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Everything posted by Happy_Go_Lucky_Heb

  1. I dunno, you don't really know him but hey if you wanna try then go right on ahead, its really hard to get a guy to like you, every guy likes different types and its so complex like everyone. Just be urself and if he likes you then so be it. Sorry I can't help much Happy Heb
  2. Hey it depends on wether this chick is shy or not. I'm assuming she is or you wouldn't really need 2 bust no moves, she'd b bustin your ass by now! So take it easy, smile a lot outta no-where chuckle when she blushes and then start to flirt wif her, after a while, add some contact, arm, shoulder, hand, waist etc. Or are you talkin about kissing? lol I'm not really sure hey! Happy Heb
  3. Hey I don't think it matters, you might b "2 easy" and he might think that or maybe u're the only one but what difference does it make, do what you want. Do you want this to be a relationship or just a couple of good ol' "one night stands?" Happy Heb
  4. lol @ J-boe...you make love? *in ur head*! Don't pressure urself, if u really want 2, u'll do it, if ur shy then there's always next time...the longer u leave it the better coz it'll just be worth more or she'll kiss u when she can't take it no longer! Happy Heb
  5. Hey S4il, no problem..cheer up, its not the end of the world, there's so many people around to get to know... Happy Heb
  6. Like i said..don't cut yourself up too much. Everydoor closed is a door opened, mistakes are only what you want them to be and only time will tell what will happen. Happy Heb
  7. Hey Yes, guys can lie about things like that. For a number of reasons..they might want 2 sound more experienced..that's what we think they like at the time..but as they progress, they realise that she's not making any moves at all and perhpas she's thinkin we should make some moves since we're so experienced and all and that's when the truth comes out. Or it maybe just a jealousy thing. Never the less, if you love him then does it really matter? Happy Heb
  8. Ok...just go with honesty. It's gonna hurt him as much anyway and everyone's different so don't do it for him, do it for urself, whateva you're comfortable with... Happy heb
  9. Give it sometime...I often want more from my gf too it trust me, it gets better over time as she learns to love you more. Tell her though, ask her but don't pressure her...you have to do it so delicately that its almost hard to get it right. However, she has to know, before you crack and can't take it anymore. You too have to understand her and accept her for who she is... Happy heb
  10. Hey. First up, I'd like to welcome you to enotalone on behalf of everyone. I'm sure u've taken a nice step towards finding support and advice from many people of various ages from around the world which will be around for a while. I just read your post from before.. Isn't life all about takin chances? you shouldn't think about things, just do it because you know, chances are you'll never be able to predict the future. But life's just too short, screw thinkin twice. What if he just feelin what u're feelin, someone's gotta spill it out sonner or later, sure u might screw ur friendship ova for a while but at least he'll kno and u might get a chance in the future. Like me, I was in the same situation and now me and my really good friend's togetha. I'm not sure wether u have a friendship right now, or wether u kno each other but it's a great way of finding out things about people as when you're going out with someone, you learn so much more about them as you would friends, plus, what have you got to loose? Ok so, you're friends already? what if u do screw up the friendship, if you're so close already, it'll just take some time before you're back 2 ur old friend style again because like it's virtually impossible to drift away from best friends unless you don't do anything about it. I think it's just you thinkin too much and worrying about things before they surpass but I suppose, sometimes people like to be prepared even though there's just way too many possiblities lol "ooh.. the possibilities" - some sorta toy ad catchphrase. Anyway, right back to this, even if u do worry, somethin else you might not b prepared for might occur, then wouldn't it have been a waste of time? I think you should tell, coz you know it's definitely the best way i reckon. Because that way you wouldn't waste your time, if she says no, u'll know what she feels sooner and plus, even if she says no, at least she knows you like her and now so she could reconsider. Don't think twice. Go for it. Like I said, life's way too short once you get down to it. 'luck Happy Heb
  11. Hey..if you make add a link... it might be easier for people to find it but I'll go find it now anyway. Happy Heb
  12. I don't see where this is going...didn't u say that she's with someone else? Happy Heb
  13. I'd just like a night out...somewhere in the stars all by ourselves (definitely no stupid bugs or animals around), eat, talk and do whateva we want.... Happy Heb
  14. Hey...its not the end of the world, if she wanted it bad and was desperate for it, it would've happened! However if you did really want 2 seize the moment, then u've made an ass outta urself..but don't worry, that's what these lessons are for so u don't make the same mistake next time, or, u might but eventually, lessons will be learnt. Don't cut urself up about it, she could've been just wanting a one night stand or like some posters have said "testing you" wait till u get a reply and see what happens... There's always ups and downs to everything, it's all ok still! Happy Heb
  15. Hey...darn, as usual Gilgamesh has already pointed out really good ideas. Why not get him something costly and something with effort? Like give him a personalised tape or cd or something...perhaps a video? Happy Heb
  16. Hey I kinda do understand...but u'll crack eventually, if u're bothered, its going to be easier to think about what to say to him and stuff coz I cracked and it wasn't good... if i had a choice, i'd rather have thought about it first. Constantly remind him that u're not happy bout it, he'll feel guiltybut if he knos there's nothing going on...he won't mind, it just goes 2 show how much u care for him and the two of u's. Whateva happens, don't worry, if he really loves you, he won't cheat on u... Happy Heb
  17. Hey sorry about ur lost friendship...but hey, b more positive...ships lost at sea eventually find land again! Its a pretty ok poem, hope things get well soon! Happy Heb
  18. Hey Rebecca! I'm Happy First up, I'd like to welcome you to enotalone on behalf of everyone. I'm sure u've taken a nice step towards finding support and advice from many people of various ages from around the world which will be around for a while. I like ur poems, they're kool. Well, they're not my favourite types that's for sure coz it's all about pain and sorrow and one of the main reasons I'd like them is becoz yet, after so much, you still emphasize on the fact that there's still hope, wether that be ur attitude towards life, or just believing in the allmighty god. Good luck with your poem writing, perhpas I might hear from you again soon sometime... Happy Heb
  19. Well don't go outta ur way but if u want 2 do something next time, when she leans over ur shoulder just put ur arm around her and if she lowers her head a bit, stroke her hair or something. Happy Heb
  20. Hey Cid No, I'd never allow myself to loose someone just because of a game coz lol, I don't think anyone would. When you truly love someone, u put them above everything, sometimes even urself... For me a real person can provide so much more than a game...people and friends are everything 2 me Happy Heb
  21. Hey Perhaps you have to ask urself, do you really like this chick hanging around him coz my answer if i were in ur position would be no. And if that was the case, screw all this what u said and what she said thing, tell him straight, u don't like her being around him and its her u don't trust... If he really wants 2 hurt ur feelings, he can go right on ahead, but how are u gonna deal with that? Happy Heb
  22. Hey Ddog, i like it, it's pretty nice! Best poem i've read this week...everything runs pretty well with frequent use of rhyming to link lines. Good job Happy Heb
  23. lol, o well it happens. Thanks avman, thats hope ur info's more accurate, it was quite interesting with "withdrawal" at 80 something Happy Heb
  24. Hey, I get it but I don't like it that much...maybe u hav 2 b in the right mood or something. It's like trying 2 say the lessons we learn are the storms pucnhes etc etc and that from every lesson we learn, we're scarred (bark and growing). Its insiprational. Happy Heb
  25. lol cid..u like posting short messages saying ppl are right don't u I dunno, why not try expanding it... Happy Heb
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