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Everything posted by djedix

  1. See that's the catch with the no offical title thing... since tecnically your not boyfriend and girlfriend by title... she might think well i dont need to call him.. that's where she's getting that little extra freedom.. which is fine, it's just hard to handle on our side of it, because yea, here we are waiting to see them and then we hear nothing... But i agree, she will call you and be like hey im sorry about last night.
  2. It doesnt go away over night... It will in time thou... once your ready to forgive them for what they did to you, and accept that maybe it just wasnt ment to be... it gets alot easyier.
  3. Honestly do you think she really lied to you thou? I'd think of it as just plans changed, and maybe she was just to tired to drive over, or whatever. maybe she was just having too good of a time with her friend, and didnt wana leave. I really wouldnt laber her as a lier.. I wouldn't even bring this issue up again with her, because it will cause her to think your clingy or a little posssive. I mean It's a hard time right now... Friends are going away to school and stuff, and alot of people wont see these people till thanksgiving/semesters over. I told the girl i've been seeing to go hang out with her g/fs all week, i'm not going anywhere. Cofidence man cofidence. She's with you, and obviously she wants to be with you. don't worry about it.
  4. You think to much about the little things. I know because I would do/have done the same thing. She's not out to hurt you. She's not going to go out and cheat on you. She's not out planing behind your back... just relax!
  5. Sucks doesnt it? Thinking everythings ok.... then it all comes crashing down... We'll i'll tell you what.. pick yourself up.. Dump this chick.. Get her outta your life... and move on... I think you know that thou... I just got that vibe reading your story. Go out and have fun, and do it all for you now... I promise someone will take notice, and will want to be with you.
  6. Don't ever... ever... ever. ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever...... ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever...... ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever...... ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever...... EVER... blame yourself what SHE did to YOU. She ruined the relationship, she wasnt even ready to date honestly, because she was not over the ex.
  7. Depeneds on the guy. I like being touchy feely (cuddling, kissing, holding hands) Some guys don't like to do that.. it's the same with girls too. I've been with girls who do the same thing. It depeneds on the person.. and you can't make them change, i remember it causing fights.
  8. Is it possible she has met someone new, who she would like to have a relationship with, and is possibly pushing you out of her life to make room for them? I mean.. to me it sounds like she's doing things to make you mad... SHE knows how mad you get when she's late, but she keeps doing it anyways... selfish? yea
  9. Absolutely never, and i mean never should another human being 'force' (yes by making comments and saying stupid things) another into having sex. Who cares about there so called needs.. It's not needs, it's selfishness. If someoene ever says "if you don't sleep with me i'll cheat" well right there is a red flag Why should you have to give yourself to someone who makes threats against you? I'd never give into that. Just because you are in a relationship with someone, does not mean you are there sex toy, having you when ever they please, even if it's against your will. As for cheaters, they do what they want because they can, and the people they are with let them. You gotta be strong, and put your foot down. Don't let them do it, because they will just keep doing it over and over. Teach them a lesson that there behaviour is garbage. somethimes thou, even that wont make them change...
  10. Some how when i'm completely trashed, i still have the sense not to get into a car and drive. That's just me thou..
  11. I think it helps alot of people who are shy, or with low selfesteem beable to meet and connect to people. And it's the age of instant everything, so Instant meeting people and dating is here... You wont get a relationship out of it if you play it that way, but it's a new option, and i can see it becoming more and more popular with the younger teens and such with myspace, and whatever else they use. It's kinda like advertising yourself... without you doing much but making a simple profile
  12. Myspace is pretty much used for hook ups and crap. Thou 2 of my friends met on there and are in a relationship now... but they are not the normal myspace banther.
  13. Myspace, where ANYONE can be a playa... I can see more and more of this myspace type of thing happening, as that site gets bigger, and more people on it.. They should really call it Hook up space.
