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  1. Hi MC, I no how you feel, if there was something I could do to make her come back I would, but when you think about it would you want them to come back based on the fact you had to give things up for them. There are no guarantees in life, which I think is a good thing. Although we cannot guarantee that our Exs will come back we also cannot guarantee they wont. Also the new relationships our Exs have jumped into have no guarantee they will work/last. You are right, the ball is no longer in out court. It is now up to the Ex to decide if they want to return. This process may take weeks/months/years or even not at all. All we can do is improve our chances. I think you summed things up well, our Exs no our faults and knew how to deal with them. The new boyfriends have got a lot of mistakes ahead of them, if they are not strong or committed then the relationship will not got anywhere. But if our Exs where looking for a change, because they were bored of us or just wanted to see the world a new boyfriend is what they needed. Thing would never of worked out if my Ex had these feelings, she would need to go & experience the world, then if she comes back the commitment would be stronger. My Ex was very difficult to get on with all the time, we argued a lot but I always did all the talking, if she has a row with her new boyfriend he will not no what hit him LOL. All good things come to an end, the honeymoon period doesn't last forever. I no that I was with her 5 years, after its over then It comes down to being in love, real emotions and commitment. Every couple argues, it makes the relationship last longer, but you both have to want things to work. If our Exs are having second thoughts and think they have made a wrong choice the next time they row with there new boyfriend Im sure it will be there last row. I no I am not in this position at the moment with the ex, like you said it could take weeks or months for her to change her mind. Well we have just got to keep an open mind about it all, what will be will be. We cannot change how they feel but we can move on our selves. Thanks for you post MC, if you need a chat or just some advice PM me. slbg
  2. Hi Nimrod, Well I no how you feel. My ex fiancee of 5 years has a new boyfriend, she still wants to talk on the phone and via email and I think she misses me. But I cannot handle being friends, its not fair on either of us. I want her and she just wants friends. When I see her all I can think about is holding her in my arms, telling her I love her and being together again. Her feelings for me have changed but mine have not for her, they have only got stronger. If you cannot handle being friends dont contact her or see her. You are only hurting yourself more. I no its hard not contacting the Ex, but if they only want to be friends and you dont want that then you have no choice. She made her choice, now she has to live with it. Sorry I cannot help you more, im in the same position as you. I love being with her and talking to her but feel used only as a friend. slbg
  3. Hi MC, Thanks for your post. Well I wont send a letter to her, just felt a lil desperate. Im so confused, I no her so well, she didn't feel important to me and didn't think I cared. What I have to do is prove to her that I love her more that life itself and want her. I see what your saying about it was her who left, it was her choice and its still her choice if she wants to come back. On the other hand I want her to return for the right reasons, Ive been reading a few posts today a few people who dumped their partners now want them back (there is still hope LOL) From what I read, while they was enjoying there new freedom they wasn't thinking about the Ex or how they felt. After a few months they realised that they loved there Ex and had made a big mistake. I am trying to come to terms with the fact she may never come back, but as you no its not an easy thing to do. I dont really want any body else. We shared so much together, I trusted her with my heart and soul and she trusted me. I think she still feels close to me asshe still confides in me (its nice but I want her LOVE) My Grandparents who have been married 55 years broke up when they were about 23 -24. About 2 years pasted and then they bumped into each other, went out for dinner and have never looked back since (Ahh thats so sweet) I want to set her free, she is already free, free from commitment, free from real love, free from somebody who loved and cared for her. I had a long think about what you said in your previous post about wondering whether its your Ex you want back or the love. After a lot of thought, I think it is my Ex I want back. I want both. I want her back and her LOVE back. I dont want to be loved by any body else, she gave me all the love I needed and could ever want. I want to share my life with her and grow old with her, I dont just want to be loved I want to be loved by her. I think we are both lonely, and confused. We want love but are unsure who from. The love I have to offer my ex is so deep, its not just a word, its not just a feeling. Its a sense of deep emotions, I cannot give that love to another, I dont no if my Ex is worth this love but I cannot change how I feel. Its her loss, I will never stop loving her but I will move on. Her new boyfriend may be exciting for now, and she may be enjoying herself, but they have alot of work to do. Alot of tough times ahead and they may not make it. That doesn't mean she will return to me, but will show her what she had with me. Thanks MC slbg p.s I will return to this forum oneday and read my previous post, if they are still here. I will have moved on and this will all be just a distant memory.
