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Everything posted by quietgrl

  1. I don't have a personal valentine day story to tell about myself(never dated in my life.) but what i did do. I sent some Valentine Day cards to some special male friends who never had a valentine in their life and the response that i got from these men made my Valentine Day.I might not be these men soulmates but i wanted to let these men know that a woman out there cares about them on this V day.
  2. Luke, Your post about your mom are making me uneasy.Trust me,I know how you feel but this woman is still your mother.Luke, if things are so bad in your house, you need to move out and stop wasting your time getting in disagreement with your mom.The respect between mother and son is starting to be lost here.
  3. I alway say there is 3 types of people you'll meet online. 1. People who just want emotional online support only 2. people who just want sex and no relationship. 3. people who really want to find someone and have a Long term relationship. I've never met a number 3 online but I seen number 1 and 2 all the time .
  4. Luke , Have you read Josh Harris book"i kiss dating goodbye" because that is a very good book especially for christian like yourself to read.I wouldn't let the tittle fool you. I'm not a christian and i read both of his book.It has some very good points about"dating".
  5. Wow!, What is everybody opinion on Ovary Transplants for women who want to have kids?The ovary transpant would help alot of women who still want kids but due to cancer their ovaries were removed.
  6. I guess a person would delete their online profile when their relationship is exclusive.
  7. Are you relaxed enough when your boyfriend fingering you because when I'm reading your post.I'm feeling your fears.
  8. Hey, there is room for everybody vegetarian or Flexatarian.
  9. i think any sexually active person who takes a vow of celibacy is strong and brave.
  10. I just found out Feb 11th is" Make a New Friend Day" and i started to think.Why aren't people trying to become better friends too eachother?Do you have one true friend who would drop everything right now to be at your side if needed?
  11. This link list IUD risk. link removed Side Effects Both the ParaGard and the Mirena IUDs can cause longer, heavier, and more painful menstrual periods, but this is much less common with the Mirena. The increased blood flow may cause anemia. Spotting may occur without serious cause or as a sign of infection. The Mirena IUD can cause ovarian cysts. Some women using the Mirena stop bleeding altogether. Usually their menstrual periods return when the IUD is removed. Mirena can cause weight gain, headaches, increased blood pressure, acne, depression, and decrease in sex drive. Future Fertility Women who want to become pregnant may have their IUD removed at any time. While most women who stop using IUDs are able to become pregnant, IUDs can have negative effects on a woman's fertility. If perforation, embedding, or pelvic infection occurs, the uterus or tubes may become damaged and lower the chance of pregnancy. In cases of severe damage or infection of the uterus, a hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) may be required, resulting in permanent sterility. The synthetic hormone in the Mirena IUD can cause a delay in return of menstruation and fertility after it is removed.
  12. CynicalGuitarist "I'm going to spend all day inside my house punching myself in the face and throat as hard as I can because I hate it... Ouch!! Do you really have to do this? and isidore,you want to do the same thing to yourself.
  13. Weeblie, I agree with your post and I should only join this paid site if i'm seriuos about dating.
  14. ooo lala chocolate and strawberrys.Have fun.
  15. chocolate morsels chocolate chips blocks of chocolate Milk chocolate or dark chocolate Semi sweet milk chocolate chips melted with a little shortening. "dipping" chocolate kit for strawberry Hey Geno101, How are you?It's been a llllloooonnngg time stranger
  16. Should i pay to join an online dating site just to get an email address?Fast forward,i've been checking out this one guy profile and we have somethings in common so i sent a wink/flirt to this guy.Well,This guy sent me a wink/flirt back and I'm wondering should i pay $13.95 just to get his email address. Has anybody paid to join a dating site and was paying to jon the site worth the money?
  17. BornToResist, Hey congrats on your baby boy Benjamin but your baby boy didn't deserve the negative energy from his *&%^ daddy.i'm sorry about my daddy comment.
  18. Hey, i think one way to get around paying for online dating site( a member's email address).I would have your user name and your yahoo/hotmail address account be the same.The members if smart can figure the clue in your profile out and email you off the site.
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