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Everything posted by amtjrtcet

  1. I disagree with you JSMITH. I am definitley NOT an nimpo. I'm a young, healthy VERY sexual woman. I think about making love to my bf ALL the time, and while our relationship isn't based on sex, it is a HUGE part of it. This is all about the individual. When I was w/my ex I didn't want sex but maybe once every 2 wks, but with my b/f-we have sex at least 5 or six times a wk. Its the way he makes me feel and the level of intimacy I have with him. I can be sitting in my office, working away, and my mind will wander........and I'll start thinking about goin home and making love to him.
  2. The night I met my BF of 5 months we were hanging out with a mutual friend. He had made quite a few comments about me being attractive, but I don't think he thought I'd give him the time of day. A few tequilla shots later I asked him for his number. We've been together since. But that was really the only time I "went after" him. Since I've let him take the lead.
  3. She sounds very manipulative. Don't feel like you'd be neglecting her by cutting off contact. Trust me, she WILL find someone else to $upport her. I think you should cut off all communication with this person. How in the world can you even think "if she was my daughter" when you're sleeping with her?!? I think you need to see your psych again. If you wont talk to your wife you have to talk to someone. Professional help.
  4. Tommyboy, you're here for help/advice, not judgement. Sorry if it feels that way. Just try to understand that many of us here are healing from being hurt by lies and infidelity. That's where a lot of this "judgement" comes from. I don't quite understand the Chinese culture, but then I'm not Chinese. As far as your situation with the girl.........she makes you feel better. But you can't rely on someone else to make you happy. You've got to work on you, otherwise there will always have to be something or someone else in the picture. Make sense?
  5. I agree, be patient. Don't expect all or nothing when you yourself cant give him all or nothing. Wait til the divorce is final, then maybe have a talk with him.
  6. Hi! Welcome to ENA! Of course we'll read it, that's why we're all here. Do you think that maybe he is involved w/someone? Maybe that's why he's so sporadic with the calls and doesn't take the opportunities to spend time with you when you're in town? Just a thought. Does he know your divorce isn't final yet? maybe he's standoffish b/c of that.
  7. I think in any relationship, marriage the passion is goin to fade. And it has been shown to be true that most women lose that sexual fire, and earlier then men. But don't lose sight of your marriage and why you married your wife. Have you tried to talk to your wife about it?
  8. I'm not a photographer, but I grew up with a guy that is one now in NYC. He learned it on his own all the way through his 2nd yr of college, then started goin to school for it. Check him out link removed
  9. Ok, well first off you're MARRIED with a FAMILY. This effort you are putting into trying to figure out your mistress you should be putting into your WIFE and FAMILY. As for the girl, obviously she has some trust issues. If she is ONLY interested in your $ maybe that's how she keeps it strictly "business." For some people kissing is soooooo personal, some even more then sex. As for those who admire you for being with her...........do they know you're married?
  10. Oooh, yeah, I'm pretty sensitive around that time too. My ex was big on teasing me, and usually I could take it, but a few days out of every month-I couldn't take it
  11. Is she ALWAYS this sensitive? Or is it possible she was having a super sensitive day?
  12. It does get better. And sometimes the anger helps you heal-at least it did for me. Having a reason to be angry with someone during a breakup helps you keep no contact, which in turn helps you heal. But as time goes by you will also have to forgive them. Take a day at a time, it gets better wait, I just read Scouts post.....you guys broke up right?
  13. Then apologize. Most men don't realize that for so many women, all they want is their man to apologize. Even if you've made the biggest mess, simply showing her you're sorry is all it takes. (Sometimes) Call her....take her flowers. Be romantic
  14. Well, reading your thread "So I decided to give his buddies a strip show"-maybe that's why the guys you're getting involved with are only interested in one thing. Good men want good women. Don't feel like you owe them something or have to "do" anything to get them to like you. RESPECT yourself, then others will respect you.
  15. Aren't you condradicting yourself? I mean, what about your love and trust? Is it so weak that you would break it off over a argument?
  16. I know you're looking for an explanation from him. Whether it be the answer to why he's been so distant or for him to tell you that its just plain over......but I don't think you're goin to find what you're lookin for by surprising him after work. I think you should consider this one over and move on. If he was interested he would have called by now. Sorry to be blunt, but I was once in a similar situation and I wish someone would have been blunt with me. Let it go, move on.
  17. Rose is right, its normal. But I know it can be super embarrassing. I'm sure you know that women have their own "noise". I won't say the word, cuz I hate it-but it happens.......Don't let it bother you. And if you're g/f thinks it cute don't worry about it.
  18. Tough situation....I wouldn't read into this as an attempt to reconcile. If she didn't approach you at the party or make any other attempt of communication then I'd think she was just there. No motive. Let it go hun, you've worked so hard these last 5 months-don't fall back. Keep moving forward.
  19. The affection was gone, I no longer looked forward to seeing him at the end of the day. I went to bed every night alone while he stayed up watching tv. I felt like I was living with a roomate instead of a partner.
  20. I know the anxiety-I had a spell yesterday. But Try and hold off with the phone calls. Its hard, and it may take a few days for him to contact you but..........he'll start to wonder why you haven't called and he'll call. And when he does it will feel good. And the anxiety while you are waiting for the call-well, just look at it like-he's use to you calling him, so it may take a while. But he'll call.
  21. Yes, you are being insecure....Don't worry about it. And don't bug him about it. Insecurity can ruin a relationship. Do you distrust him for some reason?
  22. Whatever cranks her tractor! Just be careful, don't go overboard with the choking.
  23. I agree, as a woman in a committed relationship-NO RING- I am definitely NOT fair game. And if a man that knew I was in a committed relationship tried to pursue me, I would be offended.
  24. I'm not a guy, but I occasionally throw in a comment about a guy I think is good looking. But its never someone we know, just someone famous/unobtainable. IE: LL Cool J I'd never make a comment about thinking another guy is attractive in front of my b/f and he would never do that to me.
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