  4. Hi Ripcurl513, Well Im sorry you are feeling this way. Your post is sort of a success story. You was with you partner for almost 3 years, then you broke up and after 4 months got back together. Can I ask, who wanted the break up you or him? You are both young, but if you love each other age is not a problem. Im 23 and my Ex fiancee is 20. We where together for 5 years and she walked out 7 weeks ago. She now has a new boyfriend and so I no how you feel. I cannot stand the thought of her having sex with this new guy. I was her first sexual partner but she was not mine. I love her more than life its self and if we ever get back together (Im losing hope) I want to forgive her for what she has done. I wouldn't ask her if she had sex with other people while we was apart as I do not want to no the answer. I understand how you feel, its really hard if the other person sleeps with somebody else during a break but unfortunately there is nothing you can do. you was not together when he did it so he wasn't cheating on you. The best advice I can give you is to try and forgive him for what he has done. If you can forgive him you will be able to move on with the relationship and deal with the other problems you are having. Please DONT let this break you apart, you was with him for 3 years and got back after 4 months. Try to remember how you felt during the break, was you happy without him, can you imagine not being with him? Good luck slbg
  5. Hi sweetharmony I just wanted to ask you a few questions. You broke up with your b/f because you was bored and humdrum but after a while of living a single life you started to realise what you had lost. How long did it take you to realise that you love him? At first did you think you would ever want to get back with him? Did you think about your Ex while you was out enjoying yourself? Was there anything your Ex could of done to change your mind while you was out enjoying yourself or was you more interested in having fun? Sorry to ask all these questions, its only my Ex also wanted to see what was out there for her. She got bored after 5 years and wanted to see the world. Currently she is out parting every night, drinking, going out with friends etc. When I see her or speak with her she sound like she doesn't care about me. But she has told me that she cannot sleep, she didn't give reasons but I think she cannot deal with the huge changes in her life. She wants to be free but wants the emotional support I can offer her. Im confused. I hope she will think like you do one day. See that she has lost something very special and we can start again. If you can help that would be great slbg
  6. Hi mellowchild, Sorry to hear about your situation. Well I recently lost my ex fiancee because she didn't feel special to me. We were together for 5 years and have been split up for 7 weeks. In my situation, I didn't stop loving her, I thought the world of her. I loved her more than life its self and wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. But sadly she could not see this, or I just didn't show it. She got fed up of feeling second best and decided it was over. It took her leaving for me to see how much she means to me. Now that I have lost her I can see what an idiot I have been. I let myself get rapped up in my own life and didn't show her enough love and affection. From my point of view, I thought she knew she was loved, I took things for granted and truly believed that she knew I was in love with her. What im trying to say is, dont give up on this guy. You may need to take some drastic actions to open his eyes to things but never give up hope. If he loves you he may not realise he is doing anything wrong. That doesn't make him a bad person but you have to show him that you need love and affection in your life. Maybe talk to him about his commitment to your relationship. When my Ex left I was destroyed, Im still devastated, but if I ever get a second chance she will see that the feelings I have for her run deep and I LOVE HER WITH ALL MY HEART. Its never to late, if you are in love, you will survive what ever life throws at you. slbg
  7. Hi justice32, I no how you feel. I really do. Try to understand that taking your own life is not the answer. I have been following your posts and I understand what you are going through. Its tough, It hurts but it will get better.. It might not seem that way right now, but things change, the pain gets easier to deal with but you have to give yourself the time to heal. Try to stay strong, dont answer her calls if she is only calling you to laugh at you. The feeling of wanting to die will pass, try to think positively. If you take your own life what chance have you ever got of getting back with her. She is confused, all she needs is time to think and time to grow. We have all felt this way at some point in our lives, the feeling of being worthless, that the world is not worth living with out her. They are very strong feelings, you really loved this girl. Remember, she will always have a place in your heart. Even though she has gone for now you will always have a piece of her heart. You will keep the memories for ever and she can never take the love you have for her away. Just because she doesnt love you, doesnt mean you cannot love her. Deep down in her heart she knows how you feel. Sound like she is playing games. Be strong, we are all here for you. slbg
