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Everything posted by perlitalynda80

  1. I would waste my time with this girl I mean besides you know she is just your rebound its been only a month since you broke up with your girl. Let this other girl go work on yourself you can do better.
  2. You know it is in human to make mistakes and it is these times that test the strength of a relationship have faith and remember that your are only human you did what you could appologise and know you just have to give her some time but dont give up on the relationship this might make you have to work harder in the relationship but in the end it will be worth it for the one you love. Good luck and god bless
  3. I hear you but you have two problems a doctor whom you trust your life and health to that you dont feel comfortable please find another doctor. And two your sick and can be anything a virus preagnant some meds your taking anything and you need someone to see asap to find out exactly whats wrong I mean worst comes to worst go to the hospital
  4. You could go to the restaurant as customer and give her a hard time as customer like when you order and stuff just dont eat the food or you could have a couple of your friends do it a couple of times and have them complain about her or you could take the higher road leave her in the past as an unimportant thing that never mattered and move on to bigger better things good luck
  5. I agree with Aurian get the emergency pill and keep your fingers crossed and learn from this but dont feel to terrible it sounds like you were trying to be carefull sometimes things do just happen. Good luck keep us posted
  6. Give her Time. I mean she probably feels betrayed hurt among other things, unfortunately there is really not much you can do but respect her space and wishes while still making yourself available and supportive and if and when ever she is ready to talk be honest. Good luck.
  7. Celebrate this big step Moving on and it was your best performance go ahead with your bad self.
  8. Wow ok this is just not good but after reading this I kindda get the feeling you are not exactly sure about how you feel and either way it isnt good in some way you are already testing with how much you can get away with you were cybering with him behind his back you daydream about his brother he makes your heart soar this just not good you are gonna destroy a man a brother and a family best bet break up with boyfriend and cut of all conections with the both of them
  9. Stay strong during this time and have faith in my opinion you just still have some hope that she will come back and that you guys can work it out I think you took a vow and your still sticking to it and there is nothing wrong with you wanting to work things out but I also think that you are on the right path by saying that you might need to work on who you are what you want. Another thing you can try counceling but the both are you have to be wiling. Good luck and god bless.
  10. Well I would just go out and enjoy myself its not your fault that other people dont know how to enjoy thameselfs not matter what now if the issue is this guy friend let her worry about it she is the one that has to get over it.
  11. You can either let time tell or find out for yourself I would personally go for the second option.
  12. You sound like you know that you deserve so much better then this you are being treated poorly she is playing games with you and while she is having the time of her life you are gonna feel miserable I would cut her off as soon as posible I know its hard but she has no good intentions with your heart. Good luck and god bless
  13. thanx for sharing this tip it will come in handy.
  14. What I get from it that he is being honest he really is sincerely sorry for hurting you and I get that to him what ever friendship you guys had before he would like to have again I guess to some people just because they are not with you in a relationship want to enjoy all of the qualities you possess as a person and as a friend. But I can understand that some people just cant handle being friends with their ex. I wouldnt take this as he must have never cared for you because he is some what past the relationship some people are just able to accept and move on faster then others. take it easy and do what ever feels right to u and you can handle.Good luck and god bless
  15. Well its a good idea to figure out what you really want and be clear with the both of them its not good to just string them along it can cause confusion and conflict.
  16. I guess beeing a stripper is a little out there but at the same time you gotta step back and think to yourself ok its what she does for a living not what defines her as a person its a tricky thing but she sounds like a decent girl to its all up to how comfortable you are with the situation keep it friendly for a while see what happens. Good luck god bless
  17. Well I am sorry to hear that you are so hurt and sad I really cant tell you wether to talk to her or not that is ultimatley your decision but what I get from it is that maybe she is a little confused about her sexual orientation or she is just not ready to deal with it either way she is the only one that can work that out for her self you sound like a great girl with so much to give you got some beutiful writing why not try that spend your time on poetry that might help along the way. Good luck and god bless
  18. Thank you all for the feed back I will take a lot the advice in consideration I must say venting it out to someone feels some what better because having all of this pinned up is live venom and just slowly poisoning me and my life
  19. I thank you for your feed back I am just so scared and I know that its not fair to him but I am just not ready.
  20. Hello everyone this is my first post I am in a very triky position right now I am mom of two and I am currently in stable relationship with a man that loves me more than anything in the world I know because he makes me feel that way everyday I have known him for about 10 years and we have been together on and of more of than on anyway this man he is so great he treats my kids better then I could ever ask for so why is that this is happening to me I mean ever since I was a young girl I knew that I was gay and when I hit adult hood it was a definit but I didnt have the courage to come out so I have always maintained relationships with men. For some reason this last 2 years its getting to a point where I can't suppress these thoughts you know put them in the back of my mind I feel like it is just time for but I can't I actually came close to telling him but he just asumed that maybe I am just bi which he seems ok with because he knows I wouldnt step out on him but I couldnt tell him I am gay. I mean its no wonder that I love him he loves me and treats me like a queen and here I am sitting down wondering why is this happening to me I know it getting worse we havent had sex in while and its my fault at first it was ok I would just fantasise about women let him do his thing and then I would get in the shower and do mine but now I dont even want to imagine intercourse and its nothing against him its me. I love him his a beutiful soul but I just dont know what to do. I feel so scared alone and deppressed right now.
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