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Everything posted by EnolWolf

  1. I think you did the right thing by ending the friendship. I wouldn't want to be friends with someone like that either.
  2. wow, to be honest I really didn't think giving gifts could be that deep. I've noticed her past boyfriends kept giving her stuffed animals. I want to stray away from that. I'll find something. Thanks for the advice. I wish you all the best.
  3. It depends. I've only done that less than 10 times when i was younger and that was because I didn't want to make a mess in my room. It would be more convenient than a napkin or paper towel, but it doesn't feel as good. (my opinion)
  4. She likes you! Definitely! 1) She let you know that she's available 2)She laughs at everything you say 3)She's obviously happy you have the same schedule 4)She smiles at you I'm getting that vibe that you haven't been making any moves at all. She probably doesn't say anything to you on those days because she fighures "what's the use." She may be getting tired of making all the moves and getting nothing in return. If you like her. Go for it! You may regret it if you don't at least try. Good Luck!
  5. Please don't waste any more of your time with him. This guy sounds like total scum. sad to say, I have a friend similar to him. He seems to be a "player." I can tell because what he's doing to you is something called "running the G." Basically, no matter what he does to you he knows he can always have you back. This best thing you can do is find somebody else. please do so.
  6. I'm having a problem with trust myself. I'm biting my lips and trying hard to build my trust for her again. It's very very hard. Right now it's the only option. I would suggest you do the same. hope this helps.
  7. That's what I was thinking. You should show her that you don't need her and can be happy with someone else. See how she takes it. Good Luck!
  8. You sent a mixed signal. by telling him no about putting his arm around you, I'm sure he took it as a sign of you not liking him. If you like him show it. I don't know about girls, but we guys aren't big fans of mixed signals like that. Good Luck!
  9. oh yeah, and be sure you let her know how this makes you feel. Good luck!
  10. I don't know. It's like she's trying to bully you in a small way. it's like she's making sure or trying to make it known that you will always be one step behind her or in her shadow. She seems highly egotistical also. You should say something like that and see how she takes it.
  11. This girl needs some seriuos counseling. It's bad enough that she's using her own life as a trump card to keep you. No one should feel that way. She's obviously obsessed. Does anyone else know about it?
  12. The best way to go is to find out what she's interested in. Take that and run with it. If you notice somethng about her, bring it up (hair, nice clothes,etc.) Try to avoid short answer questions also. Don't ask so many either. Good Luck!
  13. I was just wonder about different people's opinon on getting gifts for a loved one. I haven't bought mine a single thing yet, though I have given her money. She bought me a T-shirt and a key chain from a trip she went on. They just kinda sit in my room. Even though I haven't used them, it made me feel really special when she did that. Do any of you feel the same?
  14. The best thing you could possibly do is to introduce yourself. Don't worry about having "game." Tell the woman exactly why you came up to her. if you think she's attractive, tell her so. After introducing try making light conversation about whatever activity is taking place. Don't worry about rejection.
  15. I think this is a BIG mistake. Even if you still love her and she's nearby, I don't think you'll have a chance a getting back with her. I have a feeling that you might mind other guys hanging out with her and doing god knows what. My advice to you is to find someone to hangout with. A new girlfriend or a girl as a friend.
  16. I know the feeling. She's no good for you man. The thing making it difficult is that you may be/ have been in love with her. That feeling takes a while to fade. I don't think you love being miserable. It's just that everytime you think something might change between you everything goes up into flames. You may be used to it. Her letter sounds like she's doing a lot of "rubbing in." If i were you I would discontinue any for of contact with her. It may be hard, but I feel it would be best. (my opinion) Good luck!
  17. EnolWolf


    I want to help, but I'm having a little difficulty reading your post. Do you think you're lazy and want to get out and find things to do?
  18. well, so far it sounds like she wants to be a close friend. Maybe friends with benefits (the touching). The fact that she's telling these "things" is a red flag. She may be trying to reel you in, so to speak. for some reason i'm getting the feeling she may be the flirtatious type. Is this true?
  19. I've been there before. Over and over and over. Since you broke NC, then you might as well keep talking to him. It would be rude of you to ditch him all of a sudden. It would've been better if your feelings of needing or wanting him had faded over time. I say make the most of it while you can. That's what I'm doing .
  20. I don't really think it's wrong, but I believe someone near your own age has a lot more to offer. The one thing that makes it weird is all those laws. Sadly, this causes guys who like younger girls to be considered perverts. Do you hang out with her?
  21. I'll take your word for it. All I can do now is hope and pray. Thanks for all of your help! I really appreciate it!
  22. I've noticed that myself. I think that they are attracted by looks first then personality. But you have to throw in the fact that all guys don't think the same, so it's pretty much a double standard. I know this doesn't help much, but it's my opinion.
  23. It doesn't sound like ur having a problem at all. Sometimes it's hard to find the right things to say. Trust me. I know. Keep at it. Ur doing fine.
  24. I really don't know because I've never felt vaginal secretion. It felt greasy. A lot of the people I've told said that it must've been hers. Before I put on the condom I felt and saw a little of the same thing on my foreskin. I thought I might've precum, but i wasn't anywhere near cumming. I checked my penis (right before I put the condom on) and there was no trace of liquid. So I doubt it came from me. Do you think that might be the same thing?
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