  8. Hi cosmic, I think that this guy is crazy, we all have a past. We have all done things in the past we regret but cannot change. If this guy loves you I would give him some time, maybe he will become more comfortable with the idea. Just think, its his loss. If he wont go down on you then dont return the favor. I no it sounds imature, but if you take his view on things why would you go down on him. He must of had previous partners. Its all about trust, if he can have unprotected sex with you why wont he go down on you? Try to deal with the trust issues, if he isnt prepared to compromise then I would move on. slbg
  9. Hi Nameless Face, Sorry to hear about your situation. Based on what you have said I think the best thing you can do is back off and give him space. If he feels he is loosing his freedom and individuality all you can do is respect his wishes and give him the time and space he requires. If you have been in a relationship with somebody for a long time then you should both show commitment and be prepared to make compromises. The major compromise when you are in a long term relationship is that you lose part of your freedom. As a team you work together to build a future and spend time with the person you love. I think your Ex is being a little unfair with you, we all love our freedom but we cannot be in a serious relationship and still be free to do what we want. Your Ex should be committed to you. I think that until your Ex is ready to give you the commitment you require you should stay away from him and not try to rebuild the relationship. Commitment is a big thing, but one day we all have to commit to something. If he cannot commit to you, then do you really want him around. Think about the future, will he be committed enough not to dump you again when hes having second thoughts. If you want to wake this guy up, I would start the NO CONTACT rule. Dont give him the emotional support he desires. Show him that he cannot have the freedom of being single but the support of a long term relationship with you. Im sure if you give him time he will come round, he is probably just confused. Read up on the NO CONTACT rule. Stay strong, think positively and Im sure he will return, with his eye wide open, more mature and ready for commitment. I dont no the full story so my advice is only based on what you have said in your post. Please post more info, i.e how long you was together, Why you broke up, who did the dumping etc. slbg
  10. Hi MC, Glad to hear you are feeling better. Well I am feeling a lot better now. I seem to have really bad days and some good days (more bad than good) Your right MC, it isnt are Exs we want back it's the love we desire. I just want to feel loved, I no my family and friends all love me but I am looking for a special love, a deep love, I cannot explain. I understand that I am seaching for love but I cannot forget my Ex, I find myself thinking of her more and more each day. The feeling of being powerless, not in control and unable to hold her in my arms kills me. I am also worried that if I do not contact her that she will think that I am not interested any more. Like I said before she didn't feel important to me, not contacting her only reaffirms this in her mind and may force her to move on even if she doesn't want to. We are both in the same sort of situation, I think that NO CONTACT is our best route. If the Ex sees this as we are not interested then we have taken our chances. It's a gamble, but we have live by our decisions. If in time we realize that we are making a mistake then we will have learnt a valuable lesson. It's a hard choice to make, I want my Ex to feel important and loved but I do not want to be used or treated like a doormat. There is a fine line between being nice and being used. I feel like I have been beating my self up inside, I want a quick fix or solution to my problems but am coming to terms with the fact that there is not easy solution. We have to stay strong, take a chance and hope we are making the best choice. Why would our Exs feel that we are not interested. I don't know about you but I have told my Ex on numeroius occasions that I love her more than life and care about her. She has confided in me recently with some problems she has been having, I was happy she could confide in me but on the other hand don't want to be used. She still feels close to me and trusts me, but her new boyfriend is getting all the emotional closeness while I am left with being her best friend. Don't get me wrong, my relationship was not based on a physical relationship, I feel stronger about our emotional relationship and the help, care and support we shared. She was my best friend and I was hers, I don't think that has changed but she doesn't want to let go. Im considering sending her a letter telling her I cannot be part of her life any more, that I am hurting to much to be her friend and that I do not feel I can move on with my life while we are still contacting each other. I don't want to upset her and I don't want to leave her on her own, but she has made all of the decisions. It wasn't my choice for her to leave, I would never of left her. No matter how much life throw at us I would always be there for her. I cannot say that I never had my doubts in our relationship and that I sometimes wanted to leave. But I always saw the light, I worked through the problems and made solutions and compromises for "US" both. What do you think MC, should I send her a letter or let her be. I have nothing to lose, she is not coming back. If I tell her how I feel maybe she will realize that she is important to me. On the other hand this could push her away, which I don't want as I want her back but I am fed up of playing games. I need closure, maybe I should give her more time. Its only been seven weeks since we broke up. I keep telling myself that 7 weeks in nothing compared to the 5 years we spent together. I no she is having a hard time to, I don't doubt that things are tough for her but she made the choice NOT ME. Any advice would be great, sorry I didn't answer your question MC. slbg
