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Everything posted by djedix

  1. not to be crude or anything, or insult anyone here, or anything... but reading stuff like this.. Makes me not want to ever get married.
  2. If you run off see eachother, What would you tell your husband? would you tell him the truth, or would you lie? To get over him, you just need to pack those feelings away, and put them on the shelf of your life labeled "past". everyone still has feelings about people from the past hidden down inside them.. but we accept it, and move on with life. because that's what life had instore for us.
  3. that's the thing about breakups, each party tells there own story.. people listen to whoever they know better... and that's just how it is.. best thing to do is let it go, and froget about her. you can be angry, just dont do anything to her... actully if you see her, disarm her with a smile... meaning be nice, and smile... she'll be like what the heck? cuz when you smile, it confuses people...
  4. Hang out with him, see what he wants... if its a relationship, just a hook up.. ASK him he'll tell you. don't let him lead you on.. If you need more attention then once a week (which i think we all need). If he's leading you on, then get rid of him. Find someone closer to home..
  5. Don't be jealous... be thankfull.. You saw the true nature of the person you thought you loved... If someone loves you, cares about you, has respect for you... they don't make you feel jealous.. they dont run off with random guys. They only need one guy, and that one guy should be you. I don't think you have to think you were to jealous.. You were just questioning her actions, that bugged you. And those are shady actions if you ask me...... i think anoyne would have questioned.
  6. she actully might come by tonight. so i might actully get to see her....... CORRECTION, she's busy again...
  7. im going throught the same thing... its so frustrating
  8. honestly put yourself in the situation... It sucks you break up with a girl, and like a few days later, maybe a week later she's already onto someone new... you would question everything. especially if they where the ones who broke up with you, you'd think to yourself obviously something was going on....
  9. For evey guy who wont commit, there's probally 5 who will. you cant make them commit really. if you make them, you'll just push'm away
  10. i need a girl who's about me, not all over the place never hanging out with everyone else, and not taking me along and stuff... maybe i'm selfish but that's just my thing wana be a social butterfly, stay single... it's probally easyier and you wont hurt someone who does want a relationship.
  11. Would you now say the next time a guy is all nice and stuff, especially when you are vunrable, are you going to question his motives? And would you have done the same thing if you weren't drunk?
  12. guys dont like when they know other guys who go out with there exs... especially so called "friends"....
  13. ew guild wars...... WoW is where it's at! LEEEEEEEEEROYYYYYYYYYYY
  14. It's ok bud, I'm 24, and i've dated 5 girls this year so far.... obviously 4 didn't work out, just gotta keep on truck'n You got alot of time ahead of you... I'd focus on you, education/career wise more importantly then ever at your age. Figure ouy what you wana do, and then go for it... cuz love will always come and go when it's suppose to... don't wait around for it, and dont make it the focus of your life... to find that 'one'
  15. What game is he playing, maybe i can hunt him down and player kill him for you Honestly thou, I do play computer games too, But seriously if like a girl asks me to do something, Espcially if it's my g/f... i usally 99% of the time pick real life... Seems like he really doesnt care about the relationship, if there is one.
  16. People can be pretty stupid if you ask me... They will do things to intentally hurt people, even if it's tell them what they have been doing with other people... When my fiancee left me in Jan, i was like well my life's over... haha i laugh at that, because i have had one of the best years of my life.... yes theres been pleny of heartbreak this year.. but you know what? i've learned so much about myself, and what i really want and need from a person... being alone is depressing, but it's not the end of the world. The only thing that can heal your pain is Time, and in time you will see what we're all talking about. Obviously some how you met this girl..... so you'll find another one.. That's the process till you fight the right one.. You just need to better yourself now, and get back to being you. Smile alot, it confuses people!
  17. I've had it happen 3 times to me with 3 diffrent people... it's not fun. Every time i've felt the change and pulled out.... Question, when is the girl most likely to get pregnat? on or off her period?
  18. That is key. Not finding a "replacement" you can have those cuddling, kissing, all those kinda feelings with anyone. But to start a new relationship.. you need to over the past and ready to move on.
  19. I think if a 'hot' enuff guy, who acted the same way, gave you attention, you'd froget about him quickly... I'll go out on a limb and say that guys in relationships act diffrently... they care more... that makes them more attractive to girls who like that... then the run of the mill single guy.
  20. slash his tires, and smash his windshield. Oh wait, that's not good advice (but he deserves it)
  21. You want what you can't have... "all the guys i want are taken" You just need to look harder.. a The last thing you want to do is ruin his relationship, because if you make moves on him and persue him, that's exactly what you'll be doing.. Only reason i'm so intrested in this is because i dated a girl who was intrested in someone that was taken, and as soon as he broke up with his g/f, she was all over him... and I was left to the dust. not fun.
  22. Actully he's not a rare find... there are plenty of guys like him. You just are obessing over him.
  23. ok but i'm not going to let this go... Look what you did to yourself all morning.. look at what you posted.. Do you feel at all that you over reacted? do you feel kinda embarrassed/stupid the way you were talking this morning? I'm just asking because when I freaked out infront of my friends over the last ex, i kinda made myself look like a giant {censored}.. and i felt really embarrassed. I kinda learned from all the times i did that... that you just can't act like that, esecially over a girl. I'm not attacking you or anything, i'm just trying to make you realize, kinda like i did.. that over reacting about stuff... isn't good.
  24. text him back and say "What not you're?"
  25. dont talk to her the rest of the day unless she contacts you, and when she does, be plesant, and dont pick a fight... and you cool down.. dont make this into something bigger then it is.
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