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Everything posted by Goodfun88

  1. Forget about him and go no contact. He's playing games with you and playing along with him will only prolong that heart breaking feeling. You've done all you can, and you've been mature about it so the rest is up to him. If he can't do that, oh well, its really not your problem anymore. Good luck to you and stay strong!
  2. I personally like the 5th one down, but thats only cause I like pink! But you know you have to choose whichever one you like best! Good luck!
  3. Not only is he unromantic he is inconsiderate, thats not a good combo. If you've tried talking to him, and he hasn't changed, you have to decide if you could handle being with someone who doesn't take the time out to care about you. I know I couldn't deal with that! Good luck!
  4. I wouldn't worry at all, its not like you are going around having one night stands every weekend. If you have a problem with this, don't sleep with anyone else until you get into a meaningful relationship. Its really not bad at all though.
  5. I don't think 5 is a lot, thats a little over 1 a year on average.
  6. Not all guys are a holes! There are great guys out there, you just have to be selective and find the one for you. Take this time after your breakup to heal and get to know yourself better. Don't rush into dating someone right away. Good luck!
  7. Hmmm, ok, I guess that makes a little more sense, but I would still be a little bothered by that. But I can understand where he is coming from a little bit better now. Yeah, in this case I can see how it would be better to keep the personal life to himself.
  8. Maybe you should ask him that. I have no clue, seems so strange. Sometimes when people lie they say more than they should and over explain themselves. It seems so strange, what kind of business are you all in? Why would he need to say he is single at all?
  9. I'm sorry but that doesn't make sense. Why would he tell people he is single? He doesn't have to tell them his girlfriend works with him. It seems strange to me.
  10. I can understand your desire to see this guy right away, because you are excited at the prospect. But I think you should play it cool and wait till he can come see you. Also if its this hard for you not see him now, how do you think it will be if you do start a relationship? Would it be long distance? Would you move to be closer to him? Just some things to think about. Good luck!
  11. I'm sorry that you have to go through this. But she's made it quite clear who she actually is, and although she had you fooled for a whole year, you are much better off knowing who she really is, and you should be glad you found out before you married this woman. I know that it hurts right now, but someday you will look back and be glad that this ended because it gives you the opportunity to have a relationship with someone that isn't as materialistic and will love you for you. NC would be the best for you right now, not only would it allow some distance between the two of you, so that you can begin to heal, it may also make her want to come back to you. But if you ask me, you are going to be much better off without her! Good luck and stay strong!
  12. Normally I text back and forth a few times throughout the day, then he will call before he comes over (which is almost everyday) and we hang out till its time for him to go home and go to sleep. Is there a reason you are asking this question?
  13. I know it will be hard, but why don't you stop calling him. If he wants to see you or chat, he can call you. You shouldn't be doing all the work in this relationship. Lay off the calling and see what happens. If he doesn't call you he's just not that into you. Definitely read "He's just not that into you" like Kellbell said. It will make you look at dating in a totally different light!
  14. He can't be that good of friends with her if she calls once a month, so I don't think it would be huge if he stopped talking to her all together. But he may not react well to that request. Just remember that he's with you, and thats all that really counts! Good luck!
  15. I'm glad that you were finally able to end that relationship. You will be so much better off now! Good luck and stay strong, you can do this!
  16. Plan a trip or fun activity. The planning will get you excited and you will have something new and fun to talk about! Good luck!
  17. Here are some songs I find emotionally moving (mostly cause they remind me of someone or something) Ohio is for Lovers - Hawthorne Heights Fallen - Sarah Mclachlin (sp?) Shimmer - Fuel Never is a Promise - Fiona Apple Crush - Dave Matthews Band White Flag - Dido
  18. Oh, I'm so sorry that you are going through a tough time. You are right though, the best thing to do would be to cut your ex out of your life right away and start no contact. Only then will you be able to heal yourself and get over this relationship. Also you need to start focusing on yourself again and pull yourself out of your rut. Do you think you may be depressed? Perhaps some counseling is in order. You can do this, it won't be easy, but in the end it will all be worth it. Stay strong and good luck!
  19. Oh no, I've heard that song! Thats got to be the most painful thing to hear after a break up. It kind of upsets me and I'm in a relationship, but just thinking about the lyrics of that song, almost makes me cry, I always change the channel. You'll be ok though, cause you are strong!
  20. Yeah, he should definitely lay off the drinking. The only way I can think of to earn back trust is through time. After awhile with no incidents I'm sure you'll feel like you can trust him again. But its hard, and you will probably always think about what he did. Its going to take work on both sides to make this relationship work.
  21. Well that would be a deal breaker for me, but perhaps you are more forgiving than I am. For me actions speak louder than words, so he could tell you all day how much he loves you, but if he goes around kissing other girls, what does that really say to you? He shouldn't be drinking if he can't control himself when he gets drunk and kisses other girls, because that is totally disrespectful to you. I guess its possible to fix this if he is able to gain back your trust and you are able to forgive him. But are you sure this is someone you would want to be with? Good luck girl!
  22. I know that you are disappointed, but don't let it get you down. If he's not into you he's not the "perfect guy" for you! Keep dating and eventually you will find your "perfect guy". Good luck girl!
  23. If you felt like she wasn't giving you what you needed, then you did the right thing. And seeing as she didn't try to make anything better I think you are better off without her, and when the time is right you'll find someone that will give you all you need, without you even asking. There are better things to come for you!
  24. Man that sounds like a tough situation, I'm sorry you have to go through it. You are right though, a relationship can only work when both people give 100%. But that doesn't mean that she should only focus on you, you have to give her time for her friends, and you should make time for your friends too. But it doesn't seem like she wants to work it out, so its probably for the best that you've ended things. If she has your car I would ask for it back now, before things get to messy. I would go NC so you can start to heal yourself, maybe in the future she will decide that she wants to make things work, but don't hold your breath. From here on out you should definitely live your life. And enjoy it. I'm sure there is someone out there for you that will give you what you need. Good luck and stay strong!
  25. When I left, I don't think he "got it". That was the saddest part. I think he ended up getting together with one of the girls that plays the game, so I'm sure he's much happier now with some one that shares his passions, sad but true.
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