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Everything posted by annie24

  1. Alright thanks so much! I will try my absolute best! I hope I find someone else... We made some plans to go to the beach together tonight and go for coffeee so my spider sense is telling me that I need to somehow opt out of that. Then again, maybe I need this chance to really tell her how I feel. Do I have anything to lose? Do you have anything to lose? Only your self-esteem and emotional well-being. Yes! Opt out of the coffee. Yes, you will find someone new one day. trust me, we all thought there would never be another, but you meet others, and life moves on.
  2. *sigh* Alright - I'm going to put my 2 cents in... No - eating rice does not make you grow shorter. There are 2 main things that contribute to your height: 1) genetics and 2) nutrition. As for the question: "Does eating rice make you grow short?" No. It doesn't. Unless a compound in rice has been identified that stunts your growth, no, eating rice does not make you grow short. Not having proper nutrition during your childhood/adolescence, yes, that can stunt your growth. You also have to remember that many western countries feed their livestock hormones, which then enter our systems, making many westerners taller than they're "supposed" to be.
  3. Dude - Listen, and REALLY listen: This is how you move on: You do NC, you get new hobbies, you make new friends, instead of calling her, you call someone else, you take some classes, read some books, play some basketball... and you find yourself moving on with your life. Oh yeah - And stop trying to be friends with her! It obviously isn't working - it's only hurting you. You need a good period of NC from her!
  4. Punchy and Hitman bring up some very good points... How to get over her? Move on. NC. Get new hobbies, hang out with your friends, go on a road trip, go visit some long-lost cousin, read some books by Deepak Chopra, "find yourself." Is she a true friend? You said she lied and was dishonest towards you. Does that sound like a true friend? Honestly - I think it would make it even easier to get over someone when they've lied to me and hurt me like that.... 8.5 months, 12 months, 17 months.... who cares. An ex is an ex is an ex. It's over and done with. She's "had her time" and that's a good enough answer for you to know that you need to get over her.
  5. Whatever you do, do NOT talk about your ex! Like punchy said - it's ok if you say, "you know - I'm a little nervous." I've had guys say that to me, and it is endearing. But, don't go into "I just got out of an 8 year relationship." If a guy said that to me, I would consider myself "the rebound girl" and I'd figure that he needs a therapist right now more than a gf. And, I would most likely not go out with him again.... Be vauge if she asks. You can say, "I got out of a relationship a few months ago. But, that is in the past now." Just have fun, talk about music, vacations, old silly high school stories, etc.... Good luck!
  6. Go to a gym, hire a trainer, and then do what he says Good luck!
  7. I think this is your problem right there. You are waiting for things to happen to you. You aren't taking charge of your life. Why don't YOU throw a small get-together, invite some friends, neighbors, and ask them to bring their friends and neighbors. I think you should reconsider joining a non-profit or a community program. They are a great way of meeting like-minded people. How does that saying go... "If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you always got...?"
  8. Erm... yeah. It's really not a good idea to forgo the condom. Like Perplexed said, there is a window period when a person may have an STD, but the test comes back negative. I honestly think too much is at stake. Yes, you can ask to have all STDs tested for at your doctor's office.
  9. Ditto - you are 16. I think you should talk to your doctor to see if you are within your normal weight range for your age and height. If you are not, then you need to start watching your weight. Calories are important, not carbs. To lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you consume. To gain weight, you need to consume more calories than you burn. Simple as that. Your body needs carbs. In fact, the only energy source that your brain can use is sugar! Other nutrients cannot cross the blood-brain barrier. Carbs are good for you!!! The whole Atkins thing is terrible, if you ask me (I'm a biochemist.) It's making your body think that you are diabetic and it makes bad things happen in your body, and the weight comes back once you start eating carbs again. (did you really think you could go the rest of your life without eating bread, or eating an apple?) I eat a lot of the Lean Cuisine meals. Some I like, others I don't. I use them because they are convienent and healthy. That plus a piece of fruit, and some water is my typical lunch. Just see which ones you like. But yes, talk to your doctor, make sure that you are in the right weight range. And if you are, then just keep concentrating on eating healthy, with lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, fiber, lean protein, and water.
  10. Congrats!!! This was a hard-won battle... I'm glad you got your stuff back!
  11. Ditto to what RayKay said. Honestly - I think men in lifts, or heels, as I like to call them, look stupid. I'm the one who wears the heels! I don't want the guys I date to! Similarly, I have male friends who are short, but don't have a problem getting dates because they have great confidence.
  12. I think SimoneTiger has some great ideas. Honestly - I don't think it's the weight that's holding you back either. I see plenty of chunky women with bfs and husbands, and skinny girls without bfs and husbands, so that can't be it. I agree with Shes2smart - it has to do with your confidence and how you view yourself. E. Jean Carroll, the advice columnist for Elle magazine, has a great book called, "Mr. Right, Right now!" I think it's very funny and has good tips. For example, you say that you've never had a bf, but have you put yourself in situations where you can meet men easily, or are you usually in your apartment on friday, saturday, and sunday night with Ben and Jerry? Her book has a lot of tips on how to improve your self image, how to improve your physical image, and a list of 117 places to meet the male beast Good luck!
  13. I dont understand... you are 20, but are a sophomore... in college? So what do you mean by "going away to college...?" Could you please clarify?
  14. It sounds like having some distance between you and the ex would be a good idea right now. I think NC for a few months would do you both some good, so later, you can go back to being work-out buddies... don't bother mentioning the new guys you are dating, it's none of his business...
  15. definitely - go and enjoy yourself the best you can. Try to avoid her, but if you simply run into her, be as polite as you can, say hi, and keep walking. Dance with your friends in the usual spot! Just have fun, ok?
  16. C'mon dude - this isn't quantum physics. The way you figure out what's going on in her head is to call her, or text her, or whatever, and then talk to her. So what if she has exams? Is she in an exam, like, right now, this very very second? Then, send a text to her like, "Hey - how are your exams going? Let's chat online once you're done with them. What's your online name?"
  17. Ok dude - right now - pick up your cell phone and send her a text message that says, "Hi - what's your MSN name? Let's chat sometime."
  18. I dunno - to me, it sounds like lifeiscash is really hurting as a result of all of this - he has to look after himself also.
  19. Yes - My guy friend and I are talking about moving in together. But, we are ONLY friends. It happens all the time. So, have you gotten her online name yet?
  20. I agree with Avman - you can't help people who don't want to change. It's like with any other addiction. It sounds like you did all you could. Maybe this will give her a wake-up call - that she needs some professional help.
  21. Yeah - that sounds like a plan. If you suggest a certain day to hang out, and she "can't make it that day," suggest another day, or ask her when she is free. That way - if she keeps waffeling, at least you'll know and you can move on. Good luck!
  22. Ok - well - why don't you ask her out like, "Hey - let's go get dinner together, and then maybe we can watch a movie - any movie you'd like!" Hehehe... I made that mistake when I was in high school also. A guy came up to me and asked if I wanted to watch a certain movie, I said no (I didn't want to see that movie).... then I quickly caught myself and said, "Oh - But, I would like to see this OTHER movie..."
  23. How did you ask her out, and how did she say no?
  24. Well - if you ask her out, and she says no, that says one of three things: 1) She's not interested in you - what you heard was a bad rumor. 2) She's interested, but has a boyfriend or 2) She likes you, but is really really shy And has some major problems. Don't get involved. I mean - if a guy asks out a normal girl, and she likes him, she says yes, and they go on the date. I think trying to decode this behavior is a waste of time. Good luck.
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