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Everything posted by Goodfun88

  1. Its not a booty call if you don't give him any booty! Seems strange that he wants to come over for food though. Wait till he takes you out and see what happens!
  2. Are you bartending now? If not look into getting a night job doing that a couple of nights a week, that way you are forced to distance yourself a bit since you'll have more responsibilities, plus you'll make extra money. If you are bartending already, maybe get busy doing things with your friends a couple of nights a week. Its hard though to make a change since you are so used to being around him all the time. Seems like its a good relationship overall you just need to find yourself again and don't be afraid to disagree, you can't appease him forever its better to be yourself and if its meant to be it will. Good luck!
  3. I also see my bf everyday. He comes over in the evening and we hang out and then goes home. He sleeps over when he has off work the next day though. Occasionally something will come up and he won't come over, but I think thats only happened a few times since we've been together.
  4. Maybe he thinks you are a prude or uptight? Who knows.
  5. I don't know, but if you want to have children, go for it. I would be worried about the not being married part though. Maybe you should go down to the courthouse and get married, and then have a wedding later. I know I want to be married when I have children, but if it doesn't matter to you, then I'm sure its fine. What's the hurry though? Your only 21 no need to rush into these things. Be sure these are things you really want, you can't go back later and change things. Good luck to you!
  6. I'd be disappointed. But you know sometimes people are not in the mood. You can't force anyone to have sex. But if it was all the time, you may need to address the problem at a later time when you can both have an open conversation about it. It can definitely hurt the ego though if your significant other doesn't want to have sex with you!
  7. Yeah, it sucks he didn't care, but that should just make you know you made the right decision. Of course you feel like you've lost something, thats natural and I'm sure it will take you some time to get over this relationship, but just know that you deserve much more than that!
  8. I think its great that you finally broke up with that loser! Lets face it, you've been questioning the relationship for some time anyways. Be glad that you can move on without him in your life! He was doing nothing but causing you grief! Good luck and stay strong!!
  9. You are trying to jinx yourself! Don't dwell on last year events (a year is a long time)! Yeah, it sucks, but look how far you've come! Its not fair to ask your current boyfriend to understand that you are going to be upset because of a breakup that happened a year ago! Being upset could jeapordize your relationship, and thats the last thing you need. You are almost setting yourself up for a self-fulfilling prophecy. You've got it in your head that since something bad happened at this time last year, something bad will happen again. And it seems like your almost pushing yourself towards that. Focus on your current relationship and try to work on yourself.
  10. Why are you going to be pretty horrible? What's going on? Just because you warn someone you are going to be going through a hard time, doesn't mean you get to treat them badly. Relationships are all about compromise. Just as you want him to be understanding, you need to try to be less horrible. As for not being patient or a good listener, you should really be trying to fix those things about you so that you can have a sucessful and loving relationship! Good luck!
  11. Some people are happy with anyone. I have a friend who is with a guy that is an alcoholic and beats her up regularly. She says she'd rather be with him than alone. I don't get it. Some people can't stand to be alone. I'd much rather be alone that with someone who didn't treat me right.
  12. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This questionare is just to get to know everyone in the message boards. Age 25 Gender Female 1. How many relationships have you had? 4 2. How many times have you been in love? 1 3. How long was your longest relationship? What went wrong in the relationship? 2 1/2 years. He was addicted to computer games and stopping trying in the relationship. 4. How short was your shortest relationship? What went wrong in the relationship? 1 1/2 months. He was in love with my best friend and thought by dating me he would get closer to her. Messed up logic if you ask me! 5. Are you currently in a relationship now? How is it going? Yes, its going great, I finally know what love is. 6. Have you ever been engaged? How many times? Yes, once, not this relationship, but the last one. 7. Have you ever been married? Are you still married? How many times? What went wrong in the marriages? Do you ever want to be married? Nope, never been married, but I want to be eventually!! 8. Do you have any kids? How many? Do you even want kids? No kids yet, but definitely in the future! 9. How many of your ex's have dumped you? Why do you think they dumped you? 1, he was in love with my best friend 10. How many have you dumped? Why? 2, one was addicted to computer games, the other was flaky. 11. If you can change one thing about yourself, what would it be? I wish I wasn't so stubborn and was more understanding. 12. If you can choose one quality in a man/woman,what would it be? Ability to make me laugh! 13. What is the worse thing a man/woman can do in a relationship? Violate the trust, ie cheat, lie 14. Whats more important, looks or personality? Personality! 15. Describe your ideal life partner. Honest, loving, generous, ambitious, fun, funny, faithful, caring, and much much more! 16. What is one thing you regret and can't take back? No point in regretting, you can't change the past, only the future! 17. Are you a virgin? If no do you think you lost it too young or too old? If yes when do you want to lose your virginity? Not a virgin, I think I lost it at a good age (19). 18. Have you ever had a one night stand? How many? Would you ever do it again? A few, I would NEVER have one again! 19. Finish this sentence: Love is the best thing ever! 20. Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Married to my current bf, 3 children, living somewhere up north and more affordable. Running our own business, still madly in love, and financially comfortable or maybe rich!
