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Everything posted by Hannibal

  1. I dont have much time but it sounds like this new guy is an abuser, anyone who throws her accross the room surely qualifies as that. I'd try to point that out to her. will post more later!
  2. What I do when I feel the need to be touched is to just go hug someone I'm close with.
  3. Ok I'm going to give you the straight facts. Any ammount of contact between you two can get her pregnant. If there was no precum the chance is almost 0. Even if there was some precum the chance increases but there isnt very much sperm in precum. If shes on the pill then you should be a ok. If not well then just play the wait and see game. Its tough I know (I used to freak out all the time). Again as stated above the stress that is brought on by this scare (which really isnt a scare because shes not late yet) can postpone her period. So the best thing for you to do is try to put it out of your mind, be there for her and try to keep as much pressure off of her as possible. Don't forget that all of the signs of pregnancy can be caused by other things. I highly doubt that she will become pregnant, however perhaps it is time you talked about what you would do. When talking remember to keep your cool. If you need any questions answered about this feel free to pm me as I do know a lot about this subject from me freaking out and reading everything I could!
  4. Here comes an exception. My (ex) girlfriend and I slept together before we even started to date. We had a good relationship and oddly enough we continue to sleep together even after being broken up.
  5. I have for a long time. I've often just wanted to end it just to see what happens. I thought I was kind of alone on this but I guess I was wrong!
  6. 1.Male 2. 19 3. Not with long term partners 4. She uses pill 5. No
  7. Ok well the ex came over today and we ended up in bed and made love. Afterwards I let my emotions run away with me and she got mad at me. She left to go home I called to say that I'm sorry and she said it was ok. I feel like I've screwed up huge here. She was telling me all weekend how she missed me etc and I didn't play it cool today. What can I do to recoup the damage that I caused today.
  8. Thats what I was afraid of. Could someone possibly tell me why this is an automatic move on?
  9. Ok now let me ask you this. If there is another guy she has feelings for, whom she sees quite a bit, is in the picture and I step out what do you think would happen then?
  10. Yeah I have to agree with the above. I've talked to my past ex about how she felt after we broke up. She seemed to be so happy and went to date another guy soon after. When I asked her about how she felt almost a year after we broke up to my surprise she felt the exact same as I did.
  11. Thats what I'm worried about. Is there anything I should do to perhaps sway her towards my side?
  12. I understand completely where you're coming from. At your age I went through the same thing and let me tell you I'm glad that I stuck around. Honestly as soon as highschool ends your life really begins. It is for sure something that I'm glad I stuck around for. I know life can be cruel sometimes and you probably feel extremely stuck as I did at your age. So heres what I did, I went to university in a different city and started to live on my own. I no longer feel stuck in my life as I'm in control of what i do. Think about what I've said, feel free to pm me and I'd love to listen to what you have to say.
  13. I think about it all the time. I get these moments clearity one might say. Everything seems so simple to me and I just want to end it right then and there. I don't go through with it though, thats a promise I made to myself.
  14. I'm going to speak from experience here. The one and only thing that kept me alive in my time of darkness was when my mother found out about what I had planned to do and she cried on the phone. That in itself was way more powerful than hearing people tell me that I'll hurt so many people if I went through with it. Honestly it was more powerful than anything else. I was at a point where I was sure nothing was going to stop me and that alone did it. So if you're really concerned about her tell her parents about what shes talking about. Or the school councilor.
  15. Ok so heres my situation she broke up with me last sunday because she wasnt sure about what she wanted. Hey we're young I felt that aswell when I moved back to university but I just thought thats normal and stayed with my girl. So I understand where she is coming from on this subject. Anyways so we slept together for 3 nights after we broke up. We talked about what happened and what is going to happen now but for the most part we just kind of agreed to put it all aside and enjoy our time together. So I left for home on thursday (our 7 month) and she went off to a debate tournement for the weekend. We agreed that this was going to be our weekend to think things over and figure out what to do now. I phoned her thursday night to tell her I missed her (probably a bad idea but its done now) and she said that she missed me so much. That was at about 8 PM. I went out and had a fantastic night that night with old friends and didn't call or text her or anything after talking to a friend who did the same thing that she did. She told me not to call her and to tell her that I understand and respect that she needs her space to think when she did call and started to talk about us. So yeah I didn't call/text her friday night. Saturday however she called me to tell me that she missed me/ loved me a lot. I told her that I felt the same and that I understood she needed her time to think. She texted me today saying she loves me and I replied saying I felt the same and then she phoned me saying that she missed me again etc. I asked her if she was thinking of us and she said she was. I then proceeded to ask what she was thinking about us and she said that she was thinking about us getting back together. Then I kinda let my emotions run away with me and questioned her more on the subject. This was something I shouldn't have done I know so I called her back soon after to apologize for my behavior saying that I was not giving her her space by doing that. She said I had nothing to be sorry about and that was that. So I get home tonight and as I'm writing this post she calls again. She starts by saying that she misses me so much and again I say I feel the same. She asked if I would love her forever and I replied with the same question to her, she quickly said yes and I said I would aswell. So thats it so far. Now heres what I'm wondering, what do I do? Amazingly I don't feel to crushed by this break up as I initially was. I don't feel that complet NC is needed at this time but I wanted to ask if not calling her and waiting for her to phone and talking to her was an as effective way to make her miss me or should I just stop talking to her all together. Also Can I please have some feedback on what shes doing here? Is she just stringing me along as a safety net or what? She said that she still needs more time and shes not sure if we're going to get back together now or later. Please send replies, I really need all the feedback I can get
  16. May I just say that I'm in a very similar situation. My girlfriend broke up with me because she isn't sure about us anymore. It's killing me.
