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Everything posted by Happy_Go_Lucky_Heb

  1. lol @ so confused. He's got a point. Yea i agree wif reinvented 2. Don't go and kiss her, i mean first of all u've never kissed anyone b4, that doesn't mean u ain't a good kisser, just inexperienced. So that'd b a really bad idea that could even get u a punch in the face by her bf. I reckon u should forget about her for now... Happy Heb
  2. Hey I'm really sorry for suggesting things like that but I'm really glad you can see it... I don't really want 2 dril the get over her speeches coz I kno how hard it is, and my words will only last for a few minutes or even hours in your head. Only you can do it, and if you can do it all by urself, than u'll really b over her. I'm glad you know that you need to get over her and I'm sorry for what you're going through. Hang in there, take up something new to get your mind off thigns for a while and slowly, you will forget her... Tomorrow could b a sunnier day, if not there's always the next tomorrow, or the day after that or the day after that, just remember, THERE WILL BE A SUNNY DAY EVENTUALLY. Happy Heb
  3. It's talking or having sex over the net... Happy Heb
  4. Great sites buffalo soldier! More sites can be found on link removed... Happy Heb
  5. Remember "seek and ye shall find" - just get out there... Wish you best of luck Happy Heb
  6. Hey GREAT QUESTION I do it sometimes but I think at the end of the day, it's just easier to walk away from things then deal with them, plus, ur angry and confused, you don't really think right at the time... I think sometimes I do it to avoid confrontation, like, will I really change this person and will this person really stop pissing me off if I tell them what they're doin? Hope that helped a bit Happy Heb
  7. Hey Yea katie's got it happenin, everyone has their own definitions of things... And don't worry so much, do something about ur fears and fight them like you are. But if things are meant to happen, they still will, just live your days without fear and be grateful for your days. Take It Easy Happy Heb
  8. Yes, I agree with Gilgamesh. DO you trust him? if you don't, then of course you'll gonna have so many suspicions that you might even see things that aren't happening... Ask yourself that question. Take it easy Happy Heb
  9. Hey Kantore..perhaps you should give her a call or something and if possible go out and do something as friends! No prob, we're all here 2 listen. Happy Heb
  10. Hey aaron! I'm Happy Heb First up, I'd like to welcome you to enotalone on behalf of everyone. I'm sure u've taken a nice step towards finding support and advice from many people of various ages from around the world which will be around for a while. Isn't life all about takin chances? you shouldn't think about things, just do it because you know, chances are you'll never be able to predict the future. But life's just too short, screw thinkin twice. What if he/she's just feelin what u're feelin, someone's gotta spill it out sonner or later, sure u might screw ur friendship ova for a while but at least he'll kno and u might get a chance in the future. Like me, I was in the same situation and now me and my really good friend's togetha. You don't really have a friendship right now, well not a deep bond yet so it's a great way of finding out things about people as when you're going out with someone, you learn so much more about them as you would friends, plus, what have you got to loose? I think it's just you thinkin too much and worrying about things before they surpass but I suppose, sometimes people like to be prepared even though there's just way too many possiblities lol "ooh.. the possibilities" - some sorta toy ad catchphrase. Anyway, right back to this, even if u do worry, somethin else you might not b prepared for might occur, then wouldn't it have been a waste of time? I think you should tell, coz you know it's definitely the best way i reckon. Because that way you wouldn't waste your time, if she says no, u'll know what she feels sooner and plus, even if she says no, at least she knows you like her and now so she could reconsider. Don't think twice. Go for it. Like I said, life's way too short once you get down to it. If you were wondering how am i gonna tell her, tell me a little bit about yourself and the approach you'd like to make and I could help you out with that if you want. 'luck Happy Heb
  11. lol - what a game. Yea I think he wants you and he's only puttin on a show coz he's nervous... 'luck Happy Heb PS hope to hear about your progress and I can help you some more with anything if you want...
