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Everything posted by Happy_Go_Lucky_Heb

  1. Hey nice 2 hear from cid and ducnan. lol duncan...that would've been interesting, ending up on the bed Happy Heb
  2. HEY, everyone's got pretty nice ideas, good work guys I agree with heyou though, i mean sure it'll be easier but if it's just you, it's more special. If you ain't much of a singer, just walk into her class and give her a bunch of roses or a flower! Who cares if you get into trouble, it just shows how much you care for her! Happy Heb
  3. Hey showbe, it's happy heb Yea, it's hard to talk to some people sometimes hey? Just don't be discouraged, if she seems bored then move the conversation. Start with simple things like hobbies, interests, songs and stuff that you can expand on. Or if you'd like to get to know how better ask each other stuff you'd like to know about each other like family, moments etc etc. Hope that helped Happy Heb
  4. Hey Haunted Butterfly Babe, nice to meet you, I'm Happy Heb First up, I'd like to welcome you to enotalone on behalf of everyone. I'm sure u've taken a nice step towards finding support and advice from many people of various ages from around the world which will be around for a while. Hey congrats on your new boyfriend...We all love to masturbate and unless it's affecting our lifestyle, it's perfectly healthy and normal! He should be so flattered that you can masturbate about him every night and that you think about him so much...no sweetie, you're not doing anything wrong. Masterbating is ok~ lol Happy Heb
  5. Hey everyone, Happy here I was just reading about people's first kisses and I just had an ideal to bring up a "Funny Kisses" topic to brighten up everyone's day and put a smile onto faces. I remember a couple: This one time when I was an inexperienced kisser with another, we closed our eyes, didn't know what we were doing and BANG she smacked my noes with her head... that really hurt bad Straight after she was so sorry for what happened and tried again, that time she missed and kissed my nose instead! that was pretty funny at the time and to this day, I still think it was an accident. Other times: This one time at bandcamp LOl no jokes... I was kissing this girl on a park bench and she had a neck cramp! I had a blocked nose and I couldn't breath! Once I was kissing a girl on a park bench and she was sitting on my lap (she weighed 50k's and I was around 58k's ) anyway, my thighs began to have muscle spasms and they were shaking like i was having an orgasm! ..that was really embarrassing but that day she grabbed my hand and put it on her ass (till this day I'm still not sure wether she wanted my hand there or it was just support for my thighs) My first french kiss: Me: "I never got to reply your kiss on the lip the other day..." (wanting to french her). Her: "You see that window, it really annoys me!" - that was just a coinsidence but nevertheless it was still funny, here's a guy wanting to french a girl for the first time and hinting it and she goes off and says something like that (we did kiss in the end...) If I remember anymore, I'll be sure to let you's know. I'm looking forward in seeing a few replies! Happy Heb
  6. Hey Soldier4Christ Yes, there are things that you should be taken into consideration (e.g mandylee4christ post) But when you turn it around and follow everyone's else's advice on go for it, do you realise that if you went for it, you can find out too if she's allowed to date so in a way, it's a win-win situation. There are other things you can think about too like but don't worry about it really, you're still in 8th grade, experience it first! worry later. Isn't life all about takin chances? you shouldn't think about things, just do it because you know, chances are you'll never be able to predict the future. But life's just too short, screw thinkin twice. What if she's just feelin what u're feelin, someone's gotta spill it out sonner or later, sure u might screw ur friendship ova for a while but at least he'll kno and u might get a chance in the future. Like me, I was in the same situation and now me and my really good friend's togetha. You don't really have a friendship right now, well not a deep bond yet so it's a great way of finding out things about people as when you're going out with someone, you learn so much more about them as you would friends, plus, what have you got to loose? I think it's just you thinkin too much and worrying about things before they surpass but I suppose, sometimes people like to be prepared even though there's just way too many possiblities lol "ooh.. the possibilities" - some sorta toy ad catchphrase. Anyway, right back to this, even if u do worry, somethin else you might not b prepared for might occur, then wouldn't it have been a waste of time? I think you should tell, coz you know it's definitely the best way i reckon. Because that way you wouldn't waste your time, if she says no, u'll know what she feels sooner and plus, even if she says no, at least she knows you like her and now so she could reconsider. Don't think twice. Go for it. Like I said, life's way too short once you get down to it. 'luck Happy Heb
  7. Hey allstarsassyone Yea, some people are very quite and like to just stay quite around others. However, there are those too that are just afriad of another's family members as they feel that they've got a lot to live up to. I'm not sure if you're either of those people but make an attempt, I'm not saying that you should try and be someone else, but yea, do make an attempt and loosen up a bit, I know it's hard but communication is a key! Dfcannon has some great advice! In addition, you must make sure your guy is aware of your problem so he too can do something about it. I think it's a good idea to let your guy's family to know who you are, if they're not gonna like you then you'll have time to work on it, plus the sooner they know you the better. Just remember, no one's perfect! 'luck Happy Heb
