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Everything posted by djedix

  1. Don't get so worked up about it. I highly doubt he made it a point to write forward on it, and then had another person do the rest... At least he is showing you that he's forwarding you stuff that you need, and not just throwing it away. He's not trying to hurt you, he's moving on.. yes he had it planned, and it hurt you. but the longer you think he's out to hurt you, the longer you'll be this way. Honestly if a girl cheated on me i'd never talk to her again. She's not worth my time, because cheating to me is telling me "i don't love you". Move on, you'll find someone so much better, and he'll flip your world upside down... I promise.
  2. probally still has feelings for you. you could always just.... ask?
  3. Well first you gotta find the balance of being aggressive vs being obsessed It's funny people always say not to call them all the time and make them come to you... which is it?
  4. if you REALLY have to know, you can take his email adrress and search on.. i'll say link removed since it's the biggest and see if it finds a profile. Other then that some people leaver there IM open all the time, and arent really at there computer.. so it might be kinda like that... If you don't want him on the computer so much just encourge him to do things like hang out and stuff.. get him away from it. you seem to have alot of issues trusting this guy.... from your other posts and such... whys that?
  5. djedix

    porn issues

    Watch it with him.
  6. Don't talk to her. End of story. Fool me once shame on you Fool me twice shame on me
  7. sleeping with friends after breaking up is not the best thing to do... Example. my friend dated a chick. I then dated her, then another one of my dated her. i always joke the other guy who hasn't that his time is coming. I got mad when i found out at first cuz i wasnt completey over her, but then i just stoped caring. we all think she's easy thou.
  8. He will most likely keep his mouth shut. If he does brag to someone in the circle of friends, it will more then likely get out..
  9. woah this guy is going to go insanely crazy. I don't know if you should tell him just yet.. but then again if you never tell him and he finds out from someone else..... forget it.. I think you just need to be honest.
  10. he's gonna get all freaked/jealous when you do tell him
  11. 1. No, because once things are said and done, it's very hard to go back to what once was. I take every relationship that has ended and save as a learning experince. I have no regrets for what has happened/was done to me. 2. Mainly because I knew that the relationship wasnt going anywhere, because my partner was unhappy, or unintrested anymore. Letting them go thou is the hardest thing because i sometimes just can't figure out why they don't wont to be with me anymore.. People loose feelings, and learning to accept that, and loosing people is something i'm personally working on. 3. The fiancee wasn't happy with where life was going with me. So she decided to leave. Which is fine, and i can sit here and say I have accepted that now. I thought you know she just didn't love me, or wana be with me anymore, which was part of it, but mostly because she was scared of growing up... something i can't help her get over. I was knocked down, but not out.. It was not the end of the world... it was not the end of my life... I thought it was at the time. 4. I have learned so much about myself this year... More then ever. I have always been down on myself most of my life... i was settling with the fiancee, because i thought i would never really meet anyone else... I did love her, but i'm not sure in which way. Did i love her for who she was, or did i love her for what she did for me? I kinda lost sight of who i was before i met her... and then afterwards i kinda relized you know i'm young, 24 years old.. Girls are attracted to me, and will come to me (all 5 girls i have met/dated this year all came to me) I also relized how insecure i am, with most recent ex, who now i see really had no respect for me or my feelings (aka sleeping with another guy). Those insecuritys and fears where brought on by the fear of loosing her, just like i lost the finacee. The fear of loss consumes me, when it happens, and ruins me. The best way to compare it to something is how Anakin, was so afraid to loose Padme. He obsessed, and destroyed the galaxy and everything in his way to try to save her, but in the end his anger, his hate, his insecurity, his quest for power... No matter what he did, there was no way he could stop from loosing her.. he actully caused it in the end... That is what triggers my insecurity, and that is something i'm currently working on as a person to fix. Not worrying about when somethings going to end, or when someone is going to leave you. Letting go of the thought of loss. Not knowing if the current girl i'm seeing is going to loose intrest in me, or whatever.. When you worry about these things it makes you crazy, to the point where you physcially can get sick from it. I have, i had an ulser after everything with the fiancee. It's not healthy to sit around and wonder and wait for the future to come to you... You gotta go out there and get it... better yourself... which i have done, on the outside, now i'm working hard to fix that on the inside. 5. this all happened in this year.
  12. Ever since my breakup in Jan i have felt a ton of anxiety. I still do to this day somedays it's better then others. I think it stems from me being insecure since everything happened, and also that i have alot of time by myself where i think too much about stuff. I over analyize and think about all the possible outcomes of all the stupidest things. I also worry to much about other people, and everything in my life that i really have no control over. I've found when i can get focused on something, something other then love, relationship sortta stuff, i do less sitting around and thinking since i'm busy.
  13. I agree, I don't respect the love of teenagers pretty much because... it's nothing at all compared to what it's like as you get older... Alot of them come on here saying it's the end of the world when they break up at 15,16,17.... and it's like heh, you've aint seen nothing yet...
  14. It's very easy if you know personal information about someone. You don't even need to know the password on some of the sites... I'm not going to explain it..
  15. Dont make yourself so avalible for her. because you might start to develop feelings for her, and she might just see it as a friendship... Just ask her what she thinks, and ask her why she doesnt pick up when you call. If she cant tell you the reason... then who knows.
  16. So dont sit around and wait for her. Flirt with other girls. Hang out with them. Meet other people. Learn about you. You never know what you'll find. or who you'll meet Because... She lost feelings for you.. because she does not know what she wants. and she wont until she's about 30.. hell she might not ever know what she wants. She wanted the break so she could go do whatever with the guy and see if it would work, and you care about her, so you gave it to her.. and now she can be single and flirt with other guys... Let her go see what it's all about.. and if she truly loves you.. after she gets played by shallow guys... and all the crap we as guys do to girls.. she'll come back... but DONT ever put your life on hold for another person.
  17. If you like her... then why be so afraid? Just walk up to her, talk to her directly and say ask her how she is, what's going on. make small talk, then just ask her if she wants to hang out/go for a drink/ whatever you do where you are. Like Nike says. Just do it.
  18. When someone loves you, you know you're doubting it right now. and you have every right to be if your seeing red flags. and if she can't come out and be honest with you, and tell you what's going on in her head.. how often do you tell her you love her and why tell her? why not show her.... actully showing her you love her will make her love you... and maybe then she will say it Don't over use the 'love' word.. it's just a word. and it's overused. Because what happens is it looses meaning, after saying it 100 times.
  19. just because a guy looks at porn doesnt mean he wants to have sex with other people, or is thinkinging he's having sex with other people. he's just trying to get off, because forwhatever reason he's not getting it from you. and don't think its something you did, and don blame him for wanting to do that, because it's human nature. and to honestly sit there and think that he doesnt love you, and doesnt want to have sex with you... is stupid. don't break up with a guy because he looks at porn. every guy looks at porn. just remember it's better that he's with you and he's looking at porn, instead of going out and finding sex. cuz i think THAT would be a real problem.
  20. confidence is the key.. once you got that key you can open so many doors..
  21. It would be good.... you know for the ones who always tell you "fall inlove with yourself first" so Drink it yourself, and fall in love with your self, then you'll beable to love someone else... probally doesnt work that way hah other then that you might aswell just kidnap and brainwash someone cuz it would be exactly the same thing lol
  22. Never wait for a girl. Go be you, and let someone else enjoy who you are.
  23. Just remember all the jerks women run into there life, It's always benficial to the nice guy... because when they find the nice guy they will be like "omg hes so great" and love you forever..
  24. I can't lower my self to ask and hound women for blowjobs.. If they want to, i let them... but I never ask.
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