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Everything posted by Hannibal

  1. Let me start by telling you that in no way shape or form can you simply (if it happens) go back to the relationship you two had before. If you do get back together you have to be prepared to deal with the fact that it will not be the same. Now on to your other question. She is obviously trying to make you jelous of her and her new boyfriend. Personaly I would never bring up a current relationship with an ex that I know still liked me (I asumming that she does know this) unless I was trying to make them jelous so that they'd come back to me or what ever. My ex does the same crap to me, she knows that I still would like to give things another go (or at least I did recently, now not so much) and yet both times I talked to her last she mentioned her boyfriend (the dink she left me for). I think that all she was doing is trying to string me along so that if the relationship with this other guy didn't pan out I'd be sitting waiting around for her. It sounds like this is happening to you. The best thing that you can do in this situation is just pick yourself up and move on with your life. Obviously this girl that you're involved with is confused right now about what she wants. She can't keep stringing you along like this and using you as a back up incase the new relationship has troubles. Thats just my thoughts.
  2. I heard that circumcized men have less feeling then those of us who aren't.
  3. From the way you say she acted during your conversation I would have to say that she is surely interested. She made good eye contact and also played with her hair which are two tell tale signs that shes into you. So just go for it!
  4. It sure is. The less time inbetween each ejaculation the semen looses that milky white coloration you're looking for.
  5. Let me tell you a little somethign about the internet and why I think you may be attracting more guys online then in person. Over the internet people are a lot more open because there is no face to face interaction to make them nervous, shy or what have you. Even though you may not think it I'm 100% positive that guys in your area look at you and think you're attractive, you just don't notice or think its happening. As for the matter of how much weight matters, that is different for everyone and the only way to find out how big of an issue weight is to someone is to ask. Perhaps in a non-direct way if you're scared to ask.
  6. Depo is probably the worst form of birth control there is. Its super hard on you body and can have long term effects. I would suggest switching the the pill.
  7. I have to disagree with the above statement that suicide is weak. I think that it takes a great amount of courage to go through with it. I mean think about what you have to face knowing that at a certain time you are going to end your life, not knowing what lays beyond this world and dealing with the fact that you will never see any of the people you love again. Although I do not agree with suicide itself. I know things always get better, but let me tell you that when things get really bad it gets hard to believe that things will ever get better.
  8. Yeah you have to look back in the past month and pick out something that she may have mentioned she loves or has fond memories of.
  9. You absolutely must stop comparing him to your ex, this is someone new and you have to try and put your ex out of your mind for now. I don't really understand why people are so worried about not being good enough for the person they're with, this person you are with is with you for a reason. If they didn't think you were "good" enough for them then why would they go after you in the first place?
  10. Well the thing about needing space leading to a break up is that more often then not the person needing space never really gets the space because we go crazy and can't stop phoning and what not asking if they've had their space. If she is being truthful with you then it doesn't sound like you will loose her. However what you need to do is to really give her the space that she needs. Best of luck to you!
  11. No worries, I understand what you mean about being in shock and just posting.
  12. Well age difference doesn't really make much difference, its the mental bit that really counts. Personally I don't think that buying a house together so soon (in the relationship and in your life) is a very good idea. Give both things some time and then decide.
  13. Well as far as I know stimulating the pubic bone wouldn't really do to much. Not nearly as much as stimulating the clitoris that's for sure. To find the clit simply move your fingers a little upwards towards her face (if you're fingering her) and you should be able to feel something sticking out slightly (or quite a bit it all depends), just be gentle with that and you should be in her good books. Also it doesn't hurt to ask her what she likes best because afterall it is her who would know best!
  14. Love has a huge payoff in my eyes. The fact that you can be in a relationship with someone and be able to give yourself fully to them inturn for them doing the same. I would also put happiness up there right beside love because without love I don't believe that anyone can truly be happy. The ideas that you have about being great are just fine and dandy to have but you must question what exactly you want from these careers? It sounds like you attribute being famous to being great when there is so much more to being a great person then being famous.
  15. For sure go to see a doctor to get this checked out. If only for piece of mind. I had to deal with the thought that I might have testicular cancer since the age of around 12-13. It's not very fun to be worried about it when all you have to do is go to the doc and have them take a peak and maybe a poke, its not really that bad.
  16. Well there has been many posts on this subject in the past few days, perhaps read some of them to get various ideas. First and fore most I would suggest that you try your hardest to not make her feel like a freak for cutting herself. It is so much easier to get over things if you don't feel like a freak for doing something.
  17. I live in a city of a million and feel exactly the same.
  18. HAHAHAHA I love how you've got most women nailed when it comes to them breaking up with a guy. It's always the same old crap. I don't know why people can't just be forward with one another.
  19. I don't really understand how you've betrayed her trust. You faked having a girl friend to make her jelous, that is not breaking her trust in you. She has obviously been leading you on somewhat and when she saw you with your cousin she probably got scared and really jelous that you were taken. She'll calm down and thing will be fine, she has to remember that she doesn't own you.
  20. 3 weeks after a 3 year relationship is a very short time. You could be setting yourself up for heart break here. If you do start dating and things are going great and so on, what will happen if she starts to miss the ex or something like that. She may not be ready to date someone new this soon after the break up. Crappy I know but maybe right now its for the best.
  21. I know it seems like telling your mom will only make things worse, but let me tell you having your parents know what you're going through and feeling helps so much. If you're to afraid to tell your mom about this or simply don't know how then by all means let your couzin get the ball rolling. Your mother has every right in the world to know that you're doing this to yourself and hopefully with her knowing you can start to kick that nasty habbit. Think of it this way, she brought you into this world and surely went through some pain to get you here. Doesn't she deserve to at least know that you're not feeling ok? What if she never found out about you cutting and then one night it went to far and somehow you ended up dead because of it. How would she feel? I'm sure she would question why you never came to talk to her about it and would beat herself up everyday afterwards about how she failed to recognize anything wrong. Let her know.
  22. I know what you mean by not being afraid of death. I think far to many people are afraid of dying and that makes them act in strange ways and miss out on certain things in life. The way I see it is when its your time its your time so.
  23. Of course it can fail, but anything will if you don't really want to stop what ever it is you are addicted to. YOU have to want to stop cutting yourself in order for this to work. I still find myself wanting to cut myself sometimes but because I don't want to get back into it I have taken away all objects in my room that could be used to cut (I keep my nails short by the way!).
  24. I used to cut but havent for a month or two now. Personally I used just about anything sharp that I could get my hands on, a razor, scissors, scalpel and a few times I've broken apart a shaving razor just to get at the blades. I mostly cut on my upper left bicept region but I have cut other places aswell, mostly on my arms. The reason I did this was because I was upset and I found it very calming to see my blood, strange I know but until you've been in that mindset you can't really comprehend it. Also I did it to feel the pain because at the time I couldn't feel anything else, I was numb. PM me if you want more info/advice.
  25. All condoms are pretty much the same, apart from the variations some companies have.
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