  11. Hey MC, Sorry to hear your not holding up to well. I just wanted to say, Ive been split from my ex fiancée for 7 weeks on Friday. I started the NO CONTACT about 3 weeks ago. It was really tough, really wanted to hear her voice, see her smile and most of all hold her in my arms. On Monday we contacted each other, sent a few email just general chit chat. I found out more about her than she did me so I kinda felt good. Well Tuesday came and she emailed me again, we had a good talk and then we spoke on the phone that evening. The conversation on the phone went ok, but she kinda brought up the relationship near the end of the call. I entered her comfort zone and then she freaked, starting telling me she knew I was gonna bring things up and try to change her mind. To cut a long story short, she told me that I didn't make her feel important and that I didn't show her I cared. I confessed that I hadn't shown her enough love and affection but explained to her that my feelings never changed I just got rapped up in things. Maybe I was wrong but I told her that I had to live with the mistakes I made every day and that if I could turn back time I would. She then told me that it was too little 2 late (not in them words). Well after we spoke on the phone she txt and asked if she could pick up a few bits from my house on Wednesday. I agreed, and she came round the following day. When she arrived, I had all the bits she wanted. I didn't let her in my house as I thought it would be better to do on my driveway. So she got a bit moody, coz she couldn't come in but soon cheered up. We chatted for about 10mins, she kept leaning into me and was very flirty. I made her laugh and then just before she was leaving I asked her for a hug. So she comes closer and I put my arms round her, she puts her arms round me but I just didn't feel right. There was no emotion on her part, I didn't hold her tight but was trying to show her I still cared. She was very limp, didn't seem like she cared. We hugged for about 2mins and then I let go. I wanted to hug her to see how she felt, if she loved me I thought she would of put more effort into it. I don't know, may be Im crazy but the hug meant a lot to me and was a sign of how she felt. What im trying to say MC is be careful, I did the no contact for 3 weeks. When we got talking again my ex asked me why I ignored her for 3 weeks. I told her I was giving her space like she asked. I asked her if she would of contacted me, she said she was waiting for me to contact her. I told her I was waiting for her to contact me. I asked if she would ever of contacted me, or would it of gone on forever but she wouldn't answer me. I no my ex has missed me, but I don't think I was ready to start contact again, I feel like I have gone back not forward. I found myself crying last night because I couldn't cope. I thought I could deal with seeing her but I was wrong. I think you should stick with the NO CONTACT for now, 6 days is no time at all. From my experience I think you should give it more time. I rushed back in and got hurt again. My ex didn't say any thing bad, I just imagined things would be different after 7 weeks. Im really disappointed, the hug really upset me. I thought when we hugged it would be like it use to be. A proper hug with emotion, instead it was a floppy and limp. MC please don't rush into things, or contact her. I promise, give it time and you will be better equipped to deal with things. If you have any advice for me, PM me or post here. slbg
  12. Hi tiff8434 Sorry to hear about your situation. I no it is tough but you have to realize that he is not your responsibility any more. I no how you feel and understand how helpless you feel. You need to let him make his mistakes, even if you no that what he is doing is wrong you cannot control him or try to stop him. If you so he will end up resenting you more. You say that he broke up with you because he wanted to find himself. I think you should give him the time and space he needs to do this. If you try to pressure him you will only push him further away. I do really understand how you feel, my ex fiancée walked out 7 weeks ago after being 2gether for 5 years and its tough. She is now drinking heavily etc. From my prospective my ex looks like she is messing up her life, but its what she wants to do and I cannot stop her. She will realize one day she cannot continue the way she is and change. She may never return but at this stage in her life she needs to experience new things, different people/relationship and grow. Once she has grown she may return, but if she doesn't I will also have grown. Please try to focus on yourself, stay strong and think positively. Its not going to be easy, but we are all here for you. If you need advice or just a friend we will be there for you. Good luck, post more details i.e Age, how long was the relationship etc and we will see if we can help you further. p.s also read up on the no contact rule, why you should use it and what affect it has.
