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Everything posted by princessdi75

  1. my boyfriend is 6 years older then me and I think his only problem he had was that his "little" brother is a YEAR older than me. Do you understand what I mean? He never said this to me, but I got that impression. Other than that things are fine. he makes fun of my because I'm still a teenager and stuff. I'll be 20 in july and he'll be 26 in oct. I just think it's weird for him to think that when he was 20 i was only 14, you know? but as you get even older, age makes no differene.
  2. Good, I hope you make it through this. I wish you the best of luck!!
  3. You have to be strong and not contact him. That's my biggest fault. When me and my boyfriend fight I have to "talk" I can't just drop things like he can. My boyfriend was in a bad mood last night and was pretty much inconsiderate to me...but i tried not to take it too personal because he's stressed from work...so lately i have been trying to give him space and it's really hard for me to not call him just to say hello. I know i shouldn't be nice to him when he was a jerk to me, but I don't know how else to support him. You need to just get your mind off him and wait for him to come to you. When he finally does come around you'll have to listen to what he has to say and be prepared for anything.
  4. I just want to say 'calm down'. things have a way of working themselves out, and even though I don't know your story, I can assure you that only time will be able to help you resolve your issues. Just calm down, relax, and focus on something else. freaking out will only cause you to do something you'll later regret.
  5. Momene, you were giving me advice in one of my threads regarding my boyfriend with his VERY low self-esteem. You seem to really understand his feelings. I was just wondering if you could explain low-self esteem to me and how it affected your life...I just can't seem to understand why my boyfriend treats himself like crap and pushes me away when he does. Then after he's done pushing me away he acts like I'm the greatest person in the world and I feel like we couldn't be closer...it's all so confusing, and I think you might understand his behavior....
  6. I'm really happy for you. When I first started reading, I was afraid the whole thing was going to lead to some really bad experience...regrets, and emotional confusion...but it's so good to hear that someone has found content with knowing that someone who they have strong feelings for, doesn't feel the same way back - and it is just amazing that you can turn the other cheek and let her live her life, so in turn you can live yours. I find that very inspiring. Thank you for sharing your story!
  7. i talked to a lot of old friends on myspace. I found that was all myspace was good for. Looking up and chatting with old friends...
  8. Good question, I too would like to know the answer to this...I am a pretty confident person and don't mind being nude around my boyfriend, but I get self-conscious if I know he's looking/staring at me...I just get so uncomfortable!
  9. I love surveys: Age: 19 Gender: Female 1. How many relationships have you had? 4, 1 serious 2. How many times have you been in love? Once 3. How long was your longest relationship? What went wrong in the relationship? I'm currently in my longest relationship it's 9 months tomorrow 4. How short was your shortest relationship? What went wrong in the relationship? Like a month i guess, I was young and stupid. I had a low self esteem and desperately wanted to be liked up until about a year and a half ago. 5. Are you currently in a relationship now? How is it going? My current relationship has had some major problems (that i posted about on here a LOT) but we're working on it and things are going very good 6. Have you ever been engaged? How many times? Never 7. Have you ever been married? Are you still married? How many times? What went wrong in the marriages? Do you ever want to be married? I'm not sure if i'll ever get married. I'm not sure if I want to, it all depends on the circumstances 8. Do you have any kids? How many? Do you even want kids? I'm not a kid-person. I don't know if i want kids or if i will have any 9. How many of your ex's have dumped you? Why do you think they dumped you? I've had three bf's before my current and all three cheated on me at some point. I guess that was their way of dumping me, but I just stopped coming around after i found out 10. How many have you dumped? Why? Same thing as above, they were jerks so i stopped seeing them, but ultimately it was their decision not to be with me. 11. If you can change one thing about yourself, what would it be? I never think before i speak...that causes me lots of problems 12. If you can choose one quality in a man/woman,what would it be? I just want someone who will make me feel good about myself - and make me laugh 13. What is the worse thing a man/woman can do in a relationship? Cheat! lol. 14. Whats more important, looks or personality? Both are important to me. I don't want to be with someone who doesn't want to take care of their body and be healthy. 15. Describe your ideal life partner. My current bf! After he finishes college, and gets a different job, lol. 16. What is one thing you regret and can take back? Having sex when i was 15 for the first time, and the whole 5 other times i did it before i met my current bf. I wish i would have waited for him... 17. Are you a virgin? If yes do you think you lost it too young or too old? If no when do you want to lose your virginity? too young, i shoulda waited for my current bf 18. Have you ever had a one night stand? How many? Would you ever do it again? no 19. Finish this sentence: Love is the feeling i get everytime i see my boyfriend 20. Where do you see yourself in 10 years? only time will tell....
  10. DN, You are SOOO right. That is absolutely the truth, and I'm living proof of it!! It never even crossed my mind though...
