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  1. Hey guys thanks for the advice. Not sure if I was really clear in my post. She broke up with me and doesnt want any thing to do with me, but for some reason still lets me hang around. I know I should not hang around with her,but I cant help it. After our last fight she said she will not call me anymore because I told her it was sending me mix signals (she used to call me every day, even though we have been broken up for 4 months!!), but when I am not doing anything I find my self misssing her and calling her up and asking to come over. 99% of the time she says ok and we have a good time just relaxing and I end up holding her which she does not stop. (she probably loves the attention) I feel like shit when I leave because I want to be with her, but she doesnt. arg!!! I hate that she doesnt call me any more and I know if I dont call her I will never hear from her again. I feal so connected to her, and we both are so comfortable when we are together. I just wish I could stop I have a date tonight so I hope that will help
  2. I read all the web sites, ebooks, newgroups etc.. for the past 6 months and I cant seem to get over my EX. Here's the story. We were together for 2 years, the 1st year was great, then it slowly went downhill, about a month after our 1st year together she tells me she doesn't know if its going to work out. So I pleaded with her, and she thought about it and said she loved me and wanted to stay with me. The next few months were great then the relationship started to go downhill again. Less and less sex, more fights etc... until finally she sat me down and told me Im not the "one" ugh I asked her to give me time, and she basically said yes. She would countinue call me every day and I would still see her almost every day. We would cuttle and kiss but no sex. This has been going on for the past 4 months. The last month I've been getting frustrated with the situation and we were getting in bigger fights, with her telling me she already told me she doesn't want to be with me, even thought she still calls me every day and I see her all the time. I left and didn't call for a few days. Then called her back, and she was acting so nice to me. Asking me to go out with her and her friends (hasn't asked that for about a year) calling me, cooking, just being real nice. Last week we got in a big fight, I asked if we could do some "stuff" and she said "NO" so I left. I called her a few days later and went over there. When I tried to do some "stuff" again with her she said NO. She said she already told me how she feals. I asked her if that's the case then why the HEll do you keep calling me. She was like you don't want me to call? I said your actions do not match what you are saying. So she said Fine I will not call you again and reiterated that she did not want to be with me. ack, that hurt, I ended up sleeping on her bed with my clothes on because I didn't want it to be over. The next morning she went to kiss me, like she does when I crash there and she stopped and said I don't want to give you the wrong impression. She ended up kissing me anyways. The next few days I didn't call her, and she didn't call me. I'd been going out trying to get over her. As luck would have it I bumped into her the other day and I suggested we have dinner. ugh, I broke down, called her and went over there for dinner. I ended up cuttling her as we watched tv, and for a while while she was going to sleep. Kissed her on the lips and forehead when I left. I cant Get Over her. I want her More than EVER NOW (thought I do have a date tomorrow ) I cry when ever I think about it because I know its over but I don't want it to be. The hard part is she has been a Part of my Life every day for the past 2 1/2 years!! I love when she calls me, I love going over there. I know she likes calling me, and that she likes me over, but I want more from her than she will give me. ARRRGGGGG
  3. hey peach, you obviously both have issues you have to work out, the best way to do that is some "alone" time. You have to tell him you need some time apart. this will give you a chance to work on your issues(which are big, you don't "cure" bipolar just with drugs) and he can work on his. If he asks if you are breaking up with him, let him know you just need some space, maybe a month or so. I think this will help. It will give you both space, but you wont be broken up.. good luck
  4. Hey beantown girl, Wow, man if my Ex did that to me I would be so happy, but hey she broke up with me So listen, thats not going to work. You must take him aside, and tell him that he is right. Write him a note, tell him that you screwed up, your sorry about the way you treated him and you understand why he must be away from you. Then you must sit and wait (or try and move on) there is a good chance that he will come back since this is your first big break up with him. After you tell him that HE is right, he will start to think that maybe he made a mistake, and give it a second shot. Hope this helps, Go SOX!
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