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Everything posted by Stinkweed

  1. Excellent. It's a very good poem. =D> Keep up the good work.
  2. It's really good. Keep up the good work.
  3. Man, it would be sooo cool if a girl did that for me... Well, I'd say there's nothing wrong with you approaching him the way you intend to. If he's normal, then he'll feel really lucky. Good luck.
  4. Ok, this is not the most important thing to me, and I know there are other things to life. But since this is a good relationship advice site, I decided to post about it. Ok, here's the situation: I'm 16 and I've never had a girlfriend. I dunno why, but it's hard for me to like girls. Also, I find it hard to trust people, especially now (but that's another long story). So, most of the people that really know me are either old friends, or friendly people who didn't just judge me from that first impression (I'm very reserved and find it hard to trust others). I see tons of people here saying they're in their 20's and they haven't had a girlfriend. I just know it will be the same with me. Or maybe even worse… There's nothing I can do about it. So, I thought that if I get to be 18 (I think that's the minimum age) and still have no girlfriend, I should try link removed and the likes. I mean, I bet my 13 year old brother will have a girlfriend before I have my first one. To be honest, I would much rather prefer the "old-school" way to meet girls, but I don't think that will be possible, so screw that. It's just that even trying to think about what women want gives me a headache (an unsolved mystery… I mean, unfortunately, I'm the shy type, but I would never hurt anyone. But most girls, maybe not in these forums, but I've seen them, would prefer an outgoing guy even if he treats her like crap…). Back to the real topic: Do those sites really work like they say they do?
  5. Well, all I can tell you is that at least you're not alone. I also keep loosing friends, and, damn, I'm sick of so many things. It's like I don't care about having a future anymore. Like, tomorrow could be the last day of my life, and it wouldn't make any difference, because I have nothing planned anyway. I don't care about the future because I don't even know what I want. I wish there was someone I could talk to about this, but there's really noone. My parents would be disappointed. The only friends I have wouldn't understand me... There's really noone. It sucks very much... There's very little we can do sometimes. I wish you good luck.
  6. I think that tomorrow you should just do the cardio, and let the rest of your muscles repair themselves... It's just what I think.
  7. It will be hard though... I rarely find anything that could be related to a profession enjoyable... There's no one I can talk to. I don't want to talk about it to my parents because they'll be disappointed. I switched schools (yeah, you may think it's the perfect time to create my own image and start with a clean slate, but I just know it will be the same all over again... It will suck) so, I don't really know my counsellor. I don't think it will be possible to go to a shrink, because my parents say it's not necessary, and blah blah. Siblings? They barely understand that I am a relative, how could they understand me? There's no one, and that's why I posted... Does anyone else have anything to say? For now I'll just try my best with what has been said, and hope it will be alright.
  8. Well, I'm not religious... I don't find your suggestion funny, or ridiculous, so I would never laugh in your face. But, maybe I could be wrong, but isn't the Bible more about faith than about now-a-day's life? I don't think it's faith what I'm missing (well, maybe faith in myself?)... I will try to look for those answers you spoke about anyway... I hope it works, because I don't know what else I should try (after all, it's the only advice I've gotten). I also am able to have fun, but it doesn't feel good, you know. It's like sometimes this takes my attention off of fun. I have to definitively do something...
  9. Well, my plea would be directed to either experts in psychology, or experienced people. I don't know what has been happening lately, but I feel different... I wouldn't say I feel bad, because I still laugh, and well, I'm not that unhappy... What I really feel could only be described as apathy towards life... "apathy", it's the only word I can find similar to what I feel. It's sort of like a tiredness and an "I don't care". I feel like I have no future. Have you seen the movie "Billy Madison"? Well, I feel as if I was one of his friends, you know, a "nobody"... It's kind of tricky to explain. I'm already 16 and will be 17 in almost no time. I used to have ambitions, you know, wishes, but seeing that even after trying, I get nothing back, I no longer want anything... I feel that I have to find my real self again, because I used to think I already had, but it's not like that anymore... I'm going to be in 11th grade, and still have no idea of what I really want. I have noone to talk to about this issue, because I know my parents would get angry and disappointed (everyone has such high expectations about me, but I know I'll just let them all down...). I know this probably happens to tons of young people that age, but I also know they won't stay young forever, and I'm worried, because I'm still a mess and well, I just feel kind of stupid. I think I'm too old for this dilemma. I feel old and tired (and uninspired). Is there something wrong with me? Am I just destined to be a looser forever, like those guys I mentioned earlier?
  10. All those suggestions sound perfect. I started my program too. I do at least 30 mins of cardio and do weights especially for my biceps, back, shoulders. I just would like to add that depending on your age, you may get results faster. Also, if you're young, it will be much less hard to push yourself to your limits... If you're not that young, then I'd suggest you take it easy. Good Luck. Best Wishes.
  11. I'd say you should not worry about it... I mean, it will come whenever it wants to. You're just 19 years old, and death is one of the last things you should worry about at that age (unless you suffer of a terrible chronic disorder... which unfortunately happens to some people...). It's just a natural thing that will happen to everyone. Just enjoy your life to the fullest and don't worry about it. And I guess that what you believe in shouyd just be influenced on what you have been taught and experienced. I'm kind of an atheist, so I am not sure if there is really a heaven. But if you are religious, then just have faith and all will be alright. So, just make the most out of every year. Remember, it's not how many years there have been in your life that matter, but how much life was in them...