  14. what did i do? froget about dating. Improve myself. all about me me me, make myself happy... Yes i want to be ina relationship.... but who cares... how can you ever be in one if your not hanging out, getting to know people OTHER people? you can't just expect someone to be like HI, let's go out! it would be nice... honestly, every girl this year has come to me... I've not looked for one at all..... i'm up to 5 now. yes they all dont work out, but that's just the whole dating thing.
  15. How much do you know about online games? They can be come very addicting, to the point where you wana spend all day online playing them. I know i've played 2 in the past 3 years. And there has been times when i was single, where i would just come home from work, and jump right on, and before I knew it it was 3am..... One thing i dont think many people understand is that, when you play these games... the stuff in them is always changing.. That's why people can get addicted to them very easly. It's kinda also like a giant competition to see who can be the best. whos got the best gear, who's the strongest of them all. Personally i usally drop the game now if a girl / friends wants to hang out or something. i
  16. I consider myself a nice guy... a little insecure, still a little afraid of being alone ( i go back and forth on this issue).. But i'll tell you this, my cofidence has boosted like a mofo in the past year.. Ever since the ex fiancee left in Jan, I have been just trying to completely change myself. In this time i've met/dated 4 girls.. I've screwed 3 of them up because of my insecurity, which has come from the fiancee. BUT all of these 4 girls have come to me.... And it's like what in the heck? What was i doing wrong the 2 years i was single before i started going out with the ex fiancee.. I don't know, but now it's just like girls keep coming to me.... and i'm like not doign anything other then being me? I never thought I was attractive, (the recent girl calls me hot lol). I mean i'm a very honest person, and i help people, and listen to girls when they have problems. When it comes to wanting a girlfriend, I do rush things to much, for whatever reason, and end up ruining things. If i could figure out how not to rush into a relationship, and let go a little bit calm myself down..., then maybe i could have a lasting relationship.. I make myself to avalible for them, which I gotta stop doing. If i can master that, then i think i'm finally ready to get into a relationship.
  17. I wish that i had the lack of respect for women to say stupid things to them to use them, and to make them feel horrible. Actully i don't. I'm glad the way I turned out
  18. Cut him off again.. by NC your showing him your not putting up with his behavior. You should also be using the time to heal yourself too
  19. I think alot of guys, when they get a girls attention, they take it as if the girl might have a thing for them
  20. Is it possible he is talking to another girl? Sounds like typical guy behavior when they got there sites on something new..
  21. Best was one time i bought them with my g/f and we were walking out of the store, and a car full of our friends pulled up and started talking to us. My g/f turned bright red, and i guess her one g/f in the back saw them through the plastic bag i was holding, and she got pissed off, lol i have no reason why... Or the one time i was working at a food store, and a couple came on my line with a box, and i scanned it but it didn't work.. and i was like uhh how much do these usally go for, and they were like we don't know, so i just tossed it down the belt and said "this ones on us" pssssst just buy them online...
  22. You are young, and i know you don't want to let go.. but i think the best thing to do in this scenerio is to let go. If you really care about this girl, and even love her, you should let her go, because she's no longer happy with just being in a relationship. As hard as it is to do.... It's not you. It's nothing to do with the way you treated her. Don't blame yourself, or anything you've done to her, on yourself. She's growing up, and so are you. Letting go will have her go out there, and see other guys, get hurt, be happy.. It hurts you yes, because you can't do this for her anymore... but you too should do the same thing. Go out with other people, experience life! don't think that love is what the movies make it out to be, we're all not going to meet someone and be like omg we're togeather for ever! and get married and stuff... If you really love this girl, you will let her go, and let her be happy. The more you try to struggle, and keep the relationship alive, the more conflict will arise, the more unhappy you both will come, the more you will worry about it. If you go out and start new relationships, You will begin to learn alot about yourself. I mean look at me, i had a fiancee leave me Never looked back, and no contact for 6+ months. Then I got a g/f now who got unhappy, played very imature games with me, causing me to break up with her... and is now seeing one of my who i thought was a good friend. I'm pissed, and im upset, but i go on, because I know somewhere out there, is that happyness we all want. and we will find it, eventually.
  23. How would your boyfriend feel if he knew you were getting so upset about another guy not calling you....
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