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  1. I have been dating the same man for a year and three months now. We have lived an hour and a half apart the whole time. In fall, I am going to study abroad in Spain for 5 months. Originally, he was planning on studying in Italy at the same time (so we would at least be able to see each other occasionally), but he is finding that all of the programs are either full or too expensive for him to afford. I can only imagine the issues that will arise if I go and he does not, but what I'm most worried about is how I am going to live without him for 5 months. He's my best friend at this point. I am also worried that we will fall apart with the distance. He cheated on his last girlfriend as their relationship was coming to a close. Will he do this to me? I know our relationship is very VERY different than theirs was, but I am still worried about it. Any tips for dealing with this before and when it comes??
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