  12. Well, I think the monkey bars thingy does work... I mean, when I was like in 3rd grade, I grew like 2 inches over the summer because I remember I was almost a fanatic... I mean, I would spend the whole day just hanging like a monkey, lol. Well, not the whole day, but I did spend lots of time and I thought it was fun especially when I competed with some friends and beat them on who could get through the whole thing faster. Well, that was when I was in 3rd grade, so I don't know if it would work now (not that I need it because I am 6'2", which is in my opinion enough, given the fact that I'm not so much into basket as you seem to be...). Well, I'd say you give it a try and see how it goes at the end of summer... Good luck, and Best wishes.
  13. I know, but I meant the boxing/kickboxing gym. For now, I will lift and do some cardio (running).
  14. Well, I eat a normal amount of proteins in every meal, and I eat tons of green vegetables, especially at night and in the afternoon if I'm not full. In the moring I do eat some carbs. I'm just 100% sure that I eat less than 2000 calories a day. I have lost some weight, but very slowly, because I stopped working out like 2 months ago (except lifting which I still have done but a little less...). So, I'll go back to working out and lifting + I'll try to travel the hour to the gym. The problem with the gym being to far is that when school starts, I'll only be able to go during weekends and fridays (is that ok?). And I do want to learn to kick *beep*, even though I think I'll never need to do that because I never get into fights... I'll just do my best... Thanks for your advice, everyone.
  15. Well, I recently moved, so I don't really know much about my new area. But it's similar to the area I used to live in (a pretty small town, you know, a suburb...). And in my old area I had no luck finding a boxing gym, even though I looked over the internet and in the yellow pages. No, I'm not in a soccer player shape... It's just my calves that are big... Well, the muscles in my thighs are big too, but are also covered with a little bit of fat... My arms, though, are not so big, which is why I started lifting... Well, about the area I now live in, it's in Florida, like an hour apart from Miami (where all cool places + boxing gyms/clubs are). I don't worry so much about diet, because I think I'm on one that works for me (Well, I have lost some weight since I started my current eating habits...). I will follow the advice you have given me, because it's good one.
  16. Alright, I can do that. But, I'd like to start looking for the boxing, though. Any suggestions?
  17. Oh, also, I try to just eat carbs on breakfast. Well, I know running is probably not the best thing to at least maintain calves big, but what do soccer player do? Many of them have huge calves. I'll definitively will keep lifting. But I'd definitively want to do the boxing too... Does anyone have anything to say? Maybe some advice or an idea on where I shold start looking?
  18. lol, steroids. No, I do use weights for strength, and I know there's tons of athletes that use weights. But, I think boxing would help me a lot. Wouldn't it? I mean, it's great for the upper body and also helps you build cardiovascular endurance (something weights don't do...). It's great for working all the muscles I want to work on at once + it teaches you how to fight (not that I need that, because I never really get into fights...). Also, when you do weights, your muscles maily work on by bursts, unlike when you do martial arts and other workouts that involving cardio. So, I think weights don't do everything for me (I already lift, but, like I said, I'd like to find something extra...). Besides, I think it would be cool to look like a marine (I think I'll even get the haircut), or like Bruce Lee (pretty hard to get there, huh?). Also, does anybody know if drinking raw eggs (like Rocky) is a good idea for getting plenty of protein, even if you already like to eat protein by nature? I really find it almost impossible to eat if there's not protein (like chicken, fish, red meat...). So, would I need that extra assitance? Can anyone give me advice, or a site in which I can find boxing gyms, clubs, whatever?
  19. Well, I'm overweight, and would like to both lower my body fat % and gain muscle. I'd especially like to sculpt my deltoids, latissimus dorsi, teres major, teres minor, Serratus Anterior muscle, biceps, chest... Well, the upper body in general and I'd like to maintain my calves the way they are (Does running a lot help? I dunno why, but they're already big. Some people have even asked me if I'm a soccer player... But I'm not). Ok, I know weights would help, but I don't like to use weights too much the reason being that I'd like to gain agility and not loose speed. You know, that's why marines and some martial artists don't use weights very often... So, I think boxing would be the workout I'm looking for, but I never seem to be able to find any places in which I can train close to the area I live in, or maybe it's just that I'm not good at searching. Isn't there a site or something in which I can look? Does anyone have any advice?
  20. I already pm'ed you about it. It doesn't matter anymore (thank God it's over. It's my fault that it was so long). I guess I put too much heart into it. Now I see it was very stupid in the first place. Thanks everyone, though. Best Wishes.
  21. Well, I understand (I hate my smile too)... It feels so false when I smile for pictures that I don't even do it anymore... I'm just curious, though... You say you get very upset very often. Do you talk about it when you do? Don't hesitate to post if there is something wrong... It helps to get it all out and then get replies...
  22. Why didn't you smile on your pic, though? I'm just kidding .
  23. I definitively think it's better to laugh, because it's something I rarely have the priviledge to do. Well, not lately, though. But yeah, laughing is definitively better than crying and pessimism. But it's also good for your health to express sadness (even if you only do it with your boyfriends). You know, let what bugs you out of your system. That's just my opinion...
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