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Everything posted by Goodfun88

  1. Calling you names and throwing stuff at you doesn't sound very good. You shouldn't accept that behavior. Your friends might be right, you may need to move on.
  2. Are you sure that its urine thats coming out? That doesn't sound right. Sometimes when you orgasm, fluid will come out, but its definitely not urine, though I believe it does come out of the same place. Not sure though.
  3. Goodfun88


    I don't know about that, and just because someone looks older, doesn't mean they are more mature. I'd be careful with that, infact, it might be against the law depending on where you live. I'd be careful with that, why don't you find someone closer to your own age?
  4. I hate to tell you this, but that guy was not your friend. Friends don't do that to friends. Sorry, you got played. Learn from it, and make sure in the future you make it clear that your children are important, and come first and any guy that has a problem with that can walk. Don't let this one guy's actions effect how you think of all guys. Good luck!
  5. Goodfun88


    Who cares what your friends will think? Do what you want to do. Ask her to hang out one day after school or something so you can get to know her better, and see where it goes! Good luck!
  6. You are much better off without that guy. Of course what you did wasn't exactly right, but hey, better to know whats really going on than to be left wondering. If he was really into you he wouldn't be looking for anyone else.
  7. If your in a serious relationship with a guy I can see how he might be insulted if you didn't want to swallow. Thats like saying that what comes out of him is gross, which is not what someone wants to hear from someone they love. Of course you have the right to say you don't want to do it, and he should accept that, but you should also see where he is coming from.
  8. I don't think there are any over the top signs that he has feelings for you, but you never know. Maybe ask him out for a drink or coffee after work to gauge his feelings. You'll never know if you don't try. Good luck!
  9. Regardless of whether you friends are guys are girls when there are 3 of you who are equally friends, someone always gets left out more than the other. Its very hard to maintain a threesome (friends wise, haha). Especially if 2 of the people have more in common (the guys will, well because they are guys). Just ride it out and I'm sure things will get back to normal soon. These things have a way of working themselves out, although it can hurt at the time.
  10. Why don't you join an SA support group, you'll meet others like you, and maybe you'll make friends there?
  11. I think you are way to negative and down on yourself. You probably don't even believe that you deserve a girlfriend. You do though. You should work on being more positive and focus on the good qualities you have. Get out there and meet people. Don't sit at home and wonder why you don't have a girlfriend. Get out there and meet people. Join an online dating service. Ask friends to set you up. Anything. Don't put so much pressure on yourself to get a girlfriend right away. It'll take time to meet the right person that you click with so just enjoy dating. Good luck to you, you seem like a great guy and I'm sure you'll find what your looking for!
  12. Obviously you aren't ready for a relationship. Not even hand holding. While you may be craving this type of affection I think it would be best to wait a little bit longer. Just because one person betrayed you, doesn't mean everyone will, remember that. There are plenty of good people out there who will treat you right. Take care of yourself now, heal, love yourself, and then when you are ready, jump back into the world of dating, but don't do that until you can release the pain and anger you feel for the one who betrayed you. Good luck and stay strong!!
  13. I think if relationships are too easy, people will lose interest very quickly. But they shouldn't be so difficult that both people have to completely compromise all there beliefs and values. There should be a happy medium somewhere in the middle. If its to easy both people will take it for granted and it will eventually fizzle out. But if it takes work and both people are committed to doing that work, its more satisfying and fulfilling. Just my opinion though!
  14. Just because a girl says she'll go out with you again doesn't mean anything. She's obviously not interested. If she wanted to go out with you, she would have already. The IM conversations speak for themselves, its like your pulling teeth to try to get her to talk to you and she still doesn't. She's not playing games, she's just doesn't like you and figured you'd get the hint by now that she's not interested. How many times do you have to ask her out and try to talk to her on IM before you get the picture? Move on and find someone that is interested in talking to you and going out with you! Good luck!
  15. I hate to say this, but I don't see her being very interested in you. Stop contacting her, if she likes you, she can call you or IM you talk to you. Seems like she is just trying to be nice, but is trying to hint to you that she's not interested. If she is interested, she' IM you or call you.
  16. What happened to innocent until proven guilty? This guy may genuinely be a nice guy. On the other hand, if you intuition is telling you that something is up, just be on the look out. There is no way that I know of to decode guys because they are all different and it would be impossible to know what each and every one of them is thinking. Take it slow with this guy until you feel more comfortable. Good luck and enjoy what you've got, it sounds like it has the potential to be great if this guy is on the up and up!
  17. If she was into you she'd find time to see you. She'd make time for you because she likes you. I think its possible that she's not into you. Move on and find someone who wants to see you and doesn't play games with you! Good luck!
  18. Perhaps you are a compulsive liar. You should try to just be yourself. Maybe you are going through an identity crisis. Why are you lying? You know you are doing it, so you can't be too far gone. Why do you feel the need to lie to people or act like someone else? Are you trying to fit in? As far as school goes, do what works best for you. If you feel getting you GED and going to community college would suit you better, do that, if you don't feel ready for that, continue in high school. Ok, good luck to you!
  19. I've only brushed once a day for my whole life and I have like 2 small cavaties. I'm sure that brushing twice a day is better, but at nighttime I am too sleepy!
  20. Well that could possibly be a sign of no chemistry. Thats not good. But maybe you just need to kiss a few more times and see how it goes. The first couple of times I kissed my current bf, it wasn't great, but now when I do, its amazing. So try a few more times, if there is still no chemistry, maybe he's better off as a friend. Good luck!
  21. Instead of looking at the situation in fear you should look at it with hope. Now you are both out of school you are free to move around and work where ever you want. You could possibly move closer to him, or he could move closer to you, or you could both go somewhere new. The thing about LDRs that makes them hard is that sometime times you feel you may never be together, but both of you graduating gives you the chance to be together if one of you moves. If you don't get together soon after your graduations, I don't know how much longer you'll last cause you seem very unhappy with the LDR situation. Good luck!
  22. Um, maybe you should try asking her out? She's admitted to liking you, if you don't ask her out soon, she'll move on and think you don't like her. She probably already thinks you don't like her, but you could possibly recover from that. Good luck!
  23. I signed up for one online once and it didn't cost any money, but the assignments were few and far between and paid like $5 but I also don't live near a big city. I forget the name of the site though, sorry.
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