  13. So you should not give them the option to stop if they want to be with you? Giving money to naked woman is not like sports, video games, bird watching, or any other hobby one might enjoy!
  14. Maybe he is trying to get you to break up with him, but it to much of a coward to do it himself, so he's acting out. I can't imagine anyone being ok with that while in a relationship. Drop him now, he's a loser, he insults you by his actions and his words. You deserve better!!!! Good luck!
  15. Um, I don't think you are overreacting at all! I would be so offended if my boyfriend did that. Infact when we first started dating he would tell me about how he used to go to strip clubs and I told him if we ever got serious strip clubs are off limits. He told me that you can touch the girls, I NEVER knew that! Thats cheating to me. Also if he's ignoring you in favor of strip clubs thats a huge problem. Just my opinion though. If that was my boyfriend I would drop him like a hot potato if he didn't change his ways!
  16. What are these circumstances that are preventing you from being together? You said he's dating someone else, so I guess he didn't mind ending the relationship?
  17. You won't be in love with him forever! Go out with friends, take up hobbies, whatever you can to get him off your mind. I think jumping into another relationship so soon will not help you. As for people moving on everybody is different. Some people bounce back quick, and it takes others longer. How long have you been broken up?
  18. I think its pretty obvious you want to try and get back with your ex. You are kind of feeling guilty though that you know the other guy likes you and has been there for you. You probably really like him and respect him, but theres just no chemistry there, didn't you say yesterday you couldn't even imagine holding his hand? Keep him as a friend for now, and explore the possiblities of getting back with your ex. And don't forget to study for your exams! Haha! Good luck!
  19. Don't start dating till you've healed. You'd be putting yourself in the position to lead someone on, you can't have true feelings for someone else while you are going through this mourning of your old relationship. Give it some time, and if its meant to be with this other guy, he'll still be around after you've healed. Good luck!
  20. Wow, that was such a touching letter. You probably shouldn't send it though, but if you did, I don't think it would be the worst thing that ever happened, as long as you realize you may get no response or maybe a response you don't want. Good luck!
  21. Online dating can be tough. I know I have set up a profile and never checked back on a few sites, that could be what is happening to you. I know some of them show when a person has last been online and that can help guide you to people who actively use the site. Also you need to take the intiative and send more messages to girls if you want to get a response, don't leave it up to them. Good luck and don't give up!
  22. I'm not sure how old you are, but you don't seem to be ready for dating. Its unfair to treat people the way you are treating them. I'm sure you are eager to find love and get in a relationship, but right now you are doing more damage than anything else. Take some time away from dating and discover you and what you like, then you will be better off in the future and know what you want in a partner. Good luck!
  23. I would suggest breaking up with your girlfriend first of all. Its not fair to her. Second of all, you never know when love will happen. If that girl was the one, you'd be together. Since you aren't, you need to get back out there and be single, so that if the one does come along you'll be there, and be ready. I think you'll find what your looking for, it just takes time. Don't settle for anything less and let your current girlfriend go, its just not fair for her. Good luck!
  24. If your really feeling this strongly about it, and the relationship is over on your end, I would hate to see you drag it out any longer. I'm not sure about the rules for long distance relationships, but would it be terrible to break up on the phone? I know it seems kinda heartless, but wouldn't it be worse to drag it out until the next time you see him, after he has driven, or even worse, drag it out until you go home? I would end it as soon as possible, so I would make the phone an option. Good Luck!
  25. Take some time away from the situation and focus on your exams. It will give you a clearer perspective. I don't think you need to make any kind of decision right now. If your ex wants you back, he's not going to change his mind in a week, and if he does, good thing you didn't decide to get back with him. Also if I were the other guy, I would never date you! All you do is talk about your ex. He doesn't seem like a good option for you, because if you really liked him, you wouldn't talk about your ex all the time to him. Focus on your exams for a while and when you come back to the situation, maybe it will be clearer.
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