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Everything posted by BYOB

  1. Inverse psychology ? Don't care about people who wants attention ? Won't help duh Oh I forgot to say that I'm paranoid and that everything that's not perfect pisses me off. So the fact that 12h passed and that I had only ne reply frustrates me. Sadly, I don't want to hurt anything around me when I'm feeling depressed so all I can think of is hurting myself. (This reply is not to catch anybody's attention at all.) It's so painful to be in my head.
  2. Philosophical yet essential question of life: point of life is ...? That's the point where you might be interested in documenting yourself on philosophy. There are many philosophers who started a theory on our reason to be alive (on earth). (Even though you get the answer, it won't make you any mythical person you might dream of. I know that.)
  3. Your generosity might take her back, you knew that, right ? Don't give up ! You might want to find something to do; one more reason not to be at home. Interested by a trip ? She'll never think about it and after one week that no one answers the phone, she'll give up by herself. Don't give up ! She's definitely playing the fool with you. I wouldn't play that game. Ain't there an easyer way to deal with that like to cut the line and buy a cellphone or to change your phone number ? Remember not to give up ! Dangerous game...
  4. It's no use to elaborate. Nobody will care about it. I've been told so many time that people cared about my situation. Where are they now ? I need them. I need them so deeply. I get to think that I also said that I cared. Well I didn't forget them so soon. Even recently, I thought about them. I want them to be fine. But they want it less than me. I'm just one man alone in the world who thinks that caring is another state of mind. So how can I get any good reply ? By the fact that I get entertained, I might find my pleasure in it again even though I'm not that convinced. (Just found that in another thread ) I don't see myself into any particular job. I've gone to university two times and failed more than one course everytime. I have the talent of overthinking. What a waste of time, right ? I have the hobby to play games and surf on the internet so that my life goes smooth and speedy. I've been on a lower point so I can necessarily go even more low. Finally and most of all, there is nothing I need and nothing I really want to get but a bit of money. I'm good at helping others but I can't think of anything that needs education or that's not benevolent
  5. What's your professional background ? What did you like and did not like of all of those jobs ? Have you seen a specialist to help you making a choice for your career ? What's your academic level ? What matters did you like and did not like at school ?
  6. She's very manipulative and starting from a while ago, she's going to tear your feelings apart and leave it all to you to pick them up. Move on and as soon as you can. I'm happy for you it's a long distance relation which mean it should be more easy to forget about her.
  7. I didn't even have friends as a reason to go to prom so I didn't even go to it. Instead, I stayed home alone in front of my computer. So I can understand your pain but please think about something else. You're going to graduate from highschool. Congratulations. That's the first step to take for being well educated.
  8. It's been some days that I don't feel alright. I don't do anything much more than stay on the computer. I lost my wish for pretty much everything, which can really make me think that I'm depressed. I lost my sense of entertainment. All I do is sit and watch almost like if I was already out of this world. I feel so alone in my world. I'm not in my normal mood at all. It's weird that I'd normally know what's going on with me but I barely know what I'm expecting out of this post. Can you hear it ? I'm crashing into madness once again I just want %&?$ attention. Post anything I can reply to ! That's it ! I just want any form of attention; I know what's wrong now. I just want anybody. Heh I just want someone heh, I'm mad.
  9. That answer is not like: "I lost it", "thrown it in the garbage" or "it's somewhere in my room" which is good because it means that she has nothing to hide from you. In other words, if you weren't told about those pictures, it's not like there is a secret behind it. You will probably find everything out soon. One thing to avoid now would be to make the conversation you told her you'd have with her soon become a fight. Otherwise, I'd be relieved; it's not about to be the worse case ever.
  10. I can only wonder about that girl...is she ready for that kind of relationship ? You are but she might not be though. I don't think it's a really good idea...I just don't feel it thereforeeee I'm lacking of proofs. It's up to you or actually more to her.
  11. Her reaction is the best clue you can have. That sentence..."I dunno...he gets pretty weird sometimes." is your answer. How did you hear the words "I love you." coming from his mouth on the phone ? "I dunno": She feels confused. It can be either by: A: It's the first time that she is told "I love you" B: It's the first time that she is caught. "He gets pretty weird sometimes": Means she think that the feeling of love is weird in that situation. Alright. Have you ever said that you loved a man? (it's not just about true feelings) In my case, I did (I'm straight) but the really important point in all of that is when do you place those words. I would say that you won't place it at the very end of a conversation unless it is a true feeling. I can garantee 99% that this question will have you find out the truth: Where is the double of this picture? If she took it with her, it means that it's precious. If it's precious, she can't have lost it. She probably gave it. My point of view: Just told you what were the facts but what's to be done is to talk, drop her, move on.
  12. There would be tons of ways that would hurt people. I wouldn't start off with a proof. In my opinion, the best way is basically to report what you know to your sister in a conversation with her just like if you were telling any other moment of your life. If she asks for proofs, also tell her the truth; you have none but make sure to ask her if she wants you to get proofs. If you accept to come back with proofs, well you're intanstly involved and that can mean trouble coming from her boyfriend. Otherwise, stay aside and...make you got your eyes shut when comes "KaBooM" ? If she refuses, I think that there ain't much more that you can do except to wait for her in your arms when she'll have her own proofs.
