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Everything posted by Jetta

  1. You did the right thing. You're neice may be the same age but she is not your daughter. The child you got rid of would have been the rapist incarnite. You truly are better off, and I hope you will find peace with your decision.
  2. Are you on birth control? That could be causing this problem. Otherwise speak with your OB.
  3. Drink more water. You're probably dehydrated. Is blood clotting something you need to consider? Because a clot can feel like a cramp.
  4. The equity is from the house. Its the money that's leftover after paying off the loan amount. He either needed to list and sell the house, then pay me my portion, or take a loan out for my portion of the equity. He told me before he couldn't get the loan, now he's telling a different story. And the house is no where near ready to sell and I want out.
  5. They do care, for them it's about status. For you it's about reputation. Your reputation has been hurt, his status enhanced. Big mistake that it involved someone you work with.
  6. My ex doesn't want to pay my portion of the equity. He was approved for the loan he said, but has since totalled his car and plans to use the money for a car. He says he plans to list the house and sell it then pay me (okay in 2 months, nearly nothing has been done to prepare the house for a sale). Basically I need the money to move out, and he knows it. It is written into the divorce decree, but I don't have the money to take him to court at least not right now.
  7. Sounds like you're doing the right thing by working with a therapist. Maybe your girlfriend needs this space to heal her own issues. I really think you need to focus on getting well. Perhaps she'll return, perhaps someone else will come along once you're healthier. But for now focus on getting well.
  8. You really need to speak with your doctor. Maybe you have a sleep disorder, maybe you're depressed, maybe there's a medical reason you're unrested. Get an appointment and ask for tests. It might take a while but they'll figure it out.
  9. I'm really wondering why this guy is telling this to you. That makes no sense to me whatsoever. As far as what people decide to do in their own life. Frankly judging people hasn't gotten me very far so I opt out.
  10. Try this site: link removed It might help you figure out the meaning of the dream. You have to piece it together, but it has helped me with some strange dreams.
  11. Jetta

    My Boss...

    Coming from someone with bedroom eyes. Don't go there. He'll make it known if that's what he wants from you, besides it's your boss! It's not likely to happen even if he did want it to. Every guy I look at thinks I want him. I don't.
  12. J.F. if you're family won't listen please speak with a school counselor who will get you the help and support you need. Each person on earth is here for a reason. The trials you are going through now could help you help someone in the future. You know there are periods in life when everything seems awful and like it won't get better. But for tonight if you just go to bed early, you'll wake up to a new day and likely will gain a new perspective. I've struggled myself, and I do know that life does get better. But sometimes the tough times really seem like they won't end. But they do! They always do! Then you can appreciate the good times even more. You're just 14. So this may end up being the worst part of your entire life. Perhaps you have a hormone imbalance that is causing these depressed feelings. See a doctor to rule out a physical problem, try medication. Find something to live for because there are always reasons to live.
  13. Maybe she thought she knew you, until she looked into your eyes. My brother has numerous look a likes in the world. When I see one I stare and wonder why my own brother didn't say hi to me. Then I realize it wasn't my brother after all when they got close enough for me to look into their eyes.
  14. You'll lose that feeling after giving birth, trust me. I'm definitely not an exibitionist, but I'm less concerned lets say than I used to be. They see all kinds, what's mine gonna matter. Oh I'd probably just do the binkini.
  15. People who make friends more easily are generally more outgoing, happier disposition, etc. I'm a more serious, introvert. So the friends I have are few but close. Maybe an extrovert can give you some pointers or even do some reading. I've learned how to appear extroverted in certain situations just by techniques. Generally though I prefer a close-knit group of friends.
  16. No idea on either truthfully. Reason shaving there is a rare occurrence in my world. Maybe waxing would alleviate the itch factor. I'm seriously thinking of trying that out.
  17. Jetta

    It's over

    Yeah I was assuming. I've feeling overly sensative lately.
  18. Really a professional would probably be a good idea. They can either offer coping methods, or get to the root of the problem. A lot of times it could just be a learned thing, and once you relearn something you'll notice the changes. Or there really could be a problem that needs treatment. But it's good to check into.
  19. Jetta

    It's over

    Was that remark really necessary?
  20. Jetta

    It's over

    The question I thought was dumb was about me having any control. Yes that is true there are no dumb questions, I just took offense to that particular one is all. As far the girl being a girlfriend, I don't know what to think. He was not flirting with her or touching her or anything. He told her who I was as in "That's {my name}" pointing me out, not introducing me. He continually made eye contact with me. He was just sitting next to her and choose to leave with her, but the fact she was there made me uncomfortable and sick to my stomach really. It could have been a friend or not. I'm just overall tired of the game so I figure if he really wants me he'll figure out how to find me, and if he doesn't well I'll find someone else eventually. This is after hearing a few days ago that he really likes me. Well the real comment was "His eyes light up when he looks at you." So I don't know I could just be overly sensative. Either way I've left things up to him.
  21. Jetta

    It's over

    I really think that's a dumb question honestly. Of course I have control. Ever read the book "Mind Power" by John Kehoe. I live my life based on principles from that book, including partner selection. It's only recently that I've decided to relenquish (?sp) some of that control because I'm finding that I may get what I want but I don't necessarily like it, so maybe there's a better way. Since my dad's passing I've gotten a lot of messages about God, church and the like. So perhaps he's trying to lead me in a different direction. I saw a sign the other day saying "You may think you're in control but God doesn't take vacations." Actually I'm a lot more relaxed now that I'm not trying to control every aspect of life. I'm trying to go more with the flow and it's freeing. Still do work in my mind power thinking though because it works, a little too well sometimes.
  22. Jetta

    It's over

    Meaning it's very unlikely we'll see each other again unless something happens that brings us together. In order for that to occur I believe God would be involved.
  23. Jetta

    It's over

    I saw soulmate guy last night. I basically said in my head that tonight I would know for sure if this was heading anywhere or not. I got my answer. He was there with a supposed female friend, who he left with even though his true female friend offered to take him home. I later told the female I know he's just friends with that I was done with the bar scene. So unless divine intervention occurs I'm done. In my mind it's over now. I'm letting him go and moving on in my life. He got the message this morning because my heart aches. I hope the pain passes quickly.
  24. Time to really focus on getting a new job. The odds of changing the situation at work are slime and very time consuming. Good luck with your job search.
  25. Ask again, you won't know for sure until you do. Try giving more notice maybe.
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