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  1. Hello everyone, I have been reading through all of your posts. Alot of them I have to say helps me to realize that I am not the only one going through this pain. THere was one that I had read about a gut feeling this person had about a relationship and the fact that he still feels as though she will be back. I am having that same feeling. I have been trying the no contact thing, it works for only a few days and then I can't stand myself I have to call him. Last nite I called and asked how his day at work went and he hung up on me. Then I called back and all he did was tell me that I am crazy because I keep calling and wont leave him alone. I just cant help myself. He was everything to me. My best friend, my lover, my future. He also told me that he wishes he never would have met me. He told me he doesn't care about me or my kids. He just wants me to leave him alone. My youngest son adored him and likewise he had adored him also. I dont understand how he can be hateful. Is it still possible there might be a future for us? If I leave him alone like he asked me to do three weeks ago, is there still hope for us? If things were not so great when we didn't fight. I have to be honest, Im not sure if I would keep this fight up for him. Any advice and experience would be great. I do not really have any close enough friends to talk to. I appreciate everything. Thank you, all of you have a great day!!!
  2. I am so confused. I have been dating this guy for 18 months. Every fight we ever had he has left and broken up with me. We actually did live together for awhile until Jan. Our fights got nasty, mainly on my part. I really kept an I on these fights and found that during my PMS time is when most of the fights would happen. It ended up getting out of my control. I had talked to several psychologists and they had all diagnosed me with bipolar. He supported this diagnosis and said that he would do whatever it took to keep us together. It has only been four weeks since my diagnosis. They said the meds can take up to 8 weeks to take effect. Since I am home, we have been seeing each other but have also gotten into fights because of my insecurities about him leaving me. I might add here that for Christmas he had given me a promise ring. I was the happiest person alive. THe next fight, Jan 3 he took the ring from me, that just killed me. I have been having a hard time dealing with him not ever staying with me. I understand how difficult this must be for him, but I do not intentionally mean to ever hurt him. I have always been by his side. I never left him even when he told me it was over. I always called and said I was sorry and to please give me another chance. He always did. We got into a fight the other day because I had been quiet for a few days. I had told him what was bothering me. (my fear of him leaving the guilt that i had felt for what I had done to him) This in turn made him mad. I couldn't understand how at that time he told me on Friday, he never wanted to hear from me again but on Sunday he spent the nite and then took me to Atlantic City on Monday. It made no sense. All he could say was that he was sorry and that he gets frustrated with me. I understand that, I am difficult at times. But I feel and have always felt like our love was strong enough to get us through anything. Dear God, it got us this far!!! We are so happy when we are not fighting. People actually admire our relationship. We get along great, have the same intrests and make each other very happy but yet are capable of making each other miserable too. I still believe in my heart that we are meant to be together. I just dont know what else to do. I keep promising him I will do as the therapists told me to do. I believe that he has possibly some on resolved issues from his past too. HIs wife had left him for another woman. I believe that this may have something to do with his not being able to stay committed to me. He always runs when things get bad. When things are good, they are great!!! He is one of the best guys I have ever known. I just wish we could get over this problem and really be happy. Currently, he has told that he is done and that I am sick and insane. I have always begged and begged for him to come back to me. Do I again??? I might also add, he is counseling and I am getting ready to start counseling again. I know that would help but I really feel like I need his support. Thank you for any advice you can offer. Have a great day !!!!
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