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Everything posted by Jetta

  1. I need to know where to look when having a regular, friendly type conversation with a person. I tend to look people in the eye a lot which I'm finding is taken as a flirtatious thing. During interviews, business conversations, etc. Where do you look?
  2. I think it's sweet that you'd go out on Valentine's Day. And it would be extra special if you did give her a small gift (rose, chocolate, etc.). Have fun.
  3. I've been known to say what you have just said. You either need to talk him into mariage counseling (I couldn't talk mine into it) or start planning your divorce, which I'm doing. You could have shared custody, not easy but is an option. Perhaps it's your daughters age, she'll reach an age where her mom will become more important. Really it shouldn't be about how much you can deal with, but I feel the same way about my marriage.
  4. I'm going to tell you I've often wondered the same thing about image being everything. And as a teen that's why I quit before I started. I too sing, and am plus sized. Whenever I sing people, strangers, come up to me with compliments. I've been told on more than occasion that I have gift from God and I should be sharing it. I've had professional musicians tell me I should be earning a living as a singer. I'll find my niche. If I have something God wants me to share it's going to happen one way or another. I continue to put myself out there. I get a lead here and there, but like her nerves do get the better of me sometimes. The more I quit judging myself and just sing, the better off I am. I'm getting better with experience. I've actually been singing publicly for about a year now. It's the most fun I've had in a long time. Yes image matters but there is more to it than that. I'm taking image out of the equation and learning other things I can do better instead of blaming it on my look, which I am also working on. Trust me there is a lot more to it than I thought. My name is getting out there and I know they're watching me.
  5. Have you thought of having it waxed off? It'll be longer lasting.
  6. I think about him all the time. When I try to distract myself things happen that remind me of him. I totally like this guy, and I believe he likes me too, but I'm married. I am planning to divorce my husband, not for anything having to do with meeting him, but because it's been a pretty miserable marriage. I've been trying to get myself together enough to divorce for nearly a year now. I'm working on my career going (financial independance), and just trying to get my life straightened out (therapy). But I want to be with this other guy so badly now it's really distracting me. I have never felt this attracted to a guy before. I didn't know this existed until now and the wait has become so hard. It's been 4 months since we first met, really 5 but I figured I was just infatuated. I had no idea he was feeling something too until recently. I don't even know if we'd work out, which is why getting things right before jumping ship is important to me. Money is why I'm still married. Need not love. Oh I need to focus.
  7. I think it's about your attitude. Are you approachable? Do you walk with a smile or a scowl? People like happy people. I am definitely not a thin toothpick girl, nor have I ever been and unless I don't have food for years likely won't ever be. However I'm generally friendly, smile at people, and show interest in them. I think acceptance of certain factors needs to occur in your mind. You change what you can, accept what you can't, and learn to live life to it's fullest. If I allowed society to rule me I would certainly never tried half of what I have so far. People have come up to me and asked why I'm so confident. I just laugh them off or make a assine comment. I have days when I'm not, but generally I am because I live from the inside.
  8. There is nothing wrong with doing what you want to do. Go ahead, it's called TAKING A VACATION! Shut it all off, perhaps get out and do something you've wanted to do but haven't for whatever reason. Have fun!
  9. Okay I went to karaoke last night, mainly to see the guy I'm infatuated with "T". Well I ended up sitting at the bar, near a nice looking guy who started talking to me. That guy ended up being the older brother of "T"! So "T" says "I see you're flirting with my brother. He's 33, married, with 3 kids" OMG I just started laughing, and said something about how "some of us can't help being naturally flirtatious." Referring to myself and Mr. Flirt himself. Honestly they don't look anything alike. Both attractive but both so different I never for a minute thought they were related. And I really didn't feel like I was flirting with him, I was just having a conversation. But I guess in manland a conversation means flirting. But I think I responded to his accusation well enough. It did make him smile. Okay anyone else have and embarressing moment they'd like to share?
  10. Well the family therapist came tonight and saw him while he was in a mood. I asked about respite care or voluntary placement and she basically left to make some calls. She says he's not suitable to be put in a foster home right now and recommends a residental treatment program. She'll let us know what she finds out. She also says generally if the parents say voluntary placement they go to dad but his dad has supervised visitation on record so they wouldn't send him there. Guess I have the answer to my question. I hope it's a positive one. Really threw me when she said he wasn't suitable for a home, now I know he is that difficult. It made me feel less horrible about my feelings.
  11. Well for initial attraction. It's the eyes and hair. I do also like confident, friendly, outgoing. I also tend to go for a small to medium build body type however the guy I've fallen for is different from what I usually go for, yet I find him totally sexy and am so attracted to him. He's a little chubby, has smaller but stricking eyes, and his hair is receding a little. But damn I've never been so enamored with a guy as I am with him.
  12. Jetta

    Is it wrong?