  17. Well I haven't been back on here for quite some time. I guess I really hoped I wouldn't need to come back looking for help. Anyways heres the situation. My girlfriend of 7 months broke up with me on sunday. She has feelings for another guy and told me she couldn't see me while having feelings for him. I said we could work through it together she said no, yadda yadda yadda. Anyways so I went over to her place sunday night because we still needed to talk and so we did, I wrote her a letter saying that if she needed me to I would wait for her. I left and she was crying so hard. Now monday I went looking for her (we usually have lunch on mondays) and I found her with that other guy, just as friends I assumed. So I talk to her and ask her to come over at noon because I still had somethings that weren't sitting well with me about the whole situation. So she came over, I asked her if we were done done or if she didn't know. She said she didn't know but didn't see us getting together again in the near future. Yet when the harsh reality that I most likely wouldn't get back with her again after that hit she got really upset and kept asking if I would forgive her if she realized she made a mistake. I said I didn't know. Then we ended up on my bed with me lying on top of her then we started to kiss and that led to having sex (after she told me that I was the best lover shes ever had.) Later that day she had to come drop of cookies for a charity thing. So I was making tea and asked her if she would like to stay for a cup. We were talking and she got really upset and worried and asked if we were still going to be friends and I said I didn't know. Then she said that she missed me a lot on sunday night and I asked if she would like me to come over (she did this a lot when we were together) and she said yes. So I stayed the night there last night, we were hugging and kissing and just acting like a couple. It was great. Then my friend phoned to see how I was doing (a girl) and so I left my ex's room to go smoke/ talk privately. Then when I got back into her room she was all pouty and said that I was going to leave her for another girl. I said no the only girl I want is right here. Anyways so all throughout this she's been telling me how much she loves me and that shes really sorry. She also said that it was really hard to come to the decission to end us because there were so many things going right instead of wrong. Now heres what I think, I think that shes really confused and is very unsure of her decission. This leaves me questioning what I should do. It feels so good to be around her and hug and kiss her but at the same time I dont want her to think that I will do this all the time. I mean all I'm doing is trying to get her back.... So what does everyone think? Do you think that N/C would be an effective method of getting her back or no? She tells me that she still really loves me and always will. And if so how do I go about doing it without really making her angry at me. Amazingly I'm feeling really good post break up, maybe its because it doesnt feel like we did break up but I don't know. Please give me some feed back, and sorry about the lengthy post!
  18. Word of advice, making out in cars is a bad idea. Number two, making out in places you aren't supposed to is a bad idea (as you know). As said before if you have a nice big park with benchs its a fantastic place to be. If its warm out you can sit and watch the city lights and the stars, the girls love it and its a great place to talk (aswell as make out). I'd say the movies are too but you need to sit at the back and they're kind of expensive. Why not just go to one of your houses when the parents are gone or even when they're there, just watch a movie and they usually go away. Just make sure they dont see to much because they know its happening but dont like to see it happening! Good luck!
  19. How was the medication? I've often thought of going on it but I'm terrified that I wont be myself on them.
  20. You could also bring up the point that God is supposed to infact love everyone. If he created you gay then why on earth would he send you to hell for something he did? Religions are constantly contradicting themselves in ways like this. Maybe also ask her if its her parents that shes really worried about (if she hasnt told them already.) Religions are very silly sometimes.
  21. If you want to be polite about it simply say that you must get going but would love to listen to the rest of the story later. This way you have a way out but you haven't offended them because you said that you want to hear what they have to say.
  22. Just reading this last page let me say this. Think of all the things that you will miss if you kill yourself. I was going to go through with it and right now I'm so frikking glad I didn't. I thought my life was over when it was only just beginning. If you really think about it hard I'm sure you'll see the same things. If I'm not mistaken you wanted to end your life last july. Well look back over the last few months at all that's happened. Think now, would you have experienced any of it had you been dead. Sure there were some bad times but I'm damn sure there were some good times aswell. Remember nothing heals if it doesn't hurt first.
  23. Well to make a long story short, I planned to kill myself last june. The date was picked and all, then my parents found out and I chose not to go through with it. Once my day came and went I felt very odd. Now I moved away and every now and again the thought of just getting up and jumping out my window crosses my mind. It still really tears me up that I set a date, it had a lot more psychological impacts than I ever thought it would. I was just wondering if there's anyone here that's been/going through the same thing as me. If so how did you recover fully from these feelings and what helps? Also I just want to say that I think its really amazing that every topic thats on this board gets a few replies. I think its really important that people try to help others when they're feeling low. Keep up the good work guys.
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