  13. Hi nagol818, Well I hope that statement is true and I think most people on this site would also. But I think you have to think about what lengths you would have to go to get somebody to come back that doesn't want back. Also if they did return how long would they stay? We are all good people on this site, we realize we have made mistakes and are looking for help and support. Most dumpers do not work on their problems, they just move into another relationship without any thought to the mistakes they made. If this statement is correct then I think we all have to consider what we are prepared to do to get them back. Maybe focusing on getting them back too much can have a negative affect. Don't give up hope, but we must all move on with our lives. Try to take things slow, the smallest progress is still a good thing.. We must not get disheartened with our achievements, if we stay strong we will be in a better state of mind and increase our chances of exs return. slbg
  14. Hi hellokitty, Well Its good to hear that you got back with your ex. We could all do with some success stories. I don't think it's a case of him changing, if he is looking for work then he needs to focus on getting a job. Play playstation will not help him, all it will do is take up his time. I think he needs time to mature, when we are young we all like playing computer games but as we get older and mature we realize that it doesn't pay the bills. Maybe you need to be more supportive to him, show you are interested in the jobs he is looking for and tell him that your proud of him. If you let him, he will play computer games all day, if you show an interest in his life and support him Im sure he will work harder at getting a good job. Its tough being unemployed and easy to waste your days, but if you have somebody in your life who helps keep you motivated and supports you then it's a whole lot easier. Be patient, but let him no how you feel. slbg
  15. Hi vnora87, Never give up if you love this guy, you may not be together now but there may be a chance in the future. You are still only young, but if you feel strongly about him these feeling will never fade. Just give him some space. Maybe in the future he will be ready to take a chance, and try again. You need to show him that you care, my ex fiancée of 5 years broke things off with me because she didn't think I cared. Now she has gone I realize I've made mistakes and understand how much I love her. My feeling for my ex run deep, I will never stop loving her and will never forget her. Just because we cannot be together now doesn't mean we will never be together again. These things take time, and if you love somebody you have to give them the space they need to see how much they mean to you. If he is scared of getting hurt again you need to show him that you are there for him as a friend. Its not gonna be easy as he wants you to think that he doesn't care but its probably just an act. We all deal with things differently, some deal with the problem head on, some smoke screen the issues and others just ignore it and hope it goes away. There will come a day that he will see clearly and when he does he may contact you and want to start again. If hes playing games then I would suggest NO CONTACT for now, give yourself time to heal and grow. If he contacts you then play it cool, don't mention the relationship to start with and over time you will break down the walls he has put up. Regain his trust, show him you love and care for him and that you will never hurt him again. But remember, you are not 100% to blame for the relationship failing, he must also take responsibility for his part in it. Until he is ready to talk, don't pressure him. You will only push him away. Good luck, If you need to talk PM me or post in the forum. slbg
  16. Hi ElephantRider, Not a bad question. I don't think that many dumpers come to this forum but I have read posts from people who have ended the relationship and wish they hadn't. I would like to think that my ex may one day visit a site like this, she looks like she is moving on with her life but in the future wish she hadn't ended things. If I dumped somebody and wished I hadn't I probably wouldn't of come to this site. As the dumper I think you would have more power if the dumpee still wanted you back. Why would you look on a forum for advice if you knew your ex would take you back. On the other hand if the dumpee had moved on and wasn't interested any more then I think maybe they would. I dunno, there are no real answers to our questions, only opinions. slbg
