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  1. So I started the abortion process. Oh and I had sex with my ex. I know I need to walk away from all of this but its so hard. I just don't know how.
  2. So I have my dr appt today. I stayed at my ex's last night and we actually had a really good time. He kissed me last night, and it felt so amazing. Its going to be even harder to let him go.
  3. I am super upset, the more I think about abortion the more anxious I get. Also in the fact, that the one guy I have ever loved is going to be gone also. To lose a child, and to lose this guy, I don't know if I have the strength
  4. My ex has surprisingly been extremely supportive. Even though he is against bringing a child into the world he has been great. He's been basically taking care of me this whole week. Holding me, making sure I fall asleep ok, and really trying to be there for me. I am almost in shock how much he cares now than he did when we were together which was only a week or two ago. So now, as much as I want this kid, I know its not right. I know if I have an abortion I am going to lose my child and my love. What a horrible feeling, to be left with nothing.
  5. Thank you for the support. I know I will probably end up getting an abortion. Secretly a part of me wants a baby, but i know its not in the best interest. Also a part of me wants the ex (which is the complete wrong reason to have a child) to be in my life but its time to let go. Just crazy to find out right after we break up. Just crazy. I am supposed to be moving on and getting over this guy and now I am going to have this scar forever
  6. Well I am 27, financially stable, live by myself. I really don't know how my family would react. I haven't told anyone but my ex b/c at this point I have no idea what I want to do. If i go the abortion route I just want to go get it done and not tell anyone. Obviously if I decide to keep it I will eventually have to tell my family. My ex is 21, completely not ready for a child, and he doesn't want to be "deadbeat" father but knows he can't really have much to offer. I know I could do it on my own if I decided to. I told him that I didn't expect anything from him and he can even pretend that its not even his and not his problem if he doesn't want to. He said he doesn't want to do that to me. I just have a really big decision to make and soon before its too late. I just know when you get pregnant you are supposed to be excited and happy, which a little part of me is but at the same time do I really want this kid to have no father? I am going to see the ex tonight. I know he is going to continiously try and talk me out of it, so we will see.
  7. Yea i do. I just don't know if I am ready to be a single mom, and bring a child in the world with no father. Wasn't exactly my ideal fairytale. I don't know. Just scared no matter what route i go.
  8. yea, late, positive, all that wonderful great stuff. He obviously wants me to have an abortion. I am just torn. I know I would get nothing from him if I have the kid. Great...heartbroken and pregnant. Awesome.
  9. well...found out there could be a kid, so uhhhh, drama
  10. I know I am better off without but I really miss him. This sucks
  11. well if i didn't think this guy could make me feel any worse, he never even called this weekend. What a punk. I texted him this morning telling him "you validated my loss of respect for you , lose my number" and responded with a excuse how he had a really bad day yesterday and got in a huge fight with his parent. I mean come on. I am finally truly pissed off at this guy. He has been given so many chances and to think I was even thinking of maybe having a friendship in the future when I got over him. Its just BS. He is so selfish. All he had to do was call me and tell me he couldn't make it. Talk about really not gving a crap.
  12. well if he's dumb enough to walk away then i have to smart enough to let him go.
  13. well he is gonna tell me the truth this weekend. So at least I will finally know But the fact of the matter is....the truth hurts.
  14. i just wish he would give it a chance. But he holds himself back because he is scared. Just sucks that its bad timing. He doesn't want to be with me the way i want him to. He isn't ready for that. And i know you are right where i am in love with the potential. Just because I know how he can be when he's in it. And its so wonderful
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