    Well then I'm shallow because I do have body part preferences for men and I'm a woman. No it's not like I say if he doesn't fit my ideal I dog him, I just have parts that I do prefer for personal reasons. There are men that prefer flat chested women, you just don't happen to be one of them. My brother is one of those men, probably because well endowed women would remind him of his mom or sister.
  13. The school is heavily involved. The principal actually comes out to our house once in a while to make sure he gets to school. There are lots of people trying to help him and he's getting progressively worse. They think he's bipolar. I'm just really drained and he's very dangerous when he's mad.
  14. My son has a major violent streak and he's now 9 years old and getting worse by the day. He's bad at school and at home. His bio-dad is much the same way, which is why I have never considered giving him custody before. I honestly can't deal with him anymore. He's flucking out of the 4th grade because he refuses to do his homework, skips school, he's just awful most of the time. He's even on meds and in therapy, still this behavior continues. Anything can and does set him off. I just don't know if I can in clear conscious send him but I'm not getting through and about to break in a very bad way.
  15. The bill is probably a mistake, just call their office and they'll resubmit it to the correct insurance company. Yes it's your hormones and men don't usually get it. Just because you feel hormonal now doesn't mean you'll be depressed afterwards. You may actually feel fine after the birth. Do something that is relaxing to you, warm bath, massage, pedicure, whatever it is. It will really help you these last couple of weeks.
  16. Thanks Clever, yes you helped. I am now working on getting back in shape, starting a new career, strongly considering a divorce. So I'm in the mending process. I was just shocked by how forward this older guy was. He did a pelvis shake thing even! When he was being complimentary I did ask his wife if he's always like this, she nodded. But even that took it over the edge for her, she left him there. My self-esteem did take beating with my 1st husband. Long story. But I portray myself as confident and bubbly (especially drunk). My inner feelings only come through in posts and if people start asking questions while I've been drinking. I'm generally a happy person. Just a deep thinker.
  17. Well I'd say you have a point if I wasn't the one who initiated all the outings. I can't tell you the last time he did, and when he does agree to go out he's usually pissed at me for one reason or another and spends the evening conversing with our 2 year old. As for my weight gain. Well there's numerous reasons behind that but one is I was tired of being treated like a piece of meat rather than a person.
  18. You are not being too picky. It sounds like you have both worked through this relationship, and it's time to move on. People do have sex with only one person who they ultimately marry. It's not as common as it used to be but does still happen. So he's pretty much saying he doesn't feel fulfilled in your relationship and is keeping it as a safety net. My other thought is that you are experiencing the 7 year itch.
  19. If men care anything about a person or if it's just about having sex, making babies, what have you. Honestly is sex all they really care about? Maybe I'm just in a bad state of mind today. I got hit on by some freakish guy IN FRONT OF his WIFE! Initially it was all normal complimentary stuff that I just politely said thank you. I thought he was just being friendly. Oh that was a mistake. He later progressed into wanting to make babies with me and stating that he'd be a good provider. This man is slightly older than my parents! I was shocked, and I know I didn't handle it well but my God who says that? I hate feeling like a piece of meat so much so I've actually gained a lot of weight and still get hit on. Not all guys are freakish like this one, but I really wonder what the hell I'm doing or not doing that brings on this kind of attention. I am married to a said "nice guy" who has nothing in common with me, rarely converses with me, rarely takes me anywhere, hasn't been a good provider, but will show up to get some if he's so inclined. Is this all life is about? Get married, have a child, and end up being the sex toy? It's not that I haven't enjoyed sex, I just want there to be more. It all feels so meaningless to me.
  20. You know Annie that's normally how I am too. Not sure what happened to me here, but you're right that he should be trying to impress me in some way. The reason I thought it might be jealousy related was that he sent me a drink right after another guy did. There are plenty of other places to sing karaoke, not as clean as that place but I need to step back.
  21. Keeper, I distanced myself because I felt played and foolish when I was told.
  22. He has shown up at places when he knows I'll be there, actually sat down and told me a little about his family. Most of the time it's this game stuff, which I find really annoying. I think he's trying to be mysterious or something because I once said that mysterious guys intriqued me. I tried to back off and that's when he started appearing at places. I hate that I like him so much, but it could just be that he's made it such a challenge.
  23. Okay the guy I actually am attracted to tends to ignore me most of the time and flirts with other girls in front of me. He'll buy me a drink, listen in on my conversations, look me in the eyes, yet flirt obnoxiously other girls. Does he want me to go away? Is he pissed because other guys are giving me attention so he's flirting to get back at me. WHAT???? Okay here's a more detailed explaination. I went to the bar to see the band. He was working in the restaurant. His coworkers told him I was there and he came up to bar area. He then began flirting with a coworker, butt pats, various flirtatious type touching and ultimately he picked her up and like twirled her around! That is when I walked out and left. During the time his stuff was happening. A guy from the band came down during break and was talking with me, semi flirting (arm touching), etc. There was also an older guy who bought me and a friend a drink, kept complimenting me, asked me to dance, etc. Then he got really bold which creaped me out, but I had to sober up before I could leave. So that's why I wonder if he was just pissed and getting back at me, or if he really just wants me to go away.
  24. If you believe that is what she has get her to nuerologist for some testing asap. They have medications that slow the progression of the disease, it works best in the earlier stages. My Grandma had this and my parents took care of her until her death (from bone cancer).
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