  12. Don't freak out lil dude! I used to be a bit like you. Here's a site which might help, I looked it up when i was 15, i hope it's still up : link removed Also, if you press search (this button which should be closer to the top part of the screen) and look for a Kissing forum, that should help you too. Stop stressin and start learning, you'll be fine. I never had my first french kiss till I turned 16. Happy Heb
  13. I don't like your attitue. It's like you've totally given up. Everyone is here for you and people have given you great insights about their views that I can't really expand on. I just want you to know that the lord made you for a reason, and he too loves you. People need you out there, you're a part of mankind. Get your stupid negative thoughts outta your head if you can and realise that THERE'S A LIFE OUT THERE, GO LOOK FOR IT IF YOU CAN'T SEE IT - seek and ye shall find... Happy Heb
  14. Hey Don't be so depressed, life isn't so bad, we all have good days and bad days, who knos, 2morrow may be a good day. Think of all the good things in your life, why is your life coming to an end? just because things aren't working out doesn't mean it's time to give up, it just means it's time to realise what you still have or it's time to make some changes. Your gf might love you heaps still so don't go off assuming stupid things. Smile, look into the sky (if it's clear outside) or stars (at night) and sing. It gets me through. Happy Heb
  15. Why didn't you just call her sister lol? Weren't you's close? I think you should avoid contact, I don't think you're over him yet... Smile, you'll find someone else soon Happy Heb
  16. Hey First, you have to make a choice, your ex or your current bf. It's not fair on them if you like both... Hope to hear from you soon Happy Heb
  17. Hey Stacy, it's me Happy Heb Well, you do call each other right? So call him up or maybe chat with him on the net or something. Somewhere along the way, bring you two's up...talk about u's. It really depends on how obvious you want your hint to him, you could easily just say something like, I can't wait to see you soon...when can you come and visit (lol, actually that wouldn't be much of a hint). Ok so you don't want it to be so obvious? hmm lol, I've never done anything like that before, met people but not met them yet. How about you bring something up like how you're so looking forward to xmas holidays for a couple of conversations then one day say something like even though it'll be boring with nothing much to do. Perhaps he'll get the hint and decide to spice things up a lil for you. The only way to deal with your fears properly is to fight them... Hope that helped Happy Heb
  18. I think you're worrying too much..take a step back from it all and think about the great things you have in your life. AN seems to have great ideas about money... Sorry I can't help much Happy Heb
  19. Hey JustCallMeSam, I'm Happy I'm sorry to hear of your recent breakup with your gf. Breakups are hard and painful experiences, everyone knows that, but we learn from them and become stronger. First of all, I'm curious to know what races you two's are... From what I've heard, there's only three major possiblities for her to breakup with you: 1: What she says is true, and her family is worth more than you somehow. She feels that it's easier to deal with a breakup now than later 2: She liked someone else, but could'nt give you a good excuse (which would mean she obviously didn't want to hurt you too bad and this could be due to her guilty conscience). 3: She's moving on and wants you so bad still that it hurts her, and on the rebound, she's going out with someone else. However, that does not explain her smile during the park, perhaps it was an awkward moment and she was glad someone called? At the end of the day, I think she doesn't like you anymore and number 1 possibility for me seems the least probable. Happy Heb
  20. Hey sad&angry! I'm Happy First up, I'd like to welcome you to enotalone on behalf of everyone. I'm sure u've taken a nice step towards finding support and advice from many people of various ages from around the world which will be around for a while. In a way, I do understand your situation, more from his side though. My gf and I too are very very, actually, totally different people and till this day, like everyone other couple don't understand how we got together. I'm assuming that because of these arguments, and I'd think that you've had a argument recently before he suddenly decided to take a break from things that it's affecting him and your relationship with him. I probably does love you, and it will take a while to loose what he has for you even if he decides to do that. I think it's obvious what he wants now but if you'd like to change his mind, open up more, tell him how you feel about you 2's and him. He's reached a state that he's having doubts about your relationship and is kinda giving up in trying (like they say, warriors can only fight for a certain amount of time), he's probably slightly confused and doesn't know exactly what he wants right now and a fear has arisen from all of that. What do some people do when they're afriad? they run... I don't know wether if he still wants to truly be with you or not but it's not fair making you feel like a backup plan. If I were you, I'd tell him that once he goes, you might not be there when he comes back. It feels like he's going to see if he can be with another person, and when that doesn't work you can be his 2nd choice and that's just not on. If he's still going to do what he wants to (which sounds like he is). Then maybe you should forget about him, if you got back with him maybe, just maybe one day he'll pull a stunt like that again and it'll just depend on if your forgiving or not to see how it'll be delt with. definitely, try to forget him, you're not totally in his heart no more... That's just my view on things. Happy Heb
  21. lol. She'll just have 2 accept it, keep it up...coz it's not healthy for the other chick anyway, she can't keep thinkin u'll somehow fall for her. It just doesn't work like that. You'd b doing both the girls a favour if you just lived your life like you did before. O yea, get vicky to help you... Happy Heb
  22. lol Hero's - yes she does not find you attractive. I don't really agree with Hero's stereotyping here tho, he does have a point but hey, there's gotta be people out there who are more faithful, definitely heaps of people. It's like the good and the bad things people do, everyone always remember the bad things but not the good. I still don't know what she was thinking but don't cut yourself up about it, perhpas she did find you attractive but that she was a very faithful person who loved someone else so much that they wouldn't risk anything. Happy Heb
  23. lol...might try out some of these sites Thnx every1 Happy Heb
  24. Hey Marek I have no idea either hey! LOL I've been in a VERY similar situation. I think we'll all learn a lesson here, don't try playin mind games, tell her directly as a friend or as on a date... LOL that really screwed me up, I thought i was being smart when I asked my current gf out like that, but i had a double meaning 2 it! It screwed us ova for a few weeks, really bad! BUt it's all good now. 'luck Happy Heb
  25. LOL: I just had that thought 2 a few seconds ago before my screen loaded up for this site! Only thing is that I wasn't really looking for a games site. Perhaps you could look for a FHM Games - Top 100 search on google. Or this link i just received from a friend, I'm not quite sure what it is yet: link removed He suggested me 2 turn on my speakers... Happy Heb
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