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Everything posted by woobiegirl

  1. Hello I agree with Morrigan. I don't feel you should advertise on a Billboard your personal issues. This is something that when you feel your ready to share you will. Depression comes in many shapes and sizes. and today with modern medicine, they have new medication that can help. I hope you are seeing a professional. I also believe we all get bouts of depression at one time or another. I do think that if you told someone new you had depression, it might give it an awackward start. You can beat this with support and sound medicial advice. Many people have won out over depression, and you will too. Take Care Woobiegirl
  2. I would say it's perfectly normal for either party to admire someone they find attractive, but not to the extent it makes the other person feel uncomfortable. It would also be amiable to compliment the person you are with, after all...they should be the main focus. Let him know how you feel about it, if he doesn't like it, find someone who makes you feel like #1. You deserve it! take care, Woobiegirl
  3. You are by no means "over-reacting" Glad to hear you have an appt. w/a professional. Go with an open mind and be prepared to listen to suggestions you may not want to hear. Often our emotions prevent us from seeing the real picture. You describe your boyfriend as wonderful and mention other positive traits about him....but in my opinion being sneaky, sending sexual e-mails to other women, spending the night out to party all devastates the "good". It's absolutely not acceptable in any way, shape or form...and is destroying you inside as well as intrusive to your daily well-being. Trust is of major importance in any relationship whether it's new or long-term. Focus on yourself and take control. Hope we hear good news back...you sound like a wonderful, caring person and out there in this complicated world "one" special guy is waiting for you! take care, Woobiegirl
  4. Hi Musicguy, Sorry to hear that.... Since I don't know the details (how long you dated, your expectations going into the relationship, etc.) I can't comment about her breaking up w/you, but don't ever change your goals because of other people's actions. Stick to your goals...it is what's important to you and with the right person these goals can be talked about together with agreeable conclusions. Could it be the girls you dated were not ready for a serious relationship yet? Believe me, there are lots of girls out there that would love to meet a man who's interested in a "one on one" relationship w/no games!! Take care, Woobiegirl
  5. Shame that it went as far as her getting married if you both secretly felt something special for each other....but, to answer your question... it has been said that the fastest way to get over someone is not always time, but finding someone else that you are compatible with. Most definitely, you will meet someone again who will bring out these wonderful, loving feelings. You may always have fond memories for this person who got married, because everyone remembers their first love. And that's ok, because It's impossible to have special feelings for someone and then erase them as if they never existed. I'm sure the next girl you meet will have also had feelings for someone else at some time...but together you put them in a "good" memory bank and move on to build special times together of your own. Good luck....but next time don't hide your feelings, just go for it!!! Woobiegirl
  6. Not sure of how long you have been dating or how far apart you live...but it sounds like your intuition is giving you reasons to check on her. Your right, not a good sign if she's handing out her phone # when going out. Whether you checked her messages is not really the issue....have you considered sitting down with her and telling her how you feel and what concerns you and why? If you really have strong feelings for her, you have nothing to lose, but maybe something to gain by being honest. If she get's defensive she may not be as commited to the relationship as you are...then you can tell her your looking for a deeper relationship than she is willing or ready to give back. You will also feel better by being open rather than constantly have these negative thoughts hanging over your head. Relationships have enough challenges and tests....but trust should never be one of them. Best wishes, hope it works out for you. Honesty is always the best road taken.... Woobiegirl
  7. Hi there! It's understandable that you miss the closeness that the two of you most likely shared during the week and wk ends, but the good news is that the separation is only for 2 months... (althought it may feel like 2 years to you right now) You're girlfriend is probably feeling the same as you, except she has a busy schedule so her time may be going faster. My suggestion would be to find things to keep you very busy and keep your mind occupied and before you know it, April will be here!! As far as feeling guilty when you are havign fun...as long as you are not doing anything that would hurt her feelings, there is no reason to feel guilty. Having fun in life is important....make plans with friends, enjoy yourself and live life to it's fullest at all times. Hang in there and good luck to both of you. Woobiegirl
  8. Hi Matt, Sorry to hear about your situation, you sound like a very caring person. It's so hard when we have no control over the other person's feelings...it makes us feel so helpless. Just a suggestion regarding your sleeping medication which you mentioned gives you nighmares...since it isn't helping you to get a good night's rest and I'm guessing they're a perscription, can you meet w/your doctor, explain what's going on and see if he can't give you something for depression instead, just to get you on the road to feeling like yourself. Even if it's for a brief period, it'll help you to focus and think things through more clearly. You may not be able to change you'r ex's feelings towards you, but in time you will meet someone new who will light up your days again. It may not be the person you are with now, but you are young and have so many dreams yet to live & share ahead of you. Take time for yourself to find out what you want in life, what is important to you..,and never settle for less. I know it's not easy with a borken heart, I have been there. I dated someone for 9 years and when we broke up I felt like there was nothing to get up for in the mornings....it was a real struggle getting through the day. Memories are all around you....but you do get over them with time, and you see things differently when you step back and look at the whole picture. I wish I'd have known about this site then and all the wonderful people who take time to share similar experiences...but we learn from the pain, we get stronger and always try to focus on the good times. These experiences, both good and bad will make you stronger with your next relationship...and you will find that speical one that is "meant" to last forever when the time is right!! Take care and best wishes!! Woobiegirl
