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  1. Im sorry but it is so sad to see all these divorces, I lived through one when I was a kid and now may be in one, WOW lookes like some type of pattern, or chain reaction, most people getting the divorce are thinking emotionally, please try to stop and think realistically and rationally, try VERY VERY VERY hard not to get the divorce and work things out with books and counsling and etc. sit down and think, there was something that brought you together, you BOTH just need to find out what it was and were it went and TRY to get it back, what are we teaching the next generations that come along, were showing them that this is like some kind of cool thing or something, nut we are talking about LOTS and LOTS of heart felt pain from so many directions. dont get me wrong some times divorce is the only way, what Im saying is real and truly try, one thing that really woke my problems up was when I started to read ALL the definitions to these words and truly understand the DEFINITION of these words: TRUST, RESPECT, LOVE, CARE, HONOR, TRUTH, especially the definition of MARRIAGE!!!! It helped me alot, and I hope this helps you and your spouse, please share all you can with them so they UNDERSTAND also..... sorry for this but I hate divorces... and I hope I can stop mine...I think Im just in the mood to VENT ALOT HOPE THIS HELPS SOMEONE! I think it might have helped myself...
  2. Hey SuperDave !!! Heres one for you, Im in the same boat as all of the postings I have read over the past three days you all have posted, all I can say is AWESOME, and my heart goes out to each and everyone of you, Here is a good question for you, what would you suggest if, my wife of 17 years was (pushed) out the door (and you know how I did that, trying to talk about the relationship) but I have to admit she dropped the bomb on me 8 months ago and the first 5 I tryed to talk about the relationship...DUMMM!!!...but what the problem was
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