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Everything posted by amtjrtcet

  1. Race may not have anything to do with it, but all my previous lovers were white and of pretty good size IMO. My b/f is black, and he is SIGNIFICANTLY bigger, like alot. A whole lot.
  2. I completely agree with Beec. No need to know that. I wouldn't ask either. None of my business. What's in the past is in the past.
  3. "Twisted" & "Nobody" Keith Sweat "Lets Get It On" Marvin Gaye
  4. My b/f makes me orgasm from penetration and clitoral stimulation. But I have never orgasmed from oral sex.....I love oral, but for some reason I've never experienced the big "O" from oral. But I'm not complaining.....my boyfriend can make me orgasm by kissing the backs of my knees and my inner thigh, I consider myself a very lucky woman I don't find THAT much pleasure through breast stimulation, I enjoy it, but I doubt I'll ever "O" from it.
  5. My boyfriend is AMAZING at foreplay. He'll have me lay on my stomach and rub my back, then he kisses literally EVERY inch of my body. But when he kisses the backs of my knees I feel like I'm going to have an orgasm.
  6. I agree with Annie. Different circumstances call for different repercussions.
  7. Sounds like you need to move on honey. He's a complete liar. He obviously doesn't have a clue who/what he wants. How in the world did you get the pass word to her voicemail???
  8. I don't know if I believe in "love at first sight" but I know the night I met my b/f-when we looked at eachother for the first time, it was literally like time stopped and everyone else disappeared. I believe that people "grow" in love, not "fall" in love.
  9. I think you are doing the right thing by not calling him, but maybe you shouldn't be answering his calls either. At least not all of them. Yes-he should be able to check on your son, but don't make YOU so available to him when he's feeling like it. Let him see what its really like to not have YOU in his life. Then maybe he will realize what he's got and what he could lose, permanently. While you are giving him his space, take some for yourself. Take this time to find out what YOU want and what's really best for YOU and your son. Good luck! Stay strong.
  10. Oh honey I am so sorry.....Unfortunately when a dumper says "I'm not ready for a relationship, I want to be single, I need to figure some things out" 9 times out of 10 that really means "I don't want to be in a relationship with YOU anymore". Sounds like he's not someone you want to be in a relationship with anyway, and also sounds like she's not someone you need as a friend. Don't dwell on this guy. I know its hard, but move on. Don't read into things that he does or says looking for closure, you won't find it there. Good luck honey. We're here for you.
  11. Audrey: I completely understand your insecurities and worries about infidelity. I too have a hard time getting past my past and giving my current b/f the benefit of the doubt. He has done nothing dishonest or given me any reason not to trust him, but I constantly find myself "wondering". I dated a guy that I became VERY attached to VERY fast. We'd been friends for yrs but when we took it to the relationship level I fell head over heels. We were a few months into it, things were great then one day-he never called me again. Talk about crushed. It took me a long time to move on. Now I worry that my b/f will do the same thing. Just stop loving me, stop calling. I wish I knew what we could do to overcome these fears & learn to take things for what they are. Good luck honey!
  12. I hear you girl. I like my men like I like my coffee: Tall, Black, and Strong.
  13. My realtionship is about to turn into somewhat of a LDR. I'm moving back to my hometown 30 mins from my b/f. We're goin on 7 months. We both work two jobs and after I move will probably only see each other 2 days a wk. I hope we can make it work.
  14. It happens to me all the time, I think its harmless, and just laugh it off and go about my business
  15. Yes, foreplay and if you need it, KY. The warming kind is wonderful
  16. Its not fair to him that you don't know what you want. If your relationship is so "mature" then you should act "mature" and end it.
  17. I agree with Annie. If you guys haven't been together for too long I wouldn't do anything too over the top,
  18. by b/f calls me "boo" and "shortie". I don't mind it at all. I think its cute.
  19. I'm an A. I'm latina, and my b/f is African American. All of my past relationships have been with white men. My b/f is better to me then anyone else has ever been. I don't consider race and issue when it comes to what I find attractive in a man. I do however insist on him being a Christian.
  20. Yep, Medicaid. Contact your local health department. There is a plan called Plan First.
  21. Don't be upset.... I am completely in love and TOTALLY satisfied by my b/f........But I too have a vibrator. She's in touch with her sexuality, lucky you!
  22. My b/f doesn't fit in with my g/fs boyfriends. For a different reason. He's black and we live in redneckville AL. But my g/fs love me and I love him so its ok. We do our own thing, but if theres a party or something they accept him. (and they'd better) Don't let him slip away b/c of what other people may think. Because at the end of the day only "you" are truly worried about "you" and your happiness. Your g/fs boyfriends opinions shouldn't matter. And your g/fs should support you.
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