  11. I need love. lol. My job is my job, and I only want to make enough money to support myself. I wouldn't work somewhere I hate, but I don't need to work somewhere that I love. What gets me through a stressful workday is knowing that I get to go home to people that love me, and I love in return.
  12. let me just say...my boyfriend started calling me "Dee" (wayy back before we started dating - my name is Diana) we started dating and I soon became doodle-dee...and then just doodle...and now I'm POODLE!!! Nothing drives me more crazy than when he says in a baby voice "Who's my little poodle?!??!!" ...as for the greek nickname - i wouldn't take offense to it, it probably has nothing to do with the ex. Can I just ask though, how do you pronounce psipsina? My boyfriend's mom is greek, just curious.
  13. That's a really tough situation, and I'm not sure there is a "right" way to go about doing things. I think it would be best to tell him right away, as you do not want to string him along and have him come to your place when you have no intention of wanting to be with him. If I was in your shoes I would tell him ASAP. I too am the type of person that would NOT want to break up over the phone but you have no control over the circumstances. One thing you should think about though is what would he want? Considering you actually care about his feelings, you have been dating long enough that you should know how he would appreciate you to dump - maybe he would be extremely offended if you did it over the phone and it would be better to wait til he came to visit...
  14. I didn't go to college, and don't plan on ever going...in five years i will be making close to $35,000 if i DON'T move up to a higher position. But i plan on moving up, of course!
  15. I live in PA, I'm 19, I haven't gone to college and I have a good job...i'm a state employee!! Take a civil service test (they're easy) and get on the non-civil service list. There a tons of different kinds of work to do. I do clerical work. I make decent money, but the best part is I'll never need college to move up and I'm guaranteed a raise every year! I have good benefits and a retirement plan. Right now i'm looking to move up though...i just got a call today about a position that is a step higher than i am now (and $1.50 more an hour!)
  16. I think you need to move on. You are broken up with this guy and are still treating him like a boyfriend. He's not your boyfriend. I'm not sure how you go from being a couple to just being friends, but my suggestion is to at least take some time with NC before you jump into being friends. you obviously still have feelings for this guy.
  17. It sounds to me like you're just pestering him and not really letting him have his space to work things out on his own. Constant texting and calling is never a good thing although a lot of people, me included, are very guilty of doing it. Just try to keep yourself busy and wait til he contacts you. When he does, don't freak out blaming him for not calling you. You don't want to drive him away.
  18. If you're comfortable with two weeks, then stick with it, just make sure you know how you're going to handle the situation if he calls you before the two weeks are up. For me and how my life has been going two weeks feels like a year, so I would say a week would be a good amount of time, but whatever amount of time you are comfortable with is what you should do.
  19. My first kiss with my current boyfriend was the best kiss I have ever had...I don't think any kiss we have had after it has compared. I felt like we were somewhere else, completely alone...when actually we were standing outside a gas station at like 10:00 at night next to the busy main road, where everyone was probably staring at us...
  20. You should probably wait until you think he's had enough time to cool down (you would know better than anyone here how long that could be) and if he contacts you before then, go ahead and see if he's ready to talk, and if not, contact him when you think it's appropriate and talk.
  21. How old is the girl? It all depends on how long you've known eachother before going out. If you guys just started working together, like a month ago, and now you've been dating for only 4 days...and she wants to be so physical, maybe her intentions aren't as sincere as yours...
  22. Now, I did NOT read any previous posts of yours... If you guys are serious about a break then you DO need to talk about and establish "the rules". How long will you not be in contact, who is going to contact who, if you're allowed to see other people, etc. I have been having issues with my bf and we talked about a break, but ended our conversation on ugly terms, not solving anything. I decided on my own that i wasn't going to speak with him for 3 weeks, but by the end of the night i realized i should probably talk to him so we can do this the *right* way. Turns out I text my bf the next day asking to talk and he told me to call...we talked and he kept apologizing and said how horrible he felt about everything and wanted to be together. So now we are working things out without a break. You should talk and figure out what you BOTH want and go from there.
  23. Maybe I'm just optimistic, but perhaps you're bf is sincere. I'm not really familiar with the type of work you do but I have worked with rude and angry people. I would think that if something were to happen and you got angry phone calls about your bf's work they might just try to say that you're on HIS side because you're his girlfriend. Do you know what I'm saying??
  24. There was just a news article about this on link removed. It was on the front page yesterday...maybe you wanna check that out?? I think it was video actually - and my work computer won't play videos...i think that's why i didn't watch it...
  25. just start talking to him!!! don't worry about age, don't even ask right away if it's not a big deal, looks can be deceiving. My bf is 25 and I'm 19, and it's really not a big difference. He was a little weirded out by it at first, i think, because his little brother is actually a year older than me!! But he got past it. Just ask him his name, and let it go from there.
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