  17. Hi AMAZON MAN, Its only my opinion but I think if you loved somebody i.e wife/girlfriend you will never totally get over them. When I say love, I mean a real deep feeling of love. Not just missing them in your life or wanting them back because its easier than finding somebody new. If you meet your soulmate and fall in love with them I dont think you will ever forget them. Even if the relationship wasnt always perfect and you had bad times doesnt mean you wasnt in love. I love my ex fiancee with all my heart, I would do anything for her. She is my world and without her I am lost. We all have to move on, but you do not have to stop loving your ex. slbg
  18. Hi peteo, I no exactly how you feel, I was with my fiancee 5 year and now she has gone. I dont no if we will ever get back together and that hurts real bad. I find myself thinking about her all the time. When I think of all of the things we did together it hurts so much. Its like somebody is cutting my heart open, I feel so empty inside. Even the smallest memory can make me cry, I try to keep myself together but often this is not the case. I feel like I am living my worst nigthmare over and over again. Nothin I do takes the pain away. However hard I try to keep my mind off of things the memories still haunt me. Its got to the point where I cannot sleep, cannot eat and my body is shutting down. When I lay in bed at night and close my eyes all I can see is my ex, I dont want to think about her, nor remember all the good times but I seem to have no choice. I no its tough, I am living it. You need to stay strong, maybe one day she will return. Sorry I havent been much help to you, you could say that Its just one of those really bad days. Dont ever stop loving your ex, but if she does return remember how you felt without her and show her she is the most important person in the world. slbg
  19. Thanks bubbles, I also feel so empty, my heart is full of pain. slbg
  20. Hi SilverSurfer, Well I no exaclty how you feel. Recently my ex fiancee of 5 years walked out. Ever since that day my life has been different. I find myself blaming myself for everthing that went wrong in the relationship. I feel like my confidence was beaten out of me, my self respect destroyed. I dont have the answer to your question, I only wish I did. Just try to think positive, Im sure you will over come this. slbg
  21. Hi WeeP, Well sorry to hear about your situation. It is a very hard choice to make, if you truly love your ex fiancee then I would give your self some time to think and then decide. Im currently split up from my fiancee, we were together 5 years and she decided she wanted to end the relationship. If you love you ex fiancee then I think you should try again, I no how your ex is feeling. I feel empty inside, I cannot eat, cannot sleep and often wish I wasnt alive. Please dont put your ex through any more pain, If you want to try again then go for it, if it doesnt work out at least you tried. slbg
  22. Hi guys, Well if you no my story then I could really do with some advice. Ok, so my ex calls me tonight and we have a long chat. We start off just talking about what we have been up, and general chitchat. Well near the end of the call (1 hour long) things started to go down hill, she started to open up to me but started to get angry. We ended up talking about the relationship, but not directly. It was strange, she started to mention how I had ignored her in the past and hadn't listened to her all the time. She was upset that I was always on my computer, she said that she didn't feel important to me. I said that I was sorry and that I didn't use my computer as often now, she replies: so if your not on your computer what are you doing with all your time. I tried to explain to her that I had cut my computer use, not just because I knew that it had made us drift apart but also because I knew that there was more to life than my computer. She then started explaining to me what people do when they really love some one. She told me that if you really love somebody you call them, and email them and spend time with them (I already no this im thinking). She also asks me why I couldn't of changed before and said why did I have to leave it until it was too late? So I asked her if that was how she felt, totally in love with me. She didn't give me and answer and changed the subject ???? Well I told her that I was sorry for ignoring her in the past and that I have to live with my mistakes, I tried to explain to her that things had changed, I had changed but all she did was tell me to stop speaking about the relationship, she said she knew I was gonna bring things up and that she didn't want to talk about