  9. We've all felt like a doormat at one time! The key is what you are doing now...recognizing it, admiting it and dealing with it. Good for you!! I, like you, had a relationship with someone for 9 years. During that time I covered up red flags, uneasy feelings and didn't say things that were on my mind because I didn't want to "stir up the water". I was the giver, but after awhile you become drained and it's not a well-balanced relationship. No relationship should include cheating or lying. It's just too difficult to overcome emotionally! Hold your head up, be proud and find someone who will treat you with love and respect and make you feel like the most special person on earth. After 4 challenging years of being on my own, I've met someone that I can talk with endlessly about eveything and he makes me feel like the most loved women in the world. I'm so glad I waited for this special person. I hope you find yours... Best wishes.... Woobiegirl
  10. Let me begin by saying I'm so sorry for the loss of your husband at such a young age. You do however, still have many wonderful years ahead of you to share with someone special when the time is right and start a new life together. You also have a wonderful advantage.... the knowledge/experience of having shared such things as commitment, passion, loving, giving, receiving, planning the future and so many other wonderful experiences that come from being in love. I've read your prior postings and must admit I would be very frustrated myself. It sounds like he does allot of talking & making promises with no actions to back it up. He's the one with hang-ups, excuses and can't seem to stand up to his parents. My suggestion would be to move on...find someone who will give you a healthy commitment. Someone who will be proud to make you part of his life, introduce you to his family, friends and make you feel like your the most important person in his life. You mentioned you are used to sharing, talking and having a bond with your husband....even if you did end up marrying this person, what kind of husband would he make? He may not have the gift to be open, warm and easy to be with since he's never been married or experienced a serious commitment. In the end it may be a constant struggle for happiness. Whatever you decide...don't settle for less than what you give in return, make sure it's healthy and will bring you happiness. Let us know how it works out for you, Woobiegirl.....
  11. I know for a fact the guys I have been with prefer it shaved woobiegirl
  12. Hey girl only time will tell, and in the meantime you will have to find a way to heal. He may come back later, you may never get him back (you need to accept that) or he may want to come back later and you may not want him back. Either way, you need to heal and move on. It will drive you crazy otherwise. By telling you he was seeing someone else in such a short period of time, makes me believe you hurt him by moving out. And this was his cruel way of hurting you back. Do not call him you will sound real desperate. Let nature run it's course. The moving out part backfired on you, and now you have to deal with it. I'm sorry you are going through the pain. Try and get a new focus, and take care of you right now. People grieve in different ways. And in time you will be over him. He may have wanted you to stay, but sometimes false pride gets in the way. We all do stupid things when it comes to relationships, I know I sure have. And sometimes we search for the right words to make things right, and sometimes they just won't come. And sometimes we never get the second chance we all deserve to make things right. Be Strong !!!!!!! Woobiegirl
  13. hey girl go get him if you love him, follow your heart. Don't make the same mistake your mother, and aunt made. You don't need to follow down that lonely path. Be strong and show them the way. Your young and have the whole future ahead of you. woobiegirl
  14. hey girl As far as I'm concerned any man that age no kids and never been married and still living at home has some serious issues. He sounds like a very selish person. He is more than likely a narrasist person. You can look it up on line under google. It is called narracistic personality disorder or NPD. I read up on it with someone I had been dating. and it really hit home. Especially when it came to the emotion part. More than likely he saw your number on the cell and just did not answer. I hate it when they play baby hurtful games. You can be assured he will call again when he wants something or a late night booty call. Kicking him to the curb sounds like a good idea. Pease look that stuff up, it will really help you alot. You deserve someone that is going to invest time in you. Selfish people are the worse. Good Luck Woobiegirl
  15. Perhaps the time apart has helped your lady realize what a special guy you are. Talking & laughing about the good times you shared is a good sign. Giving space without pressure while letting her know the door to your heart is still open is not always easy, but it will draw her closer than having expectations. While roses are the traditional flowers given for Valentine's, how about something extraordinary that would trigger a special moment you two shared. Who doesn't love a special thought .... for example, A bouquet of Wild Flowers, along with a book "Great Love Poems" by Shane Weler (a 4.5 star best seller) Tuck in a special book marker as a visual reminder of you...and/or a packet of "Forget-Me-No Seeds" would be sweet too. Good luck and let us know how your special day was. She's a lucky gal! take care, Woobiegirl
  16. It's apparent from both your actions that you still have feelings for each other. I think you should go for it. I would suggest a sentimental gift that would bring back memories and has a special meaning Woobiegirl
  17. Kung That was a very nice and deep thought out post. I hope the healing can begin now. They say sometimes you have to let the things you love go, if it comes back then it was yours. If it doesen't it was never yours to begin with Warm Regards Woobiegirl
  18. Hello We all get insecure from time to time, I think it is human nature. Lighten up alittle on yourself and stop being so hard on you. If a girl does not talk to you the first time try try again. You are young and have the future ahead of you. Woobiegirl
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