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  1. Ok lets start of by saying i think you guys/girls are great and have helped me threw some rough times and i am very thankful for it! but anyways ok me and my ex just broke up about a month ago we were together for about a year and a half well i met this other girl that just got out of a 4 year relationship and i instantly fell for her and fell hard to me she is an absolute god send but anyways she knows how i feel and this and that and she told me that she could see us being together and she comes to see me just so she can cuddle and be held onto everyday but then she trades you off for your best friend when it was going to be just you and her what would you do about this? sorry if i got confusing or what ever but i think you guys have gut the picture thanks in advance for any advise! Jason
  2. how long have you guys been talking cause if its been a while then just go up to him and ask him if you can kiss him and if he likes you then he will say yes and then let him make the first move and kiss him lol
  3. JonnyG is right it would be hard to tell unless she made some other gesture towards you but he is also right the next time you feel that way and you think she does just go for her and don;t try to put on a show about it just communicate because we shoudl all knows this communication is the key to EVERY relationship!
  4. hey welcome to enotalone but what i think you should do is call him up and ask him what happened and if he means everything he says then he should tell you and just try to work it out don't just give up trust me its not worth just giving up cause you might be able to get him back in your arms just try! and smile!
  5. hey broken heart honestly i don't think that i could heal up the fast after 14years you guys should at least try to be friends i dunno how your relationships is now but honestly I don't think it is really possible cause if it is ture that he heeled up that quick then that means that he was just using you and didn't love you at all but it sounds like to me he did love you so he can't be over you already so just keep your head up and keep smiling
  6. hey well all he really needs to do is help with all his kids he needs to help pay for food clothes and he needs to be there the kids and what you need to do is be there for this man to talk to to give advise and anything else that he needs and just be a friend thats all you can do!
  7. hey man if she keeps pushing your hands away DO NOT keep trying it that will just make her uncomfortable in the situation and it might even cause a break up so DO NOT keep trying to push her into it! and just let your relationship flow like it has been and talk to her about it if she has ever been like beatin in other relationships you just got to talk to her communication is the key to EVERY relationship!!!
  8. hey well if your moving don't get her to atracted to you because then it will hurt her and thats not something you want (trust me) and the movie idea is awesome and the dinner idea is good to but you really don't have to worry about the converstation cause once you get your food your not going to be talking much and when you bring her home only if you had a great night ask her for a kiss cause the LAST thing you want to do is be pushy and make her feel uncomfortable (trust me again) so just relax and be your self with her don't try to put on a show and show off! 8)
  9. What you need to do is just let her calm down fromt he whole thing let her think about what she said you think about what you said and take it from there kinda let her come back to you unless she doesn't come back then thats kinda telling you that I don't want to talk to you anymore or its saying that i i don't want to get in another argument so i don't want to talk you got to be the judge on what you want to do.
  10. Hey man you just got to be your self with her don't try to put on a show ya know and bring her to a place were you BOTH feel comfortable and just slowly comeout and say what you brought her there to say.
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