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Everything posted by annie24

  1. Hmm... you could grow a mustache, or perhaps keep a short beard. One way to look older would be to dress more mature, and classier. Good luck!
  2. Hope's situation is the exception, not the rule. Most couples don't get back together like that. Here's an excerpt from my bible, "He's just not that into you":
  3. Oh, you can get STDs from oral sex. Depending on the STD, there are plenty of ways you can get them.
  4. Wait - why did you call his mom? Honey - that's not the way you're supposed to get a man back! You can't have his mom nag him into getting back with you! Next - honestly - you don't sound happy. I know this might sound harsh, but, have you heard that saying, "We lie loudest when we lie to ourselves."
  5. Oh whatever. That's what they would like us to think - that they are genetically incapable of committing, thereforeeee, we have to sit around waiting for them to change their minds... Wait. Seriously - We're the ones with the biological clocks here! Why are we waiting for them!?!?! They should be waiting for us!!!! Stop and think. Do you have any girlfriends that have the perfect bf? Not perfect in that he is handome and rich and blah blah blah, but perfect in that he is truly and deeply and utterly devoted to his gf? I bet you have friends like that. Throughout college, I've seen girls who aren't particularly beautiful or smart or anything, but through their bf's eyes'... she's their dream-woman! Trust me, men in the 18-24 age range ARE capable of committing and falling in love.
  6. He wants to go and have crazy hot sex for a week with you in a foreign country. But no commitment. Why are you going with him!?!?! August! Honey - you can find yourself a new man by that time! A man that would be upset that you're going with your ex. I say, don't book the trip with him. You are supposed to take trips with your boyfriend, not your EX-BOYFRIEND!!!
  7. I think Kungfu is far too forgiving. Your dude sounds like a jerk. Yes, he has an anger problem, and I don't think you should put up with it. If you're going to stay with him, he needs to stop yelling at you and ignoring you. The whole purpose of dating is to be with someone who makes you feel good, not someone who only makes you feel good 30-40% of the time, and the rest of the time, you are upset because you don't feel loved.
  8. What about Brad Pitt, the sexiest man alive, and Angelina Jolie, the sexiest woman alive. I bet brad has as many dating opportunities as angelina does... But here's the thing: I disagree with the premise of your question. I don't believe that it is possible to have two "equal" people. How can two people be equal in every aspect: looks, health, personality, religion, occupation, number of co-workers, number of contacts. There are too many variables to be able to call one man and one woman equivalent. I don't see the point of this hypothetical question.
  9. Can you give us specific examples of what he does that makes you feel this way?
  10. I second Hope and Kuhl. It seems already like she likes you more than you like her. I honestly think that if you went into this, trying to "force" yourself to like her, a few months down the road, you would break it off with her because you didn't feel it was right. And she would be devestated, and you two would not be friends anymore. It's not that I think you have impossibly high standards, it's just like you said - you just have to feel those "butterflies" or your stomach jumping up and down when you see her. It doesn't sound like you feel that way, so I don't think she should be your gf anytime soon... now, if you change your mind in the future, go for it! Good luck!
  11. I've visited Vancouver and you're right - the transit system is great. Also, I've never owned a car - I just take the bus or bike or whatever. I've also dated guys who didn't have a car because they were broke and students. So, I think if you find the right kind of girl, it doesn't matter. If she is enviornmentally conscious, or she just understands what it means to be in your 20s and broke, I think she'll be just fine. Good luck!
  12. I was watching this on CNN - To raise a child in the United States from birth to 18 years, it costs $200,000! Now - imagine having more than one child!!! Mind you - this doesn't even include college! Of course people in developed countries are going to think twice before having 4-5 kids, like in other countries, where they may be needed to help out on the farm...
  13. heheh - no. It's just that there's no point in analyzing a situation in which you weren't the "guilty" party or whatever. Assuming your photo was truthful, and that you haven't been trying to get him to join your cult, there's no rational reason that he would not show up. And why bother thinking about things that don't make sense?