  8. Hey in_the_mirror. It's Happy I'm glad to know that you and you're bf's would like to explore "new grounds" in your sexual encounters. It really depends on the type of person you are, some people are very emotional, others just can't control but I'd say 30 minutes is a good time anyway...I don't think it's needed for him to keep it longer as sex should be a mutual thing, both of you should be comfortable and happy, if his "brother" down there wants to do his thing, then so be it! However, if you do, it is slightly harder and Gilgamesh has lots of good points. But apart from his and dfcannon's reply I think it's really up to u's to find ways, practice makes perfect! 'luck Happy Heb
  9. Hey You're doing the right thing...just take it easy till you get over her. Happy Heb
  10. Hey Rush Yea, it's obvious she's interested so if you wanna make a move, I don't think you should worry about finding her, she'll most likely find you. Perhaps you should get to know her better before going into a relationship with her. She hasn't exactly said she's interested in you in that way coz hey, she could be one of those really outgoing girls who just say things like that for no reason but yes, she could be interested in you and if she's single then go for it, why not? Happy Heb
  11. Hey no problem! Hope things get beta for you hey! Like I said SMILE plus, it makes ppl wonder what you're thinkin Happy Heb
  12. Hey uscpuman Yeah Happy Birthday! Don't feel so bad man, it's your birthday! Maybe you just expected a lot from it and it that's say "didn't go as well as you'd planned". We all have good days and bad days, today should b a bad day and sooner or later, you'll have a good day! Smile, look at the sky, listen 2 ur fav music, it gets me through good. Remember, it's your birthday, go make the most out of it and screw sitting back whining about the bad things that's happening, go out and change that. Happy Heb
  13. Hey that must be annoying, tho you did mean the world to him. I'd suggest you contact him and see him, perhaps things happened to suddenly and you never got over him? Now it might be time for a real closure. If you hate him so much, why are you bothered, could it be that you still have feelings for him? Happy Heb
  14. I think it'd b a problem at first coz I'd just b afriad that she'd leave me and sleep with another guy or what's worse sleep with another guy while she's still with me. But at the end of the day, once I love her enough, i'd b able to trust her. Happy Heb
  15. Lol just flirt wif her a lil more next time and if she starts to do flirt wif actions, grab her ass or something. LOL @ smiles 314, no she's quite right. Happy Heb
  16. Hey I really don't kno hey...If she seems like she jokes a lot then maybe. But sometimes people say they're joking when they're not or act like they're joking coz they're nervous to show their true feelings. I think in your case maybe something did come up and her friend did want to go unintentionally but more likely is that she's afraid so maybe she brang a friend. lol hope that helped somehow... Happy Heb
  17. Hey Yea john's got things pretty much right I just say trust him, ask him again and again, and see his reaction. Perhpas this woman is just trying to ruin your marriage. In addition, if you can find it in your heart to forgive him or give him another chance, it doesn't really matter now. Happy Heb
  18. Hey perhpaps she's expecting a call from you, or maybe she's unsure of what to talk about... I don't think it's healthy for you to still hold on to her like that, maybe it is but I just reckon if she's tryin 2 move on with her life by going to someone else, maybe you should to. Hey it could still be ok if she breaks up with him and comes back to you but think about it, the chances are of that happening are slimmer and you might get hurt even more for having this false hope. I hope that helps Happy Heb
  19. Hey Shadeofgreen. It's happy here I'm sorry to say I've never experienced your problem before. I think it might be a mental thing like you could feel less confident when you don't drink like it's how you tell yourself you need 2 b drunk when really you always could be like that...it's hard 2 explain but u kno what i mean? Another possibility I see is that when you drink, you drink your fears and sorrows away. And In a way, you could be afriad of actually meeting someone, afraid of loosing them before you actually give it a go. I'm still unsure of why you do it either... Hope that shed some light. Happy Heb
  20. Hey alicat Yea trust means so much in a relationship hey. I was in a slightly similar situation where I felt my gf hid something from me. There's not a lot you can do except for tell him how you feel and trust him. He probably just didn't want to tell you (so you wouldn't have to worry) or hasn't mentioned it to you yet, perhapds it could be due to the fact that he may not know how? Happy Heb
  21. LOL GOOD ONE! Ok, maybe bad idea infront of your gf, very bad idea but if she wasn't there, yea, that shut him up good hey? You should apologize 2 ur girl and hope that she understands... Happy Heb
  22. lol Sorry can't help. I'm not sure if they're lotsa USAF personnel here but I have my doubts... Happy Heb
  23. Just tell him, that you don't think it's a good idea and if things go sour drop it and change the subject 2 somethin u'll both like and get involved in... Happy Heb
  24. Hey I'm not quite sure what's going on but I'm assuming your ex is the guy u still like? You need 2 get over him then coz he obviously doesn't like you anymore, don't cry over someone who won't cry over you... Happy Heb
  25. Hey I see what you two's are tryin 2 say but you gotta take a step back from it all, maybe you have. You're never going 2 kno unless you try. That's the best way to learn something, through experience. You two's have a point tho... Happy Heb
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