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Everything posted by Stinkweed

  1. Are you two the same guy? Anyway, I think online chatting is good for people who are shy and need to practice a little in order to beat the fear when going to a social situation in real life. Plus, it gives them ideas on what to talk about. I don't see anything wrong with talking to strangers as long as you don't trust them too much, and of course, there has to be a common interest. Also, I don't think your whole life should be centered around online chatting... You know, it's good to spend some time in real life. That's my opinion. Best wishes.
  2. I'm not sure I can be of much help, because I'm very inexperienced in that area (I have never even had a girlfriend...), but I'll tell you what I think is logical and rational. I think you need to talk... if the problem persists, I think you should go to marriage counselling. That's just my advice. I hope other people post better advice. Sorry if I wasn't of much help. You've got my best wishes.
  3. I'd say it's a papule... I saw this other post that said about the papules being very similar to what you described and that 1 in every 3 guys have them. If so, it's perfectly normal. I wish you good luck, and I hope it's nothing serious.
  4. You write very good stories. It's like you know people in real life that have gone through that... Well, keep up the good work.
  5. That's really good. You're a very good writer. I'll take a look at the second part...
  6. Still, talking about her holidays and about her pictures is an option. Any way, what do you want to talk about? I mean, if by talking you mean conversation, then just talk about her interests... ask her what she likes to do in her free time, how she has been doing, stuff about which you 2 like to talk about online, stuff you have in common, etc. If by talking you mean talking about you and her, then I guess you should just ask something like "Do you think you and me could ever be more than friends?", or something (I'm not an expert on that)... I'm sorry if I couldn't help you. Good luck.
  7. I hope... Because I'm in the same boat. Best of luck finding your special someone.
  8. Man, if she really said that, then she's definitively not worth it. She's not even worth being friends with... Who the heck does she think she is then? Man, let her heart be broken as many times as it's necessary for her to understand that looks don't matter. I wish you the best of luck in forgetting her. Best wishes.
  9. Great choice. I'm happy for you. I wish more people did what you did in order to get rid of depression and those types of issues. Best wishes.
  10. Well, I guess that the fact she's going to show you pictures of her holidays will help you... You could talk about her vacation and ask her about it. I don't know... You said you're going to fix her PC? Well if she's into PC's, then you could talk about that too... Ask her what she likes to do in her free time too... Those are just suggestions. Hopefully someone else will post better ideas. Good luck.
  11. That's a very nice poem. If the judges in that competition you mentioned before, have really an idea of what is art, then they shouldn't care that it's kinda sad and depressing. Good job.
  12. It sounds good. I think I'll watch it.
  13. I'm not sure, but I'd keep a close eye on her in the meanwhile... You never know. Best wishes.
  14. Get busy on other things, like hobbies. And like everyone has said, think about how you will feel when he returns. Best wishes.
  15. It's a terrific poem. It's also very moving... You should show it to her.
  16. Why is it wrong to take supplements at age 16? I mean I started taking them now (at age 16). Are they harmful in any way? I have taken them a couple of times, though, not every day. Will it harm me in any way? Do they stunt your growth (yeah, I mean both types of growths, lol)?
  17. That's pretty sad. It's a very strong and tragic poem. It's very good. Good job.
  18. Excellent work. It's kind of sad, but communicates feelings in a very strong way. Congratulations.
  19. LOL. Ok, check out the pm I sent you and you'll see what's so funny...
  20. For the love of God, don't be too forward... lol, that was exaggerated. But seriously, don't be too forward. I tell you from personal experience. I wish you good luck from now on. Just try to get them to trust you first before trying to meet, because it's just like hurt&abandoned said. Good luck.
  21. It depends on many things... How do you want to look? Do you care a lot about what ladies think? What's your goal? Well, I think I agree with JohnnyG's suggestion... Good luck, man.
  22. That's really good. The feelings portrayed in the poem are very sincere... nice job.
  23. It's very good. Many things are clear now... It was very helpful.
  24. Again, I congratulate you. I think you're very talented when expressing your feelings. =D>
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