things. It all happened so fast, one minute we was fine the next we was kinda arguing. We weren't shouting at each other but she had got the wrong idea about what I was saying. I'm so confused, she mentioned the relationship, then when she didn't want to listen she told me to stop talking about it ????? During the call she really opened up to me, I knew that she had been missing me and that she was kinda thinking about our past. I really don't know any more ppl, I thought it was a good idea to talk on the phone, she sounds so confused and I picked up on things she was saying. Its not like she wants to come back, but I think that she might be more open to the idea now. She said that when I didn't contact her for 3 weeks she thought I was being moody with her. I asked if she would of contacted me and she said she wouldn't of as she was waiting for me to email her. Plz help me get my head round all this, I'm really confused. Is she playing games, has she decided its over for good ? HELP, I think that I have done more harm than good. All ive done is reaffirm in her mind that I havent changed. She use to say that I didnt let her speak, and guess what, she said it 2nite on the phone....... I was letting her talk but was trying to set the record straight. Whats my next move ??
  23. Hi Sauron21, Thanks for you post, Im a guy not a girl though LOL I would hate to ever choose between the two but if I had to then im sure I would choose my mum. The love we have for our mums is far greater than the love we have for a girlfriend/boyfriend/fiancee. slbg
  24. Ok, so the ex emailed me today, had a nice chat. I played it cool and every thing was ok, she got a lil bit funny with me near the end of our chat see this post for details link removed My ex can only access email from work and finishes at 3.45pm so at about 3.30pm I said thanks for the chat, it was nice speaking to you. She replies saying that she also enjoyed talking and if I wasnt 2 busy 2morrow maybe we could talk some more. I really, really, really want to talk to her. Im comfortable chatting with her via email and have been finding out info all day. We went for 3 weeks with no contact and it was killing me, now we are talking again Im like a child with a new toy. So, do you think I should be available 2morrow, or should I just send a quick email saying that im busy and will speak 2 here next week ????? Im not sure, but I kinda feel she is opening up 2 me, she has got alot off her chest today and probably feels alot better about things. I tried the NO CONTACT but it didnt really faze her, she asked me today in an email why I didnt talk 2 her for 3 weeks ???? Now I am thinking that the best route is to try being friends, show her that I am the same guy she feel in love with. Do you think that if I re-build the friendship and gain her trust that she will eventually feel comfortable about meeting up for a drink or just a chat. At present, I dont think she would want to meet, but I hope that in time she will see that Im not gonna try pressuring her to come back or beg her. If she feels comfortable with me I think I have a better chance. I dont no if she still loves me as she has not given any clear signs, Im sure she still cares for me and must miss me even if its only a lil bit. We where 2gether for 5 years and she split up with me 6 weeks ago, just to fill u all in. If you can advise me on either of these two post that would be great, I think I will email her 2morrow morning but I dont no what im gonna say just yet. Thanks in advance slbg p.s she has the rest of the week off after 2morrow so I will not be able to contact her via email. If things go well 2morrow maybe we can send a few txts here and there. Or is that a bad Idea?
  25. Hi sera_Michele, Well I think she is trying to make me jealous. Im not gonna lie to her I just wanted her to no that I wasn't looking for a replacement so soon. She has got the rest of the week off after Tuesday so there will be no email. I don't reply straight away but as I don't have much time left to talk to her this week, I think I should email 2morrow as requested. It must be hard for her as well, I no that. But we all deal with things differently, y cannot she see that I still love her and don't want n e 1 else ??? I will not encourage her and have been giving her space, its been six weeks since the break up and 3 weeks of no contact. I don't think we have a chance of getting back 2gether, well at least not straight away. She has to make her mistakes before she can learn from them. Any advice on her emails would be great ppl. slbg
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