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Everything posted by itsallgrand

  1. What's your insecurity? What is it that you are worried about? It really depends on what his intention was. If he meant 'girls like you' as in: trouble, or something else that would be negative...yes, not good. If he meant it as a compliment but it just came out wrong...no big deal.
  2. This one has helped me stay out of a lot of trouble: "Give substance and nothing equal attention. Sometimes it is what you do NOT do that makes all the difference." that goes for not eating that box of donuts too, people.
  3. Yeah, it's cause you're a hot young thang! I am sorry to hear about your break-up though. Ouch man, he really could have chosen a better time to tell you. grrrr. Shall I take my paddle to him for ya? lol. Love is hard, and finding 'nice guys' is hard. I'm not a gay male, so that may be a whole different ball of yarn, but I've encountered my fair share of jerks and guys/girls looking just for sex. It may have to do with a lot of things...hard to say. Anyways, things may turn out any which way yet. The guy you love is nursing a broken heart; and you are nursing a broken heart bc he is broken hearted and can't give you his all! It really is just unfortunate circumstance. Stay strong.
  4. How ya doing now? You know it was rude and kind of mean of them to poke at a soft spot of yours. That ain't right. It's easy to get upset when someone does that, especially a friend. I hope you've calmed down some. Remember: what they said does not say anything bad about you, but about them....so don't feel bad for long! Isn't worth it!
  5. Hey avoj...what happened?! Is this one of those rollercoaster relationships...she loves me, she loves me not? Too much drama for me...!! I do think you need some clarity on this. I'll be honest with you: I think you are both playing games. Save yourself some torture (unless you get off on this drama, but do it full well knowing you like it). Pony up and tell her you are in love with her. She can confess her love back, or you may get the dreaded 'i don't feel that way'. Either way, you would know the truth. If you leave and wipe your hands of her, you would be able to do so without 'loving her in secret'. Because that is NOT HEALTHY. good luck
  6. Yeah, I would guess it has to do with all you are dealing with right now. You're sad, and sadness doesn't really get the body hot n' running. I've gone through the same thing (well, i don't have a penis, but been through not feeling my usual sex drive at all bc I've felt so blue). Once the sadness lifts the horniness comes back. It happens to a lot of us.
  7. I find drunken txts or calls or showing-up-uninvited-at-my-door-or-elsewhere nothing but irritating! Delete. Click. Good-bye. Ta-Ta. Go sober up then talk to me Sunshine Do you find drunken declarations (digital on top of it) sweet?
  8. I wouldn't have a problem, so long as they came back and chilled with me. Sometimes I do it, and get up and act silly. Something to take off for the next round.
  9. LOL. slightlybent...that was quite the contortion act! I wonder if there is a certain hormone(s) responsible for wetness. I've noticed that at certain times, it is different than others. The hornier the wetter...but not just in the situation, but in a general sense. Uhh, I'm trying to say this delicately, but I think it has to do with a certain cycling of hormones. And of course, some women have lots of them all the time, and some don't. ahem.
  10. Are you being sarcastic Mister?! lol. I cant tell! Brandon has its own charm, but I'm thinking...outta the prairie. At least for a while.
  11. I hope you don't mind if I contribute here. Is 'Love' dependent on emotion at all (?). I would say not. 'Passion' and 'Obsession' are: without those peculiar emotions there is nothing there. It falls out beneath your feet. But Love, it's what you do. I can feel black in my heart, miserable, nasty: and still love. Does this make sense ? It's acting in a way that puts the other equal my own concerns. Doesn't matter how I feel about it. - - -I suppose you are opening the floor to a subjective and/or philosophical discussion on the semantics of love......that could be *interesting*
  12. Ok Ms. ALovesuperstar, you're gonna make me go all girly. That was soo ridiculously cute. I'm very happy for you. Love is a good good thing!
  13. My thoughts and feelings exactly!! But the funny thing is....that moment I realized 'hey. I only want him right now and I am thinking of doing something realllllly not-smart just so I can prove to myself that I can get him?! That I'm hotstuff?!' Basically something like this 'Fill up my holes for me and make me comfortable again, baby. I don't like this ambiguity.' NOT a good thing to act on. But, maybe a perfectly natural period to go through? That time of figuring out who we are without him/her, and being somewhat afraid. Good post, MajorD. Good thread.
  14. I'm gonna try and get some sleep...gotta work tomorrow and make some cash. It's 2 am and I haven't been sleeping like a normal human being lately. thanks for listening . really means a lot tonight.
  15. tyler, naw man, I figure I'm depressed. Gonna keep talking to this prof. therapist and see what next. Maybe I do need to get out of this city! Sure wouldn't hurt. Would probably do me good.
