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Everything posted by jimthzz

  1. No high fives from me for an older guy banging an 18-year-old girl.
  2. Cracks me up when people in their 40s convince themself that they can pass for their 20s. Nope, nada, no way! And even if you did, it does not excuse creepin on a high school kid. Who cares if he approached you first.
  3. Disingenuous people that know they are spreading untruths on social media, but act as though they are not.
  4. 1. cleanliness 2. cheerful, genuine behavior 3. chianti 4. winning personality 5. generosity of time, resources, and spirit 6. knowing when to kiss 7. knowing when to move beyond a kiss 8. being physically and emotionally pleasurable providing a safe place for 5, 6, and beyond.
  5. ha! ha! ha! Oh man, I got sucked into a dead thread. She knows by now if it is right. That was rich.
  6. You know, if you truly love your soon to be husband and want to give yourself to him heart and soul, AND you feel this same connection coming back to you from him; then you are in a very, very happy place to be. Enjoy and revel in this time together. Marry him and launch your life together with positive thoughts. Do not let your insecurities rule this time. Congrats on your impending marriage!
  7. Practically speaking, at 9 years of marriage, you are at a critical moment if you are considering divorce. Why? a lot of places consider a marriage of 10 years or more to be a long-term marriage and treat how spousal support is allocated differently ---to the man's detriment-- than short-term marriages. Do not cross that 10-year line without being prepared. If you wuss out and finally divorce at 11 years of marriage you can be paying her spousal support until you die. whereas if you divorced prior to 10 years you might only pay a lesser period of time.
  8. I can't do an indepth statistical analysis for goshsakes. It just has been my experience that women are better at hiding the truth than men are. I didn't suggest that all women are lying cheats, just like I don't consider all men to be impulise-control lacking cheats. But I do think it is counter-intuitive to believe that men are much greater cheats than women are so there has to be a reason why there is not one bowlegged woman per town. It's because women are cheating at the same rates (give or take) as men are.
  9. I believe that if there is a difference in the rate of men and women cheating that it can be accounted for by the time a woman takes being pregnant and raising children. I also believe while a lot of guys use the excuse that they can't help it, a lot of women are just excellent liars. Put a lying women up against a lying man and the lying woman will win the game of bluff every time.
  10. A girl who'll blow you on the drive to go see mom sounds like the right mix.
  11. Dude, if you only have 2-3 hours total aggregate (that term cracked me up as reference to time in the sack) having sex of any kind, I'm thinking you are putting way to much stock in analyzing your couplings with this girl. If she's faking or not is really not that important right now. What is important is that you two connect better and relax with each other. If she feels like a science project she is not going to relax. BTW, if you ever tell her that you have been with other women who go freak when they have an orgasm and she doesn't, all you will do is hurt her and get her to decide she doesn't like you.
  12. If you somehow stay with the original boyfriend this child will always be a wedge between you and he will resent the child. Your child will always know the original boyfriend resents it. You do not love that boyfirned anymore. All you do here is marvel about the new guy's sexual prowess and lament about your guilt for having behaved badly towards the original boyfriend. Move on, clean break from that guy. The one who got you pregnant may or may not be the guy for you, but whatever you do, start having a plan for your life, you are having a baby.
  13. If this truly is a religious thing for you, then you ought to end the relationship and seek out a companion from your own religious background who shares your belief in virginity until marriage. The vast majority of men, and even most women for that matter, do not wait until marriage to engage in sex. Is there any sexual activity short of intercourse that you would indulge in? Maybe some type of activity that would satisfy, but not ruin your stance?
  14. I know I would not be. I would be so pissed off! being understanding is ok, I guess. But I also think it is instrumental in your recovery to own and exfress some anger to her about what she did. Being overly empathic to her 'reasons" for cheating may be giving her a pass.
  15. To change his address himself. If getting money is not enough motivation then I don't know what is. You're not his mommy.
  16. Anyone who considers an engagement announcement as opportunity to hit on the soon-to-be bride has really made a faux pas bordering on the offensive. If it is lame attempt at humor it is ill-conceived at best.
  17. she is not not for you. This relationship is going nowhere and is kinda toxic. Find someone who makes you happy. BTW, if your teeth need work, see a dentist.
  18. people worry about the potential for "overlap" in their relationships and see someone who sleeps with other early as someone who might also be sleeping with others, rightly or wrongly, when they just want a 1-on-1 relationship. So they use the sleeps to early theory as their yardstick.
  19. she is angry with you because you almost screwed up her double life strategy of dating by showing up without warning. She has someone nearby that she finds interesting. Apparently now more interesting than you. She was fine with seeing you some of the time and this other person (or even other persons) some of the time. She is too chicken to fess up to you and figures the coward's way, just blowing you off with no explanation, is working for her. Count yourself lucky if she is not preggers or gave you an STD. Then move on.
  20. Yes, you have been friendzoned. What might pique her interest is if you limit your availability. Maybe hint that you are dating. Give no details to her though. Women hate to find out that they are demoted moe than men do.
  21. it's because you got nervous. relax some more and just enjoy yourself. use your own saliva a little on your finger and things will get going again.
  22. that's what I was thinking, 11 p.m. hsa been where I get nudged to pay attention to.
  23. rodeo, no need to go, you're not upsetting me anyway.
  24. Rodeo, I don't know where you got the impression that I am a young man, I've got you beat by two years. I don't know about where you went to school in 60s-70s, but i can assure you that where I grew up the schools were dangerous places. We had race riots, stabbings, and drugs everywhere. Most of us managed to survive those times unscathed.
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