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Everything posted by annie24

  1. Wow - shocked - that's a harsh way to say it! I think if she does want to get back with him, she should say something like that, but a lot more gently and playfully. I don't think it would be to her advantage to come accross as angry.
  2. I agree with RayKay and Blue. You need to talk to him. There are a lot of "sex aids" out there like instruction books and sexy board games and things like that. Why not give them a try to "spice things up" like Blue said?
  3. Ok - maybe not butterflies, but some kind of "inner-longing..." I agree - if you're not attracted to her by now, I doubt you will be...
  4. Here's the thing - if you are obsessing about not talking to him, you will be obsessing even more as to why he's not returning your e-mail/phone call/whatever. Or, if you do get in contact, you will continue obsessing as to why he's not calling you again.
  5. Yes!!! I strongly agree with this! Seriously - what kind of idiot dumps the love of their life? Plain and simply - they just don't think you're the one. Mental illness or abuse is another reason - but these people have such serious problems that they need to work on first - on themselves and their self-esteem, before they are able to be in a serious relationship.
  6. Ok - in the last 12 months, I have dated guys I met in the following places: (In reverse chronological order) 1. Several guys on link removed and link removed (but I didn't meet a great match - CONGRATS Simone!!! ) 2. I dated my friend's roommate for a few months. 3. A blind date my co-worker/friend set me up with. 4. A guy in my apartment building. 5. A guy my friend and her bf set me up with.
  7. How is your bf to you otherwise? Do you feel loved in this relationship? Are you constantly questioning his feelings for you? If so, you two have other problems, and I think his not looking at you is a bad sign. Good luck
  8. Hey dude - not everyone is telling you not to bring it up! I'm not! Look - you need to talk to her about it, directly. Ask her what's going on. Because, like you said, you need sex, and honey, you ain't gonna get it from us!!! You need to talk to her, see why she is acting this way. Then, you have to figure out if you two can work past this, or if you need to break up.
  9. I love When Harry Met Sally - that's one of my favorite movies of all time! That said - yes - I do think that men and women can be friends. But, like DN said - it happened the other way around. As long as you still have romantic feelings for them, I think it's a bad idea to be friends with the ex. It only winds up hurting you in the long run. Ok - well, obviously, I'm not a guy, but I think that guys who are friends with their ex-gfs (that they didn't love) are keeping them around as a "backup plan." You know - if he's ever bored and lonely one night - he can call you. Or maybe they really do like them as friends - but they obviously don't like them as more - otherwise, they wouldn't have broke up.
  10. well.... retrain your brain to think about the reasonable alternatives! Remember - the world doesn't revolve around you! They may have perfectly good reasons for not getting in contact that have nothing to do with you. Good luck!
  11. Yes - you can definitely get yeast infections without having sex. Like Simone said, buy some cream at the pharmacy. It should help it out. You don't need to tell your bf about it - guys don't like to hear about "women's issues." Good luck! You'll be better soon!
  12. Yeah - I think your only chance is to say what DN said. Good luck.
  13. I read this somewhere - and now I can't remember where... but when you start thinking those thoughts - imagine 12 other reasons why they aren't responding to your IM: 1. They are talking to their grandmother on the phone. 2. There's something burning in the kitchen. 3. Computer glitch. 4. It's not them - someone else in the house is using their computer. 5. They're busy reading another website. 6. They've been abducted by aliens. 7. They're talking to their bf/gf. 8. They're in the middle of a bidding war on eBay. 9. Their best friend is having an emotional breakdown, so they need to give the friend 100% attention. 10. They are giving advice on eNotalone and cannot be bothered. 11. They're watching Desperate Housewives and cannot be bothered. 12. Ed McMahon has just come to their door annoucing that they have won $10 million dollars! So, just repeat this practice - think of any 12 rational reasons - and throw some silly ones in there too! Good luck!
  14. Simone brings up a good point. You messed around with a few of his friends. I don't know about you, but maybe because I feel I'm ready for something more serious at this point in my life, if a guy said to me, "I can't see myself marrying you," I would say, "Well - that's all I needed to hear" and I would leave him forever. Being in love with him anymore would just be a waste of my time.
  15. Yes - Ditto to what cowgirl said. Here's my story: When I was 18, I dated this guy and fell IN LOVE with him. He broke up with me because of distance. However, we decided to stay friends. Now, I never got over him. I always held onto the possibility that he might decide to get back with me, if he sees what a wonderful friend I was. 5 years I was obsessed with him. I don't know how my friends put up with me. I wish eNotalone was around back then. You all would have slapped some sense into me. Anyways - yeah. We would hook up whenever it was convienient for him. And, he went off dating other girls and stuff. And I wasted 5 years on being crazy about him. I mean - I dated here and there, but I didn't really have myself open to the idea of really being with anyone else. What a waste of time. Basically - I don't want you to wind up in that same situation. Pining away hopelessly for someone for years. If he wanted to be with me, he wouldn't have broken up with me. End of story.
  16. Actually - all you need is a name and a state, and you can pay for criminal records and public records.
  17. How much can someone really love you if they break up with you?
  18. yes. Background checks. link removed is a good site. For a full background check, it can cost $60 USD, but I think it's well worth it, if you are considering a relationship of sorts with that person.
  19. I think it's dangerous to be friends with an ex that you are still interested in. It delays healing and is really hard on the person that didn't want the breakup. If you do want to be friends with your ex, I highly recommend doing NC for a few months. Tell them that you need time to yourself, to heal, and after that time, you can go back to being friends when there is more distance between you two.
  20. I have 2 comments: 1) The only people who have a right to the "I'm too busy" excuse are George Bush, Tony Blair, and whoever the PM of Canada is. And trust me, even George finds time to spend with Laura, so your man has no excuse. 2) I think you should start pulling away from him. Start making plans with your own friends - get more involved in your own hobbies. See what his reaction is. Does he let the distance between you two get larger, or does he realize that he's losing you and tries to pull you back in? All I know is that it sucks to feel like you're #42 on his list of priorities - trust me - I've been there, and it's not a good feeling. If he continues making you feel that way, you may want to call it quits with him. Good luck!
  21. Yeah - I agree with the others - I think you should ask him, "So - what exactly is your definition of a break?" Good luck!
  22. ok - good. plastic ring. I was afraid you'd go and spend a lot of money. Don't be a fool!
  23. Awww! No worries - in a few days, everyone will have forgotten about everything - you included - you'll forget all about the loser.
  24. Don't ever feel like you have to buy love!
  25. So, what is the problem? She wrote you this soft-core porn e-mail, but you said that you can't date her. (Presumably because you are good friend to her ex.) So - just tell her you can't be with her, and stay away from her. Simple.
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