  16. Thanks Sparkles. That's really nice of you. Made me feel a bit better. It's kinda weird tho...if that is you in the pic you look very similiar to me. lol. Hey - lookin' good! Yeah, I have been talking to someone (professional, i mean). It's slow. I'm trying to have faith in it. Sometimes it's just nice to get some of these wacky thoughts out before they build too much. If that makes sense. thx
  17. Ugh. I'm so unhappy lately. It's becoming more and more difficult to pick myself up. I would like to sleep for a very long time. I'd much prefer to sleep a long time with someone who loves me. akh. I'm feeling lonely. I'm feeling down. Full of anxiety and on edge. There is no sense to analyzing, yet I can't help but notice how horrible people can be to each other. I'm having trouble caring anymore - it seems to pointless to put so much effort and love into the world, and it gets swallowed up so quickly. Often unoticed, wasted, or even spit on. People are so faulty and flawed. Keep hearing 'oh that is what makes us lovable'. I really don't feel that way. I feel defeated by so much suffering and stupidity. It never ends. I need a break. I'm not sure how to gather up my energy to do it even at this point. The bf is now an ex - i'll not have him there. I'm sure i can find enjoyment alone, but i'd rather not. It sort of defeats the purpose. it was for us to be together. And my birthday is coming up. And i'll be alone. And i know now more than ever how much i'd a nice regular life. a home, a hubby, maybe children, the little things. And i'm not a girl anymore. it's not like it was before. i'm different. yup. i'm finally ready to give up on what i have been doing. i've had enough of a lonely life. I'm tired. i'm tired.
  18. Maybe it's time to move. If you live in a small town or something of that sort; it cuts your prospects down to a barrel full. Meanwhile, there are entire rivers and oceans of single women out there. Might seem rather drastic, but if you are serious and finding a mate is important to you, sometimes it takes big steps. sometimes it's just a numbers game.
  19. That's just obnoxious. lol. Maybe your bf is just clueless and not funny? an obnoxious joker?
  20. Friends don't just sleep together and say things like 'i am falling even harder for her'. You two are no longer just friends. You are in a relationship: a confusing one. Sit down and have the heart to heart. I'm sorry, it is scary, always is. We never know what will happen. She's playing with your heart like a cat paws at a toy. Too much of this and you will have a very hard time recovering. You are in love with her. There is no going back once we get to that spot. It happens, that's it. Now you need to deal with and protect yourself. Perhaps this will work out. If if doesn't though, you will live, and you will have to find a way to move on. good luck
  21. Willow, I'm a woman and respectfully disagree with you. I personally would not want to run a man through the ringer like this, and my respect for him would slide down the more abuse he took. And yes, unfair accusations and withdrawing affection is an unhealthy thing to do. People with trust issues can only resolve them on their own, or with the help of a professional. We all like to have someone by our side: but if we can not give back that same trust and support, it is an unbalanced relationship. Women are not little fawns needing rescue. She will survive if he chooses to leave, bc the relationship is not meeting his needs. I do believe this girl needs to resolve these issues within herself before she can be a trustworthy partner. my thoughts.
  22. You can get PUDDING now...whey protein pudding. Yeah, it still doesn't taste so hot, but it's much easier to swallow than the shakes. the shakes are generally bleh.
  23. There is another recent thread here about anal sex w/ good 'tips' to success. Check it out. If it burns, I would stop. It's meant to be a pleasant experience not painful or uncomfortable. Nice n' slow. Lots of play. No rush to actually do it , is the way to go. More experimenting with fingers etc. would be cool. You'll learn your own tolerance and what you like. The first time I successfully had this experience, I did have some 'interesting' bathroom stuff going on. It didn't make me constipated, but my patterns were a little different. Geez, I don't want to get too graphic. lol. And I didn't want to do it again for a long time afterwards. It is intense and can be a shock to the body. I suggest giving recoup time afterwards. Not just after the full on experience: but all the play that leads up to it to. savour the fun of leading up to it. if you never get there, no big deal.
  24. Cheaters love to turn around and put the doubt on the innocent party. Ever notice that? I'm not saying she has cheated on you. But, she has a history of cheating. So she obviously has trust issues from before you. I personally feel the burden is on HER to build more trust. I wouldn't stand for this kind of 'crazy making'. You didn't cheat. You don't deserve to be accused and made to feel insecure with the one you love. If you don't have trust ya got nothing. Really. Did you cheat in the past with anyone you were with? Do you bring your own trust issues from before as well, or is this strictly a you-her thing?
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