  14. Honey - you've already wasted enough time thinking about this. In fact, thinking about why an internet guy would stand you up for more than 1 second is a total waste of time. Like Simone said, perhaps he did show up, didn't like what he saw, and then left. Otherwise, there is something really mentally/psychologically wrong with someone who is on an online dating site who stands up his date! Going on dates is the whole purpose of online dating. Like the others said, there is not a good reason not to send a quick text message, unless he is comatose. Even if his father got a heart attack, that's no reason he can't send you a quick text of 2 lines on his way to the hospital. My thoughts: He decided at some point he didn't want to go on the date with you, but he didn't know how you'd take him cancelling on you (because he has an overblown ego, and didn't want you to cry or scream at him or something), so he decided to no-show. Another possibility is that he looks NOTHING like his photo, or he already HAS a gf! He may have only signed on the dating service to do a little chatting, nothing more. And, things snowballed out of control and it led to the setting up of the date. And he then didn't know how to back out. Forget about him. NEXT!
  15. YES! I agree! Why would I want to stay friends with a man who looked into my face, took full stock of my personality and good qualities, and told me he wasn't in need of my company anymore? That's what I think about when I think of an ex. Like Falucci said, I don't wish them any harm. I hope they have happy and sucessful lives, I just don't want them part of my life anymore. There are plenty of other people out there.
  16. I haven't dug myself into any hole. The earth's population is rapidly rising, despite population decreases in some countries. I'm quite frankly a lot more concerned about all the AIDS orphans in Africa, rather than Swedish couples that only have one child. I know of couples who have 2,3, or 4 jobs between them, not because they are work-a-holics, but out of necessity, to make ends meet. I'm not sure that this is so much the consequence of feminism, but because of economic forces. Robotic nannies are your solution?
  17. Real men break up in person, not over the phone, and CERTAINLY not over instant messenger. If you want to break up with her, I think it's mean to give her a laundry list of bad things she's done. Simply say, "This relationship is clearly not working out for us. I think it's time we ended things."
  18. Well - then they obviously don't like that person enough.
  19. There's your answer right there. He's saying he doesn't want to be your bf and he feels that you're getting in the way of him enjoying his interests. I'm sorry to say, I don't believe that you can win him back. You said yourself that he was mean to you. Why do you want to be with someone who is mean to you? You should be with someone who loves and respects you for who you are. I don't recommend trying to be friends with him. You will stay hung up on him, and mark my words, he will meet another girl soon, and he will want to be her bf! Let me tell you - committment-phobia disappears once they meet the right woman. I've seen it time and again. Do no contact, strict as possible. Focus on getting your life back together. Good luck.
  20. Good - I like your positive attitude. You'll be fine. Just promise me you won't believe him if he calls you up with some sick grandmother excuse!
  21. Yeah... those are signs that he's not all that interested in you anymore. I think maybe you should pull back some. Towards the end of the relationship, my ex started giving me 2 minute phone calls also. I know - they are lame. Don't always take the phone calls, pull back, be mysterious, start hanging out more with your friends. Remember - the only man in the US who has a right to use the "I'm too busy" excuse is President Bush. And let me assure you, that even the leader of the free world finds time to spend with Laura. Wow - he stood you up? Well - that seems to me your answer right there. Sometimes, if you distance yourself from him, he may have a change of heart and start chasing after you again. Or he will be like, "cool - now I don't have to break up with her in person!" Yup - some guys are a pile of chicken poo, and instead of breaking up with you, they'll start behaving badly, so you break up with them! (because they don't want to feel like the bad guy).
  22. Oh my! What a jerk!!!! Grrrrr..... That was very immature of him. Ok honey, be glad that this guy is out of your life now, as opposed to not showing up to your wedding. I can't believe that some people don't have enough decency to make a 5 minute, "nevermind - i met someone new - i'm not interested in you anymore - but have a good life" phone call. Well - there you go. Wow. Well, don't let this experience scare you off from meeting other men online. Most will not stand you up! They are online because they want dates! This guy is stupid. Good luck!!!
  23. Yes - I realize that sounds harsh. Even if it is just a crush, I think that all emotionally healthy people fall in love at some point. If they don't, it seems to me like they have some wall built around themselves, and they may not trust others or want to make themselves vulnerable.
  24. ok, well, don't tell him you love him again, until he upgrades you from, "chick he enjoys hanging out with" to gf.
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