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Everything posted by onmyownagain

  1. I am a man going through the same situation at the moment. I can tell you I have started seeing someone new but if we split up now I would not care in the slightest. Why? Because as Mun says, you life gets turned upside down and you don't know right from wrong and probably wouldn't be too bothered what happens to you. I know that I couldn't cope with anything else happening at the moment and this is before I even go down to divorce route.
  2. You people are so lucky to be able to go NC. Pity the poor suckers like me who have to talk to our exs all the time because we have a child
  3. No, don't be alone. You will drive yourself nuts. This is the time you find out who your true friends are. A good friend wont mind you boring them with your troubles because that is what friends are for. I am sure you do the same for them.
  4. Dogg Don't send it! It is my ex-wifes birthday today as well and I am not going to send her a card or anything, why should I? She dumped me a couple of months back so if you still wanted anything from me, she should have kept me at home with her rather than turn me out of my own house. Not going to send her a Christmas card either. Can't do no contact because of my daughter but at least I can keep all contact down to a minimum.
  5. Hi chaos. Thanks for replying. I didn't want to use it as an excuse, she contacted me and put the worry there. She is back home now, she didn't tell me this, I found out from my old neighbour who texted me last night. I think it was unfair of my ex to tell me she was ill in the first place. If she hadn't told me I wouldn't have worried. Just to add to the problems it is her birthday today.
  6. It may be a rebound, but is it possible he had the relationship going before you split or maybe set up ready for after you split? Quite common I believe.
  7. I do have contact with my daugher, although she is only nine so doesn't know too much about what is happening with her mummy at the moment. She is staying with her gran (wifes side) this week until I get her on Friday.
  8. I have been doing what is recommended here by not answering my wifes calls and ignoring texts unless they are about my daughter and then I reply with basic yes and no answers if I can. But on Thursday she texted me to say she is very ill, and I responded by asking her what is wrong. She texted back and told me what was up and I responded that I hope she will be okay. Then on Monday she texted to say she is worse and is being admitted to hospital. I texted her yesterday morning to make sure she is okay, but she isn't going to die or anything but isn't doing good. I don't know what to do now. She hasn't texted since and I haven't texted her. I was really on the mend but this has set me back quite a bit.
  9. Divorce should always be the last resort. Every other avenue should be explored first. If you don't believe that then don't get married in the first place.
  10. Hi, I am a bit older than you but I also would prefer a woman without children even though I have a daughter myself. The difference is, children normally end up living with the mother. So me, for example , have a nice two bed flat which is mine in the week to do as I please and can go out whenever I please. But at weekends my daughter is with me. My ex-wife has her at home all week so can't get out so easily because she needs baby sitters etc.
  11. Fall in love again. What a scary thought, might have to go through all that pain again in the future
  12. Hi Donut, The relationship was always a bit rocky I guess, but most of the time we were happy and I didn't think we would ever split. But the last few months were very bad and my wife drifted away from me. Told me she wasn't sure she loved me any more and wasn't prepared to carry on trying. The usual type of thing. I don't actually feel too bad at the moment because I do feel a certain release but I do miss her. But I don't think that is enough for me to want to go back to the relationship.
  13. Hi, I split up with my girlfriend for a year. Then we got back together, eventually got married and split in September after nine years.
  14. Trouble is, this happens in waves. You go NC for a couple of weeks then she texts, you reply then it stops again. But you are hooked again.
  15. The only thing is. If you do reply to the text she may well text you back with another question. Before you know it you are texting each other a few times a day. You look forward to the texts. You may even start talking on the phone, but you only talk about the weather etc. and not your relationship. All the time you are doing this you are giving her emotional support but without a relationship. She is moving on nicely and getting on with her life but you are just waiting for the calls and texts, hoping she is going to ask you back. Believe me I know as I have been there recently. After a while you have to ask her to stop calling etc. as it is not good for you. Then your pain starts all over. Don't reply!
  16. Hi, I read on here about going into NC so you can heal and hopefully make your ex miss you. But what is the point? My ex contacts me all the time over silly things because of the usual reasons you see here all the time. But out of the thousands of posts on here that show the ex contacting you, how many actually end in a reconciliation? Not many I would guess, so why does everyone hope and pray they will as it seems very unlikely that it is going to happen.
  17. Hi, In the first few weeks we actually had a lot of contact. She would often text and call me for a chat, sometimes for an hour or so. I know the reason she was doing this is because she is lonely etc. We never spoke about us as such, but it was nice to talk, but we were not going to move on doing that. Which is why I asked her not to contact me unless she had to.
  18. Hi, I see on here all the time the benefit of no contact, but what if you have children? I don't contact my ex-wife at all if I can avoid it but I have to pick up my daughter on Fridays so have contact at least once a week. Can't see this changing until my daughter leaves home one day. So my question is, how do married couples with children move on? Even though I have started seeing someone at the moment, I still can't fully let go because you just know that text will arrive just as you are having a nice drink in the pub.
  19. I think you need to forget about this family and move on. If your wife left you, she takes her family with her and you need to break from them all. This is what I have done since my wife kicked me out a couple of months ago. I know this is hard but what choice do you have?
  20. I have had this myself. I think you need to talk about until you start to get bored with the subject yourself. My family don't want to hear about it all the time, this is when you need your close friends, that is what friends are for.
  21. Hi, I am a 37 year old man and I live in a flat (but I do own a car). But until recently I was married and do own a property (wife and daughter are living in it). I have just started doing the dating thing again, and I don't think I would be interested in a 25 year old to be honest. I guess you would be nice to look at but I don't think you would have the same outlook as a more mature person. For example, I wouldn't be seen dead in a nightclub now though I would have at 25. I think perhaps my minimum would be 30 perhaps a mature 28. I suppose if I had never had the marriage thing then things may have been different but I have lived my life and gained experience.
  22. The trouble is, the first text is always a question about my daughter. It is the next one that moves on to something else. Never about us but just a way for her to get some interaction. I here from friends that she is feeling very lonely so I can understand why she is doing what she does. But I said in my email to her why I thought she was doing it and also that she probably made the right decision to split. Her life now seems to be go to work and then sit at home. Shame really.
  23. Well, She started to text again yesterday, same sort of silly thing but at least the number of texts has dropped down. As for the dating thing. I think that may have been a mistake, I had a nice evening and enjoyed the company but I think she is starting to read too much into it. I texted her on Saturday evening to say hi because I said I would. She wanted to know if I had been thinking about her and she asked me the same this morning at work (she sits near my office). I guess she is at the nice stage you go through when you start dating and is excited about when we next go out (sometime this week). But for me, it means nothing really as I am a long way from being able to have any sort of relationship. I don't want her to get hurt so perhaps I should not see her, although I did make it clear on the night we went out that I wasn't really ready for anything yet. Life is so complicated.
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