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  1. Let her have to explain. What comes aroung goes around. She will have to pay her dues. She might not have to pay them right away, but karma will bit back
  2. In the short run, you will feel better for a short while. That satisfaction will be short lived. In the long run if you do nothing, she will be the one squirming. She will make a hole, given enough time, she will probably get in that hole and cover herself up. Another way to say it, give her enough rope and she will hang herself. Better yet, she will dig a hole, hit the bottom, then continue to dig. My point? Let her worry about herself. Given time, the truth will come out and she will have to deal with the consequences. You can watch from the sidelines, but don't get involved in her web.
  3. You don't always have to rely on medications to regulate your body. Take a look at your diet. Has it changed? If so, maybe more veggies, water. I try to eat food s that keep me regular if you know what I mean
  4. wait for the right person. Don't rush into something you could regret later. Have total trust. Be prepared for the consequences
  5. Welcome. You need to find your inner beauty and self confidence. People gravitate to happy people. It is like being at a dance. People don't pay any attention to the wallflowers do they? No, people pay attention to the fun loving happy spirited people. Smile, it helps to lighten your own mood. We all have insecurities. Some people just know how to hide them better. Confidence is a great trait to have. Build yours up. People will take notice
  6. Why wait to be asked out? Make your own plans and go from there. Go out on your own, explore. If others can go great, if not, do it yourself. There is a huge world to explore out there. No one said you had to have a partner to explore. Break out of your shell and have some fun. Your new found sense of self might just draw other people to you.
  7. The first place I would go would be to talk to your school advisor. See if he/she can give any advice and find out what your school policies are. You could then find out what you need to do to follow through with this issue. I hope this helps in some way. Have you spoken with anyone about how you feel? Do you know what the underlying issues that are causing you to feel this way? Do you want to talk?
  8. My ex cheated as well. I walked away hurt and alone, but I am a better person for not causing any harm to him or anyone else. What goes around comes around. Look, you did not make the choice to leave, but you need to make the choice to move on. You will become a better and stronger version of yourself. On day, should your paths cross, you can walk away with your head held high because you know you did nothing wrong.
  9. It sounds like you caught the guy by surprise, or maybe he was waving to someone else. Either way, this shy guy might not know how to take the wave to the next level. Perhaps he is interested but does not know how you feel.
  10. I had a friend that had such sensitative skin, she could not wear anything on her skin. This went from laundry detergent to deodorant, to perfume, to fabric softner. She did not use soap, she used a cleanser. Get to know the person before you kick them to the curb because you think they smell differently. I am sure we all have had times where we smelled a bit ripe for some reason. Do you want to get to know the person, or do you just want to be with them for the looks?
  11. All you end up doing is creating a situation where all people involved loose. You are forcing someone else to make a decision that he/she did not want to make. Turn the table: how do you feel when you are forced to play by someone else's rules. How did that make you feel. Look back at when you were a kid, at school, or at work. When people are forced to do things that they do not want to do, they fight back and defend themself. All you end up doing is putting the other person on the defensive. That creates an uncomfortable situations where trust is lost and love is forgotten. You end up Pi**ing the other person off. It is a loose loose situation
  12. Remember though, you can actually wash your face too much, causing it to dry out. The skin then produces more oil to moisturize, which can then lead to more clogged pores. This in turn creates more-----acne
  13. PROACTIVE It really, really works If you want more info just pm
  14. Kyo: I know where you are coming from. I am so sorry that you and your family suffered this loss. It is never easy, believe me I know. My mom had a stroke on a Wed. and died that Saturday. People will say if there is anything you need, please let us know. People will try to comfort you, but they do not know how to make you feel better. Some people make food, others clean, others write cards, others just visit. Peolpe have a very difficult time coping. Let yourself feel and don't supress the loss. You will be numb for awhile, and then the feelings change. You question why it happened and then you might get angry. It is the grieving process. When my mom died, my whole family went to grief counseling. It was tough, but there were other people there to talk to. Sometimes people have no idea what you are going through, but, just know you are never alone. You might feel that way at times, but again, you are never alone. This will be a busy time trying to get everthing in order. Please be gentle with yourself. Take the time off if you can and try to work through this. Wrap yourself in the memories of your loved one and keep warm with the thoughts of those memories that were created. Your dad may not be here in the physical sense, but he is always with you in your heart. If you need to talk, please pm. My thought and prayers go out to you and your family.
  15. This is not as bad as you think. People get them quite often. They can be internal or external. If you get a flare-up, use the ointments available for the treatment. You can get them by sitting on the toilet for an entended period of time, pushing with great force for a boewl movement, and you can also be born with them.
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