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Everything posted by phantomwolff85

  1. I think he might just be processing right now and unsure of what to do so he's not doing anything. The IMing with your father does seem kind of odd, but maybe it's his way of keeping in contact in a way.
  2. Being a skinny guy myself, I would say that if you work out don't expect to see noticeable results until at least a month inl. Even those results won't be anything that amazing. It's a pain, but perserverance will help and you'll feel good when you start to see results which will motivate you.
  3. Sorry, I responded to the wrong thread.
  4. I would say your parents don't hate you. Talking to people really helps a lot. Communication is key in relationships.
  5. I would go. I remember I had AP work to do over the summer and I just last minuted it and did fine. Usually they are not so serious about the work they assign over the summer. It's either to scare you or to gauge abilities. If you only leaving for a month you have plenty of time to do school work. As far as a job goes, I wouldn't worry about it. You can always do volunteer work.
  6. Reading your story is very similar to mine, except that I'm more of the Paul, but I was the one that was dumped. It's similar in that the things that you mentioned about yourself are similar to the qualities I liked in my ex. I haven't pushed getting back together with my ex because I want to make sure that I can really do the growth work. I have felt the anger though and the regret and the what if feelings. I still do keep in contact with him, but only through email as he is not ready for phone conversations. I know it would be hard for me to have a phone conversation with him, but I also know I want to still be friends with him even though I'm not srue what that would be like. Anyway reading your post has definitely been carthartic to me and made me think about my behaviors and thoughts as well as my exes. Thanks for posting and good luck.
  7. I'd be concerned with the lying too, but he is starting to be honest so hopefully things keep going that way. If not, I'd end it, especially since it seems like he's accusing you of not loving your parents when you do.
  8. It's pretty hard to fail a class in college. As far as not knowing after some time, I still wouldn't worry about it. By taking classes and just doing some introspection you'll figure it out.
  9. While I definitely feel he's gaming too much I also know that it can be tough to make time with the significant other when you don't have much in common. I would try and find a new hobby together that you two can share.
  10. I just find older men so much more physically attractive than younger guys. I think younger guys are aesthetically pleasing, but they don't turn one like older guys do. I also like that older guys are more together and stable and don't play games. They've usually sowed their wild oats.
  11. Speaking from the point of the less well adjusted person, like she is, I have to say that she may feel that she wants to change, but feeling and doing are two different things. While it's great that you are patient she has to really do something in order to even warrant considering getting back together. I recently broke up with my ex and although I said I'd change I always fell back into my old patterns. I love him and I can't get him out of my head either, so my advice would be to just keep yourself busy with a job or whatever and do somethings for yourself like go on a vacation or whatever.
  12. I would tell him that you don't like him like he likes you. I wouldn't say he is a liar, he may like you, but I'm sure he doesn't love you. I would also say that you do not want a relationship. I wouldn't not be friends unless he doesn't stop pursuing you after you tell him how you feel.
  13. I think you guys can do it. I would just make sure that you communicate your feelings with him and make it a joint decision.
  14. I learned some inital things from porn, but the rest I learned from my ex. Even though it's fantasy, they are still doing sexual acts that you may do in the future, even if you don't do all of them. Also there are tons of helpful books on link removed, so look there.
  15. If you like how things are, I would keep them the way they are. I would keep in mind though that this guy might not want a long term relationship so just kind of prepare yourself that the fun might end some time. You seem like an intellgent and together woman so I would enjoy it while it lasts, but not expect too much.
  16. I would say go to college unless you really feel that the job you want does not need a degree. Not ony is college interesting it's also fun and I'm glad I didn't miss it.
  17. When I had trouble going to sleep I just stayed up really late and got so tired that I passed out. When I had things to do the next day and couldn't stay up late I just listened to New Age music and fell asleep. I am in a similar situation as far as a break up goes, but it's not the first break up for me and this guy so things are a little bit easier. I've just been hanging out online and watching TV's and movies, as well as looking for a job.
  18. I've had a similar situation with lying about something that was stupid to lie about. I know that when I lied in the past it was because I felt threatened. My ex and I had a rule where if I did lie, if I came clean quickly things would be okay. I feel that for some people it's hard not to lie so I'd be lienient on it.
  19. A quick message should work. Ignoring him isn't working since you still have to deal with his messages. Good luck to you.
  20. I say to not worry about it at your age. Things will work themselves out. I would just think about my feelings and then you will have your answer. But it won't happen overnight, just be patient.
  21. It might be that he was interested but then felt like you weren't and so he moved on. Even if that is the case, don't feel bad, it's not like he communicated any better than you did.
  22. There isn't a way to have the conversation if he's not ready for it. If he wants to avoid things he will. I would just try and move on and not worry about it. If something comes of it let him be the one who starts it. It'll work out better for you if you let it happen that way than vice versa more than likely.
  23. I would still try to be nice since you still have to live with him for a while.
  24. I would look into your hobbies, your likes and dislikes, and what types of classes you like for answers. If you enjoy marketing I would go towards business or maybe even advertising. I would say by taking a wide range of classes you should find something you enjoy. As far as work enviornments go, do you like to work indoors or outdoors, do you like office work or working with machines, do you like working with people or things? These are a few questions to get you started. I would also suggest doing a google search for the Myer-Briggs test and seeing a career counselor at your school if possible. The website link removed are helpful, as is link removed
  25. I took 5 AP classes and a couple of other college classes and it was no big deal. It really depends on your ability in school. I didn't put tons of effort in but I passsed all of them with 3's and 4's. What I would really recommend is seeing if you can take college classes in high school. That is what gave me a lot of credits. It depends on where you want to go to college though because not every school will take classes from other colleges. I go to Ithaca College and they took all the classes I took at SUNY Albany and a community college for credit, but they did not factor those classes into my college GPA. Taking harder classes also helped my class rank. I would say go for it.
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