  13. Well yeah it means she wants you to play with them but you don't have to wait for that sign to go ahead.
  14. So, did you talk to her about it and if yes, how did it go ?
  15. Psychologists are guides that make you think someway different than the way you see it. However, if you feel that you know how to take a different approach on things, well they are useless. What makes the greatest difference is probably that they are bound to professional secret. That plays on your favor when you fear to be betrayed by a friend or that you have no friend to confess to. I could compare psychologists to sunglasses against bright (almost blinding) sunshine. You can see without them but usually not as clear as with them. Personnally, I prefer this website rather than a psychologist since it's free, that more than one person will give you their point of view and finally since you can come here every day of the week without the prerequisite of having an appointment.
  16. I think that you just need someone to support your goals. Your mother really seem to mind about your future but in my opinion, not in the right way. I hear artists say "my parents never supported me until that I was successful" and that I think you should consider it. With the support you need, you can get a job you will appreciate and that's something crucial especially for people who think that money can't buy everything. Otherwise, the interest in the jobs of those people is to be rich. Some can though it but many don't. My final advice is: please build up your future and not your parent's dreams.
  17. In fact, fictive communication such as via internet is a lot more complicated than In Real Life (IRL). I think that you should not worry about your online relationship. What counts the most for now is your IRL relationships. Secondly, what did you end up answering to her question about having sex with her ? I don't think that it's a good idea since along your interogation, you don't seem comfortable with it. Before having a sexual relation with someone, you must feel at ease with the person, first of all. Finally, pratice is the key to many things. If you think that you don't have social skills, it might only be your point of view (might be false) but anyway the best way to improve is to practice. My comment on that matter: I think that staying in front of games/computers doesn't help with social skills. What do you think ?
  18. Sounds like the kind of guy who doesn't want to fool around. "If you're up to emailing, alright, I'm open to that idea but I'd rather see you instead. I wasn't particularly looking for friends..." I wouldn't start to act like an interviewer. It's good that you've identifyed that he didn't ask you questions. It's usually significative and in this case, I guess that he's feeling down since he's missing an opportunity to get a quick date. Signs of Sympathy Impulsivity (Or he highly lacks of something)
  19. Communication is an awsome tool. Your post is clear, well structured and coherent. Considering those facts, I think that you should talk to her about it and if everything goes well, you should normally get to know her point of view in addition to let her know that it made you feel some way incomfortably. What do you think about this ?
  20. Don't you enjoy going outside and do some activities ? Even if you are alone, there are many that are too but do their best to go over it by leaving their home and going outside. You could break conversations and there you go, you won't feel as alone anymore. Is that possibility something you think you can make it happen ?
  21. What's your job ? Is your family big ? Who's your girlfriend ? Until next time, Cheers
  22. That's a message destinated to any procrastinator to advice them on how to stop procrastination in addition to be a really good feeling for me... I just did a quick move that took me three days to make it happen. I had typed "chronic procrastination" in google. So I was reading some of that documentation and at the point I felt the most into the message I stopped reading and did my move without thinking. I really felt like there was something going on within me. It was incredible. EDIT: All of the evening, after posting this message,I did all kind of small things I would have never accomplished. Now it's past and done. It's the best present I could offer to myself for christmas. I can't believe I did it. It's insane how that means a lot to me. PS: If I'm not talking about the move I did, it's to make it more general. To proove that it applies with everything. In addition, you don't have to be during christmas to do it for yourself!
  23. I'm not certain about what you said. Did you mean that she confused you with another worker or that you gave her fake pictures ? I don't understand why she would say "Oh that explains a lot" otherwise. How did you discover that she was nervous and shy if you've never seen her ? "I'm scared to meet you, I don't think it's going to work." I don't think it's a good sign. Move on; that's my personnal suggestion.
  24. I wouldn't let that be if I were you but I got my own way to function. I am able to take the time to sit and talk and free my mind of any anger. Communication is the fastest way you'll learn if your boyfriend is cheating you. However, I do not think that it will be the easyest way for you depending of how you describe your feelings. Have you ever been in this situation before ? Now here's a real simple thing: opt for a break up. If it doesn't work, then next time opt for trying to stay together and stop thinking about your anxiety. Although it might seem a coin flip, I did not go along that way of thinking. Ignoring someone is extremely difficult. It takes about 6 months to never depending on people. Leaving someone you cherish is extremely painful. It takes about 1 to 6 years to recover. One of the most important difference is that in the first case, it might get worse by affecting new matters and create new problems. Don't lose hope. Keep your head straight and quickly move on with your final decision.
  25. BYOB


    I got a quick review of your situation. Childhood: Quick Ignorance Adulthood: Organisation Wisdom You're starting from childhood and facing adulthood. As every human, we want everything to be perfect. What you're trying is to quickly get organised with a girl and although you know nothing on the matter, you want to make your approach wisely. Got any clue where I'm trying to get at ? You can be one, half-way or the other but not both at the same time. Just like day and night. I want you to believe in yourself. There are so many people who got into your position but by persevering into other ideas aside of girls and succeded, that their attitude took them at the same level with girls. Other than that, just don't mess up your life if there are only girls that you can't have. Take support on things you're successful in not to let you fall by other matters. What do you think all of this ?
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