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  1. I ended a 3 year relationship with my fiance and i'm in the process of selling our flat. I ended it b/c we'd basically stopped communicating. There had been major problems in the past where he'd cheated on me, we'd lost our baby, he was verbally abusive and he seemed really distant. When i ended it a few months back i felt relieved and i've now started seeing someone else, but its very casual at this point. Me and my ex obviously have to keep in contact when it comes to the sale of the house - but now i've started to second guess my decision. He seems really keen to get back with me even tho he knows I'm with someone else and he says he'll change and that he is sorry for what he'd done in the past and that he still really loves me. I don'k know exactly how I feel, theres an attachment there and i'm really scared that what I'm feeling now is just numb and that in a few more months I'll start to really regret this decision. The guy I'm seeing just now is very different from my ex-fiance and I do have feelings for him but i know it isn't love - but it could turn into that, even though thats not what I'm looking for at this point. I could go back to me ex-fiance even tho i think that I'm not as in love with him as I was, or I could stick to my guns and continue with the breakup and see where this new relationship goes - I'd really appreciate it if anyone out there with an opinion on this would reply to me as I've never felt so confused and this is a huge decision I've got on my hands just now.
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