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Everything posted by onmyownagain

  1. FCTex. My wife and I got back together about a month ago and I can tell you as soon as we decided my girlfriend was dumped, the same day, I didn't give it a second thought. I know this sounds harsh but if you love someone, then nobody else matters.
  2. What about some sexy undies for you. Sure he would like that!
  3. I think marriage is like that after some time. The thing is, what do you do to try to make it more exciting? It takes two to tango and if you do run off do you think you will suddenly be some exciting person? You arn't now are you? I have just got back with my wife (she told me to leave a few months ago) and believe me, she is pleased to have her boring husband back now!
  4. Well, if you don't ask you might never know. On the other hand she may get angry and say you don't trust her etc. and use it against you. She might also be looking for an excuse to tell you she wants out and this will play right into her hands. Only you know how she will react so you need to make this decision yourself.
  5. Just to say things are getting better every day. I look forward to going home in the evening and I am starting to feel like she is my best friend. Something I hadn't felt for a long time. Ordered her roses to be delivered on Valentines day and looking forward to a great day with her because we wont be working!
  6. Together a year. Split for a year Together again for 11 years (married 9) Split for three months back together for a month and counting...
  7. Look at it this way. I didn't send my wife a birthday card after we had split, or a Christmas card but it didn't stop us getting back together again eventually. If you send the card you will end up looking like a fool, if you don't send it, it wont make any difference to any future relationship you may have with her.
  8. I didn't try to see her. In fact I didn't see her for over two months before we got back. She texted and called me a lot but I never initiated any of these conversations. She did all the chasing because she did the dumping! At the end of the day, if someone dumps you then why would they expect you to chase then? Doesn't work, so they have no choice but to chase you.
  9. I do love her, not sure if that is enough after going through the breakup. She is really keen for us to work now and is doing all the right things, hoping she wont put a foot wrong is what she told me. She realised quite quickly after the split that she had made a mistake but took a couple of months to get the courage to ask me to have the talk.
  10. Hi, Married for 9 years, split for 3 months. We have the one child. Really not sure it is worth the hassle of going back, I was actually becoming okay being on my own
  11. Some of you may have followed my posts and know that I have gone back to my wife about 3 weeks ago. All I can say is that is bloody hard work. She is being great but I am having all kinds of problems I didn't think I would have. I feel bored after the freedom I had after splitting up. Back to watching East Enders and the other rubbish soaps women like to watch every night! The house doesn't feel like it is mine any more so don't really want to live there any more. I look at her sexy clothes and lingerie and think did she buy these after our split? Did she get them for someone else? We are talking about these issues and she tries to assure me that everything is fine but I am struggling to let myself go and come back fully. I still have my flat and have hardly moved anything back to our house yet. Just something for you to think about.
  12. Why don't you just give it another go? Are you hoping someone better will come along? Sounds like you have a good relationship to me as long as you put in the effort you might just find you can be happy together.
  13. Time apart worked for my wife and me. On the day I was told I don't love you I moved out. A week later she told me she was sure she had made the right decision and doesn't want me back. Three months later she said she was sure she wanted me back and the time apart helped her to see she really did love me. So now I am back home.
  14. Thanks for the input everyone. This will not make any difference to our relationship, if we are going to break up again it will not be for this reason. I think I just need to put it to the back of my mind and try to forget it. I have had sex with the new girl before I got back with my wife and although the girlfriend was a more adventurous lover there is just no comparision with the feelings I get when I make love to my wife. Just hope things can stay as good as they for us now.
  15. OK, I got back with my wife recently and have found out accidently that she slept with someone else when we were apart. She wasn't going to tell me but I knew how many condoms we had at home before I left and now we have 4 less. I know she hasn't done anything wrong and I also had a relationship after our split but I can't help thinking about them together, especially when we make love. She wont go into any detail because it is none of my business. This is not going to make us split up, but I am hurting like hell. Advice please?
  16. Danny, Like I said to you before, get out of there and make her miss you. As you know it worked for me, I couldn't be happier now we are back together, but at the time of the split she was sure we were over forever and I was making her fill trapped. Funny what a couple of months apart can achieve.
  17. Thanks Danny, If she carries on the way she did yesterday then I think we should be okay. Good luck with your wife as well, I think I said before once you move out completely it gives them a chance to miss you.
  18. Hi Everyone, about 3 months ago my wife told me she didn't love me any more so I moved out. Have tried NC as much as possible but because we had a daughter this wasn't possible, but I only contacted her if it was necessary. She on the other hand contacted me quite a lot for silly reasons and although I normally replied, I kept to yes/no answers if possible. Anyway, she has contacted me a lot over the last couple of weeks and tried to get herself into my new flat to have a look around. She managed to get in here yesterday when she picked up my daughter. Then she started texting more and more last night ending with I better go now before I say something silly. I said shall I come round for a chat and it kicked off from there, I stayed the night and we are getting back together. Once again NC/LC works because absense makes the heart grow fonder.
  19. Sorry Dan, it must be so tough for you. You need to get out of that house as soon as you can.
  20. VME, I don't agree with you at all about you wife leaving. In sickness and in health should mean just that. My wife was sick for most of our married life and I wouldn't have dreamed of leaving when she was sick. Okay, if she had an affair or something I would have, but not for purely selfish reasons. She had kidney failure/transplants etc. so I am sure you can relate to that.
  21. Hi Danny, We were married for nine years and together for about 13 years. I found I regained control after I decided to let her get on with it and I would get on with my life. Tell your wife to stop calling you and just contact via texting, this gives you the time to look at her questions and answer at leisure and also puts some distance between you to give her a chance to see what life is like without you to chat to all day. Hope Christmas day wasn't too bad!
  22. Why don't you just email her to F**K OFF! Then she will probably reply with feeling and then it might just sink in that she is NOT INTERESTED IN YOU! Accept it and move on!
  23. Hi Danny, I live in the south coast and have had a similar experience to you although there isn’t anyone else involved my wife asked me to leave the home because she doesn’t love me any more. As you probably know the courts don’t care what you or your wife have done, they only concern themselves with what is best for the kids and I would say your wife would get the house without a problem unless you fight for custody. In my case I have moved out into my bachelor pad and she is still in the house. I am not paying the mortgage any more but I am paying her money each month to look after my daughter and this does cover the mortgage but I consider the house is now hers until our daughter leaves full time education in ten or so years so I will just have to keep on renting. The funny thing is, we have been apart for three months now and all of the sudden I think she is changing her mind about us. The other funny thing, Danny, Is I don’t think I want to go back now, isn’t that strange? I would have gone back in an instant a month ago. I still love her but the marriages wasn’t as good as I thought and once you think this you start to think of all the bad things and the good get pushed to the back. So, maybe wait a while for the divorce, I wouldn’t want to go through this at the moment but there is no reason to get divorced just yet because once you start….
  24. ShySoul. Thanks for that, you are right. My ex contacts me a lot at the moment especially this week, even started emailing me jokes today which is a first. Think she may well be having second thoughts with it being Christmas, but the more she does it the more I feel okay about the current situation. Weird!
  25. Dogg. If you do send it you may well give her a nice ego boost but it wont do you any good at all. Listen to what people are telling you. DON'T DO IT
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