that it helps build confidence and speaking in front of people. Sign up for that class!
  23. Yeah - the confident man walks up to a woman because he is interested in getting to know her. If she doesn't want to talk to him - he doesn't take it personally. He thinks, "hey - I'm just trying to make conversation - if you don't feel like talking - that's fine." He doesn't beat himself up.
  24. When I find a man confident, it is more than just the clothes he wears or his walk. Is he confident in his core? I know one guy that left his native country in europe, and moved to the US when he didn't know anyone, and with only a few hundred dollars in his pocket and minimal english. He worked hard, got a job, learned english, and is now a sucessful businessman.
  25. Yeah... DN is right - it will just make her know that she is getting under your skin. Just pretend like you didn't hear anything. Be the bigger person. She'll get bored of this game eventually. Well - actually - summer vacation is coming up, so you won't have to hear her raise her voice in class about some "new hot guy." Good luck!
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